; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : September : 3rd (Tuesday) : m Character ;
; ; ; ; Updated on 3 : 9 : 2024 : m : M : m Character; Also see: m Usage;
machine; machineries; machinery; machines; e.g.
virtual machine; V M, Virtual Machine;
m a b o tofu, also see: Sushi;
macro* ;
macroscopic; Radical149;
counter for copies of magazine; counter for copies of newspaper; Radical998;
magic; magical; magically; magician; magicians; e.g.
alchemy; enchantment; magic ; sorcery; witchcraft; wizardry;
bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;
F u j u t s u magic ;
magic; plot; stratagem; trap; trick; Radical298; art; magic; means; resource; skill; technique; trick;
maglev; e.g.
maglev (Automotive), glide above a track, by magnetic repulsion method; in common, propelled by linear motor;
maglev maglev maglev maglev maglev ;
(method, procedure, technique) e.g. maglev levitation; maglev levitation; one of the limited and restricted technologies ... ;
champion; magnate; master; tycoon; Radical117;
magnet; magnetic; magnetically; magnetism; magnetize; magnetized; magnetizing; e.g.
jishaku Magnet jishaku Magnet jishaku Magnet ;
magnet , also see: Numerological1;
magnet magnet magnet ; Also see: Magnet;
bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;
y o k e r u Avoid; Radical981 i.e. avoiding bad ones (e.g. bad gene patterns, bad weather conditions, category 4+ storm, magnitude 4+ earthquake, meter height tsunami, unwanted ones, volcanic eruption) ;
m a g u r o, also see: Sushi;
Mahayana Buddhism's Zen, silent meditation; Radical333;
Mahayana Buddhism, in China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, ... ;
address; consign; direct; dispatch; forward; mail; post; Radical767;
mail ; ; mail ; ;
Also see: email; E-mail (Electronic-mail);
main; e.g.
essence; key to; main point; need; pivot; Radical365;
main , a.k.a. principal main ;
main frame; ;
head; main; real; regular; Radical662;
main thing , also see: Radical289;
main thing; chief; lord; main thing; master; principle; Radical289;
maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance
imperial we; majestic plural; Radical639;
chief; elder; head; leader; major; merit; strong point; superiority; Radical210;
make; making; e.g.
edition; make; model; number; issue; Radical299;
made in ;
(made, make, making, makes) progress; Radical697;
make made made ; ;
tsukuru Make; tsukuru Make; tsukuru Make; make make;
making round; Radical838;
making tea; preparing tea; tea plant; Radical299;
s u r u Make;
m a k i sushi, also see: Sushi;
Gene Therapy System index, correct genetic disorders (491694591) : abnormality; ail ness; ailment; bad condition; chaos; complication; confusion; disease; disorder; illness; irregularity; malady; mess; sickness; strangeness; untidiness; disorders;
Malay Malaysia Malaysian language ;
male; males; e.g.
male character, something to hold at the bottom; Radical6, also see: Radicals;
male male male ; coexistence, also see: female;
male; man; Radical1000;
male reproductive, maternity care, mental health, musculoskeletal, also see: MD;
reproductive system ((female), (male)) ... , also see: r G T S U;
malice ; ;
chinquapin; mallet; Radical859;
( koji Substance (ceramides i.e. lipid molecules), malt, yeast) ... ;
mammography; e.g.
using Artificial Intelligence (Gene Therapy System) to cure (abnormal hardness, cancer, positive tumor) : (female, women) age > 40 year, IFF (e l a s t o g r a p h y, mammography, ultrasound) defined location prompted (abnormal hardness, cancer, positive tumor), ... ;
man; manmade; manned; e.g.
coexistence, also see: woman;
husband; man; Radical832;
manmade a.k.a. handicraft ; e.g. Manmade Global Weather is Idea Processor based AI system to do good weather conditions globally;
Manmade Global Weather, as opposed to natural disaster happens;
Manmade Global Weather ;
man; mankind; Radical9;
man man man ; man ;
samurai; well respected man; Radical41;
management ; ; e.g. (of the bone marrow), also see: immune _cell; immunological;
middle management (e.g. manager), and top management (e.g. director);
relational algebra: product x,
project, rename, select, set difference, union;
PROJECT Operator;
SELECT Operator; e.g. select from a table, WHERE defined column ... ;
RENAME Operator (e.g. composite key (column, column) (defined column <- defined
e.g. (VIN #, Owner
Name, Plate Tag) <- (Plate Tag), so that licensed motor vehicle's license plate
tag can be renamed;
INTERSECTION (MINUS Operator, set difference);
JOIN (union) with (logical AND, logical NOT, logical OR);
depending up on IT company's defined keywords, OEM company's defined
Katakana chipset keywords, relational algebra keywords and usage
(syntax) may vary ... ;
this DOMAIN recommends middle management (e.g.
