; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : November : 14th (Tuesday) : BURMESE ROMANIZATION ; 

; ; ; ; Updated on 14 : 11 : 2023 : BURMESE ROMANIZATION ;

Brief Introduction: Burmese Romanization is based on Echols Collection, Olin Library, Cornell University ( www.cornell.edu ) 's online cataloging in 1989; At that time, this DOMAIN developer helped online cataloging to Prof. Curator John B a d g l e y, USA's Library of Congress as code ("A M K," Aung Myint Kyaw); This old format Burmese Romanization webpage might help Myanmar students, researchers, scholars, and professionals who search Myanmar documents through libraries in the United States of America;

Also see: Chinese Romanization; Nippon Pronunciation;

1; Consonant 2; Vowel 3; Medial 4; Conjunct Consonant
5; Final Symbol 6; Tone Mark 7; Punctuation 8; Numeral
9; Abbreviation 10; Word Division 11; Capitalization 12; Example

1; Myanmar Consonants     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Consonants

reading direction: from left to right;


If you pronounce , pronounced by Rakhine way of speaking, therefore, and can be classified explicitly; Because, Union of Myanmar represents Union of Culture, Union of Tradition, Union of Languages, among ethnic groups ... ; this DOMAIN recommends gentle men, dressing/wearing long pants, because all gentle men around the globe, dressing/wearing long pants (i.e. business manner daily);

consonants ( k a, y a) are like 90 degree diff ..., also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D;

2; Vowels     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Vowels                Top



















3; Medials    US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Medials                Top








Medial are written in the order: y, r, v, and h;          e.g.









4; Conjunct Consonants     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Conjunct Consonants        Top

Romanize an upper consonant before a lower one:







Note that the following consonants have modified forms when conjunct:


















5; Final Symbols     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Final Symbols                Top





6; Tone Marks     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Tone Marks                Top










7; Punctuation     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Punctuation                Top


comma design; Radical124, also see: Radicals;



8; Numerals     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Numerals                Top


















If you pronounce , pronounced by Rakhine way of speaking, therefore avoiding language conflict of ; Because, in official English language speaking nations (e.g. Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Africa, USA, ... ) pronouncing "shit" is not appropriate; Therefore, Rakhine people's way of pronouncing is proper and correct way of speaking;



9; Abbreviations     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Abbreviations                Top









10; Word Division     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Word Division                Top

Myanmar words: leave a space after each syllable;

Loanwords: use the same division as in the original language; Apply the same practice also to loanwords with modified forms in Myanmar;



Original Language: Chinese


Original Language: English


Original Language: Indian


Original Language: Mon


Original Language: Pali (Modified)

11; Capitalization     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Capitalization                Top

Capitalize as for English;

For personal names composed of Burmese elements, or of elements treated as Burmese, capitalize the initial letter of each syllable;







12; Examples     US Library of Congress Standard Romanized Examples                Top







1; Some symbols of the Burmese script are attached above, below, or beside a consonant; Where such symbols are listed above, a plus sign is used to represent the consonant;                

2; Absence of vowel symbol in the script is represented by -a in the Romanization, with the following exceptions:

(a) when a different vowel is indicated by its appropriate symbol; See 2; vowels, above;         

(b) when the absence of any vowel is indicated by the symbol ; See 5; Final symbols, above;

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