; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : April : 13th (Saturday) : jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : jinko chino Artificial Intelligence; Remark: this FILE is designed by 360 lines of code, and might be worth 360 trillions dollar;

Brief Introduction: in 1950s, artificial neural networks (heuristic search (path), machine); in 1970s, Boolean logic (TRUE, FALSE) vs. fuzzy logic (% of false, % of true, false (F), neither false nor true, true (T)) ; since 1990s, (Calculator, Dictionary, Translator) As Devices WHICH have been embedded, And Then, Katakana (R o m a j i) Keywords and its chipsets' (reference, value) ... ; in 2000s, in addition to (calculator, dictionary, translator), GPS has been embedded for location awareness; nowadays (21st century e.g. 2020s) and beyond would be: Idea Processor (e.g. 128 bit Idea Processor, 256 bit Idea Processor) ... ; basically and commonly known as AAI, AI, AIA, ... doko WHERE AAI is Advanced Artificial Intelligence, AI is Artificial Intelligence, A I A is Artificial Intelligence Application, ... ;

(, ) Nama For Humanoid, knowledge may begin : by learning oriental language e.g. Radical ; Radical ; Radical ; Radicals; by learning theory e.g. Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization; and so on ... ;

aesthetics, a part of philosophy i.e. HOW to be artificially intelligent self (correct ways, majjhima way (a.k.a. Middle Path, also see: m Pali), right ways) ... ;

ACT3 imaginary hyper space:

the highest knowledge based AI would be: calculating Yellowish Variations As Distance for human beings livable moons; reversed Yellowish Variations;
the highest knowledge based AI would be: analyzing variable DEE patterns for each human being livable moon;

e.g. AI for fresh water or salt water, doko WHERE Akoya pearls prompt ((Circle if Salt-Water), (Oval if Fresh-Water)) ... ;

ACT2 imaginary hyper space:

many methods, procedures, techniques, ways, ... EXIST; e.g. FILE can be defined by S P L based pressure; e.g. Majjhima Way (neither hyper nor hypo) for defining Good Gene can prompt Gene Therapy System; e.g. system security (keyboard) can be protected by electronic piano's defined audio sequence patterns; and so on ... ;

ACT1 imaginary hyper space:

Basic AI logical .  .  .  .  . ; I o T, using N F C; e.g. using software router, in addition to hardware router;

(our earth) based (e.g. this DOMAIN 's Satellite _DNS _Domain) location awareness e.g.
ima nanji desu ka ? (in English: What time is it now?) ... ;
doko desu ka? (in English: Where is it?) ... ;

regarding fuzzy logic (% of false, % of true, false (F), neither false nor true, true (T)) , logical gates are e.g. : ; ; ; ; ; ; ;


1 9 2 9 6 9 3 9 1 3    
a r t i f i c i a l    


9 5 2 5 3 3 9 7 5 5 3 5
i n t e l l i g e n c e

AAI, AI, A I A, ... e.g. :

analyzing images in dermatology, pathology, radiology, ... ; Also see: MD;

assuring quality of this DOMAIN users ... ;

avoiding accidence in auto ... ; Also see: Automotive; kadosei Mobility;

correcting Algorithm ... ;

combining items, objects, things, ... ; e.g. coupling; e.g. Z-index (zero Curvature (layers));

combining machines to enhance system's performance ... ;

deciphering genomic ... ;

detecting fraud ... ; e.g. calculator, dictionary, translator, GPS, ... must be matched;

diagnosing (D x) abnormalities ... ; font; "going to be out" would be one of the keywords, regarding "font" , also see: AI FONT;

forecasting weather ... ; e.g. Global Manmade Weather;

intelligently sharing ... ; e.g. mobile W i-F i hotspot; e.g. software Router; e.g. quota of disk;

knowing signs & symbols; e.g. Schematic Symbols;

knowing system number and its associates ... ; e.g. factoring of root; e.g. WHICH smart phone;

learning oriental characters ... ; e.g. Mini Dictionary;

locating (I o T, using N F C) location awareness ... ; i.e. beyond GPS;

obeying Shakya King's orders ... ; e.g. law and regulation (civilizations);

prolonging life expectancy e.g. Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

reading nama ... ; e.g. Nama For Humanoid (invisibility deployment (remote nama reading));

recognizing faces ... ; e.g. font face; e.g. human beings' face; e.g. Network Topology;

reducing errors ... ; e.g. artificial intelligence (Assembly Mnemonic Address) ... ;

understanding radicals ... ; e.g. be beyond translator (languages);

using oriental thoughts ... ; e.g. Time . Space . Action ;

verifying approval code for each transaction ... ; Also see: Biz;

verifying permits (law and regulation) ... ; e.g. legal flight; e.g. illegal flight;

wisely selecting WHAT kind of Method to apply ... ; e.g. DEE based; e.g. surface based;

wisely using right tools to handle works ... ;


we've noticed that you defined jinko chino (transcript word) and Artificial Intelligence, however, you've NOT defined AAI, AI, and AIA, WHY ? well trained kids ! if you define AI as one of the brunch-able keywords in Cloud Computing, since "i" has been for representing "9" , "E-mail" e.g. (i MAP, i POP), devices e.g. ("i" devices, i Pad,i Phone,i Pod), "integer" , USB 's light stick (s) may become heat related "a" e.g. "1" , "amp" , "ampere" , therefore, this DOMAIN developer cleverly NOT defining AAI, AI, AIA,... ;