manager), and top management (e.g.
director) must know
relational algebra,
relational algebra can prompt oversee knowledge of company,
organization, system, ... ;
because, when dealing with 5W1H of data, label, name, report, ... , relational algebra is truly helpful and useful to oversee ... ;
long hair; mane; Radical226, also see: Radicals;
m a n d a l a, a drawn/written pattern made of circle, square, triangle [since paper invention era], a.k.a. Buddha teaching, a.k.a. similar to (( + ), ( + ), ( + )) in ; m a n d a l a, a.k.a. mantra, pictorial representations of cosmos; 4 types of m a n d a l a , in S h i n g o n; 4 types of m a n d a l a , in S h i n g o n; Also see: Anti-Earthquake; avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; .. \ .. \ .. \ Buddha \ index;
M a n g a ... ; m a n g a artist ;
a k i r a k a n i s u r u (clarify, clear, disclose, elucidate, manifest, reveal);
manifold manifold ;
manifold, also see: manifold distribution;
air; appearance; manner; method; Shi J i n g folk song; style; tendency; way; wind (one of the 5 elements); Radical217, also see: Radicals;
condition; health; manner ; state;
mantra, a.k.a. m a n d a l a; also see: true word in Buddhism;
manual; e.g.
manual manual ;
user guide, a.k.a. manual; manual transmission, also see: Automotive; operations manual; (instruction) manual; book of instructions (i.e. manual) ... ;
manufacture; manufactured; manufacturing; e.g.
manufacturing ; ;
using Artificial Intelligence to handle (airway traffic, commuting traffic, fluid flow traffic, gas traffic, manufacturing logistic flow traffic, network traffic, NFC (IoT) traffic, power line traffic, public parking traffic, public walking traffic, production logistic flow traffic, RFC protocol traffic, roadway traffic, train track way traffic, waterway traffic, ... ) ... ;
manuscript; e.g.
copy; draft; manuscript; straw;
many e.g.
many devices (collecting, sharing, timing) data i.e. IoT;
many ; several; together; various;
map; mapped; mapping; maps; e.g.
chizu Map; Radical714;
mapping mapping mapping mapping ;
PHYSICS, law one hundred and four, (directional, remote, mapped, zoom in) to be healthy ones, ... ;
Idea Processor based : jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Using ((
p t, P T), ( p x, P X)) for each (chizu Map, map, mapped, mapping) to be (Anti Virus, avoiding Earthquake, doing good Action, healthy, normal, peaceful) ... ;
march; marched; marching; e.g.
((act; carry out; conduct; Radical176), (advance; proceed; progress; promote; Radical796)); march ; parade;
3 March ;
maritime maritime ;
mark; marked; marker; markers; marking; e.g.
adjective ending; bull's eye; mark; object; target; Radical419;
dot; mark; spot; star;
emblem; evidence; imprint; mark; seal; signpost; souvenir; stamp; symbol; target; trademark;
( L T M, S T M) mark, also see: Idea Processor;
m a k a Marker ; Marker ; Marker ; Marker ;
marked ijo Abnormalities As Pattern; Also see: x y Abnormalities;
mark ; mark ; ; mark ; ; mark ; mark ; ;
mark; point; spot; Radical762;
(mark, target, cure), also see: m G T S U; n G T S U;
(SQRT3 (3 dots to be the same); SQRT2 (2 dots to be the same); spot; point; pixel; pinpoint; marker; focal point; dot) usage may vary depending up on Computer Mini Dictionary 's definitions ... ;
star; spot; mark; dot; Radical462;
( C A C, C A C, C A C, C A C), Coronary Artery Calcium marker for chiryoyaku Therapeutic, curing & healing ( calcified plaque, complicated lesion, hard collagen), ( fibrous cap, Lipid core, F i b r o a t h e r o m a), (extra cellular lipid, A t h e r o m a) ... ; Also see: 7cComputer; m Character; Schematic Lipid;
( FISH Marker, FISH Marker, FISH Marker), also see: .. \ .. \ .. \ Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ c h i r o y o y a k u Therapeutic Usage \ FISH \ FISH ; f G T S U; IFF Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol, markers (e.g. (marker, marker, marker, marker, marker)) ... ;
1 Arc minute UDNGS (color codes) marker;
1 Arc minute NGS
(color codes) marker;
1 Arc minute C
micro RNA marker;
1 Arc minute RNA marker;
1 Arc minute DNA
bio marker, also see:
b Character;
cell marker, also see: c Character;
NGS marker, also see: n Character;
tumor marker, also see: t Character;
UDNGS marker, also see: u Character;
pancreatic cancer tumor marker, also see: Oncological Dx;
tumor marker (biomarker), found in blood, tissue, and urine; presence of cancer diseases can be detected because of tumor marker; Also see: MD; Specialties ON;
Cloth; Distribute; Linen; Spread; market ; ; market ;
in Hiragana: ... ; e.g. marriage; Radical592;
marriage ;
(of the bone marrow), also see: immune _cell; immunological;
mart mart mart; Also see: Biz;
bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;
m a s a g o, also see: Sushi;
mask; masked; masking; e.g.
Masking Masking Masking;
mask mask mask;
masking _zcs Black, also see: Physics Law 147, (mask, masked, masking) ones, ... ;
mask; Radical212, also see: Radicals;
( mass, Mass, MASS, mass) ;
Gene Therapy System index, to cure abnormal biological ( mass, Mass, MASS, mass) ; Also see: m Character; m Computer; m G T S U; "atypical" cells (found, marked, pinpointed, targeted) means abnormal biological cells (e.g. cancer is spreading), so ASAP those (oncological, pathological) cells must be (defeated, demolished) by Nanobot . Programming . Mapper (e.g. to be soft means curing unwanted abnormal "atypical" cells, other wording would be disappearing unwanted abnormal "atypical" cells because of being back to "soft") of Gene Therapy System ;
(motion state + the defined object to be changing), kuru kuru WHILE measuring resistance, i.e. mass;
Location Awareness Response of the mass (directional gravity spots), i.e. the defined object's j u r y o Weight; Remark: some peoples don't agree this "weight" definition, regarding "mass," in this case, let a "Tarzan" be "Tarzan" ... ;
(the defined object's acceleration, And Then, measured by the certain force), i.e. mass;
(1.019 years) 372 Days belong to approx. 1.01 AU (as same mass as (1% of) our earth's one and only the sun), also see: Constellations; Number; Numbers in Dhamma; Time;
genocide; massacre; slaughter;
champion; magnate; master; tycoon; Radical117;
master; chief; lord; main thing; master; principle; Radical289;
master master ; ;
master , also see: Radical289;
() in Hiragana: Master's degree (i.e. academic degree); Radical380;
discipline; master oneself; self-study (ascetic practice in Buddhism e.g. s a d h a n a); well conducted self;
ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;
mat; e.g.
mat; Radical923;
t a t a m i Mat, also see: t Usage;
match; matched; matches; matching; e.g.
counter for battles; counter for covered container; counter for matches; Radical692;
Gene Therapy
System (good gene
pattern (A,
T)) to be adding and
matching in
therapeutic way;
Gene Therapy System (good
gene pattern (A,
to be adding and matching in
therapeutic way;
match ; ;
matching matching, complementary equivalent (amount, color, design, number, pattern) corresponding with ... ; Gene Therapy System; long long time ago, whenever dealing with (invisibilities, invisibility, invisible), we had to do (matching rpm, matching speed, matching timing) ... ;
(mismatch, mismatched, mismatching) e.g. in computing (also see: embedded; Radical693), if (mismatch, mismatched, mismatching) calculator exists, verification is required to identify whether friend or foe;
material; Material; e.g.
ingredient; material; Radical118;
( Material, Material, Material, Material) ... ;
protein materials; protein powder; Also see: Protein;
math value math value ; ;
matrix; e.g.
matrix matrix ; (environment, material, (surrounding (medium, structural))) develop, form, and originate, i.e. matrix;
matter; mono Matters; e.g.
Contents; detail; import; matter; subject; substance;
matter ; ; matter ; ;
matter is void ; ;
( mono Matters, mono Objects, mono Substances, mono Stuffs, mono Things) ... ;
maxim maxim ;
5 May ;
may might ;
may i ask ... ;
MD , also see: Latin language;
me; e.g.
a t t a (i.e. in Pali) ;
(( I, I, I, I, I), ( me, me, me, me)) e.g. ... ; I ;
I; me; myself; Radical129, also see: Radicals;
I; me; oneself;
I (OR me) ;
me me;
Me ( i) usage: WHEN humble slave speaks to master; Also see: Radical179;
meager ;
mean; meaning; meaningful; meaningfully; meanings; means; e.g.
art; magic; means; resource; skill; technique; trick; Radical298;
because; by means of; in view of; Radical594;
meaning; Radical898;
mean ; ; meant meant ;
means ; ; means ; ;
means (method);
measure; measured; measurement; measurements; measuring; e.g.
3.03 meter (ten shaku) length; Radical361;
6 oz Ancient Measurement ;
8.5 lb K o k u j i Bundle Paper Measurement ;
10th of shaku; measurement; Radical48;
consider; measure; Radical831;
( Fathom, Measure, Plan, Scheme);
fathom; measure; plan; scheme; Radical451;
approx. 0.1804 liter (volume unit);
go, approx. 0.33 square meter (area unit);
Go, traditional NIPPON
unit (area, volume) ... ;
Measure_3D; e.g. measuring ( x Character, y Character, z Character) ... ; another example would be: DEE boxes in Z axis;
Measure_2D; e.g. measuring ( x Character, y Character) ... ; another example would be: AB Distance of a map (cm scale of GPS);
Measure_1D; e.g. measuring ( x Character) ... ; another example would be: C Sequence Number (BF1) distance is growth rate;
measure measure measure ; ; measure measure measure ;
measure; plan; plot; scheme; Radical731;
Real-time measurement; Also see: -time;
to measure volume approx. 18 L (l i t r e s a.k.a. liter); Radical90;
unit of weight (600 g);
unit of mass (453.6 g, pound);
also see: Radicals;
many keywords (chipsets) are written in Katakana (Romaji), e.g. Quality As Keyword can define "measure" ... ; in RISC architecture (1990s style), quality vs. quantity can be understood by pipelining Method; in 2010s, HOW to measure Idea Processor to be beyond AI (Artificial Intelligence) sir ? well trained kids ! defining more good words in dictionary can be talented and can have more intelligence and knowledge, i.e. without rule (e.g. if-then-do); the truth is in common e.g. this DOMAIN developer does not know all (calculator, dictionary, translator, GPS, ... ) chipsets to be AI (very very limited & restricted peoples in our earth know beyond module);
Light Speed Measurement, also see: Schematic Dimensional; Remark: approx. 28+ years old info as of 2018/2561; IFF ZCS, 90 degree to (bottom, left, right, top) may begin, and 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (computing) may also begin;
(( MD, MD), (Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol)), also see: index, for each (individual, patient, person, Pt) WHOM, (measure, measured, measurement, measuring), neither hyper nor hypo is normal ... ;
(( standard, standard, standard), ( measure, measure, measure)) ... ;
meat; e.g.
flesh; meat; Radical165;
meat ; ;
meat, as opposed to bone and skin;
pieces of meat in broth; pieces of vegetable in broth; Radical791;
mechanics; e.g.
( mechanics, mechanics) i.e. forces are producing motion in Action, e.g. ( 9801_AquaZCS, 9801_Default) 's results may be variable, depending upon HOW you define your ( location of light-source and view-of-the-camera (zoom)); Remark: usages e.g. quantum mechanics, thermal dynamic, two groups of moving objects in 3,4 dimensional, ... ;
med hot, a.k.a. medium hot , also see: taste;
(away from the midline (lateral)), as opposed to (toward the midline (medial));
toward the midline ( uchigawano Medial), also see: Directions; Gene Therapy System;
harmonize; mediate; Radical611;
medical; medicated; medicating; medication; medicine; medicines; e.g.
bio medical systems, also see: MD; systems;
( enkakuiryo Telemedicine, enkakuiryo Telemedicine, enkakuiryo Telemedicine) ;
MD (Medical Doctor); Also see: MD;
medical imaging, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing, 3 (positive, negative) are ... ;
medical measurement, also see: Measurement;
medical office;
medicine medicine medicine medicine medicine medicine medicine medicine medicine ; Also see: Physics Law 143, medicine, ... ;
medicine; Radical377;
kakuigaku Nuclear Medicine kakuigaku Nuclear Medicine kakuigaku Nuclear Medicine;
this DOMAIN 's contents :
Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
DOMAIN 's contents :
Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
2562; 2018; design model; this DOMAIN 's jinko chino Artificial Intelligence chiryoyaku Therapeutic (Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing) ... ; medicine; Radical377;
IFF (inhibit, inhibiting, inhibitor) Action against pathogen, i.e. medicine; Also see: COVID-19;
meditate; meditation; e.g.
dhyana, profound meditation, also see: Zen;
meditation; Radical333;
meisō Meditation ;
meek ; ;
meet met met ;
*megaly ;
melan* ;
meld; melded; melding; e.g.
alloy; blend; combine; fuse; meld ( yukai Melding); merge; mesh;
gourd; melon; Radical154;
melon ;
member; members; membership; memberships; e.g.
member (data structure) ; ;
( member, member, member, member) ... ; member member ;
members within;
triangulation system member (e.g. this DOMAIN 's contents are installed) ... ;
(core, a.k.a. nuclei; edge, a.k.a. membrane), also see: Gene Therapy System and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Physics Law 234;
very very unique 2 patterns (center oriented (nucleolus), circumference oriented (membrane)) only, also see: P vector direction; Gene Therapy System;
(mark, target,
cure) e.g.
marking tumor
marker by applying (DNA, RNA, C micro RNA, NGS, Ultra Deep NGS);
targeting bad gene
patterns (tumor markers) by using defined base pair (♯, ♯, ♯);
curing (repairing) either nucleolus way, or membrane way;
so called (mark,
target, cure) by MD
... ;
memo ;
learn; memorize; remember; Radical454;
memory memory memory memory memory ;
embedded; Radical693 (memory, microphone) ... ;
alter; change; check; correct; examine; improve; inspect; mend ; reform; replace; revise;
darn; fix; groom; mend ; patch-up; repair; tidy-up; trim;
fixing; mending ; repairing; servicing;
Also see: Radical380;
menstrual; menstruation; e.g.
time period (from puberty until menopause), once a month interval (approx. 2-5 days as menstrual period), doko WHERE ( shikyu Uterus, shikyu Uterus, shikyu Uterus, shikyu Uterus), bleeding heaviest during 1st. 2 days ... ; Also see: m Character; m G T S U; -time;
kilesa (e.g. delusion, lust, hatred, mental defilement, passion, ... ) can be eradicated, or reduced by meditation; Remark: Majjhima way a.k.a. Middle Path should be ... ; Radical333;
cognitive object; mental state, psychological state; Radical957;
mention mention ;
Buddha image; merciful person; Radical1001;
mere; merely; e.g.
IFF adverb: just; merely; only; simply; Radical321;
merely; nothing but, just only simply; Radical361;
merely; one; simple; single;
merge; merged; merger; merging; e.g.
alloy; blend; combine; fuse; meld ( y u k a i Melding); merge; mesh;
merit; meriting; meritorious; meritoriously; merits; e.g.
chief; elder; head; leader; major; merit; strong point; superiority; Radical210;
mesh; meshed; meshes; meshing; e.g.
alloy; blend; combine; fuse; meld ( y u k a i Melding); merge; mesh;
Topology _Mesh, also see: Network Topology;
message; messaged; messaging; messages; e.g.
counter for received messages; Radical694;
message view e.g. auto advance, auto fit message, text size, ... ;
meta; meta * ; e.g.
meta Short For
Meta Key;
(metabolism, weight) ... ; Also see: Gravity Dimensional Computer; m Character; m G T S U; w Character;
meta* ; e.g. metadata; metadata;
( Meta, meta, Meta), also see: Meta ;
m e t a k e n k y u Meta Studies; Also see: Physics Law 146, NMR;
metal iron, Radical200, also see: Radicals;
k i s h o g a k u meteorological; k i s h o g a k u meteorological; Also see: Manmade Global Weather;
meteorological agency;
meteorological condition of ... ;
meter; Meter; e.g.
IFF COUNTERS for DNA _Origami, 0.01 = 10 ^-10 meter;
investigate; meter; musical key; prepare; tone; tune; writing style; Radical611;
*meter ;
meter meter meter metre meter ;
( NM (Nanometer), NM (Nanometer), NM (Nanometer), NM (Nanometer)) ;
one meter, (10^-7) of the Distance (our earth's equator to its poles); Also see: 108 configuration; Distance; 7mComputer; Radical156; Radical731;
Radical156, also see: Radicals;
method; methods; e.g.
method ; method ; method ; method ; method ;
air; appearance; manner; method; Shi J i n g folk song; style; tendency; way; wind (one of the 5 elements); Radical217, also see: Radicals;
form; function; method; system; Radical992;
Idea Processor ( method) ... ;
(method is sequence + beginning) ... ;
micro; Micro; e.g.
micro, also see: Nanobot Programming;
micro calorimeter; (( micro calorimeter) . Heat) ... ; micro calorimeter; (( micro calorimeter) . ondo Temperature) ... ; Also see: Energy & Geometry; h Character; m Character; Meter; Physics Law 1024; t Character;
micro micro micro micro micro micro ;
micro- ;
micro* ;
mid; middle; midst; e.g.
center; centre; middle; midst; Also see: c Character;
c h u s e i Medieval, relating to "Middle Ages" ... ; middle ages;
mid* ;
middle ; ; middle ;
middle of left and right; Radical2, also see: Radicals;
Midline; s e i c h u s e n Midline; s e i c h u s e n Midline; Also see: m G T S U;
midst midst midst, in the middle of ... ; n a k a Amid;
MN, Middle Node; Also see: IoT; resource;
midget (unusually small person); Radical184;
therapeutic Migraine Headache, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Conciliation; Harmony; kindly; Mild; Peace; to be with good terms; Radical850;
mild ; also see: taste;
military; militaries; e.g.
2021 October 17, China launched world fastest, highest precision, longest range, "Made in China" missiles (military power) demonstration ... ; >5 Mach speed missiles cannot be intercepted by air-to-air missile interceptors; I'm very proud of China's military missiles launched (military power demonstration), world's the fastest speed (approx. 4000 miles per hour speed), (approx. 6180 kilometer per hour speed), the highest precision guided technology, the longest distance range, ... ; therefore, Eastern Civilization is more powerful than Western Civilization since 10/17/2021; Western peoples may not like this news; Eastern peoples will be proud of China; Also see: a Character; cCharacterExtension1; m Character; Reforming Myanmar;
military; militaries; e.g. 21st century & beyond, no need to declare war, because no one can escape yet, i.e. beyond 128 bit mantissa point of SQRT2's floating points, and please don't be captive (many dens exist in our earth) because captives are beheaded by military law and order; military; military commander, military general; military bases; e.g.
ASEAN; International Domain name e.g. (.mil, Top level domain, U.S. military) ... ;
(assure, QA, verify) United Nations (194 nations)' 72nd annual general assembly meeting agenda: no nuclear weapon in our earth, since 2017/2561;
military application system, also see: Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) WHO likes to be a global commander ... ;
military commander, military general; Radical344;
military coup, e.g. I like to be a military dictator who serves Shakya King universally, military coup;
military grade (invisible to radar), also see: PHYSICS, (law fifty seven): Laser Shield;
notice, realize, and understand THAT COVID-19 is one of the most powerful (biological, biomedical) weapons in our earth, and COVID-19 pandemic is more powerful than nuclear power, because COVID-19 has caused many military bases close-down unofficially;
power of civilization is presented by military bases;
SymboticAsimoRadical344 i.e. (Highlight color (Gray) with Font Color ({E3,E3,E3})) for military applications;
milk milk ;
Milky Way ;
Also see: Constellations;
factory; mill; plant; yard; Radical30;
mill ; ;
10 years (decade); 100 years (century); 1000 years (millennium); Remark: 10, 100, 1000, ... are engineering notation, IFF SQRT2 design model, ±98 based;
millet; Radical242, also see: Radicals;
milli bar (high precision) e.g.
milli bar milli bar milli bar;
IFF r i, milli bar distance;
milli bar; Also see: multiplier;
millstone; mortar; Radical168;
IFF time's unit (min) i.e. minute;
Minimum Value;
mind; presence of mind; state of mind; e.g.
care; desire; heart; liking; mind; taste; Radical898;
composure, presence of mind; Radical653;
( distant place, in the air, sky, state of mind, the heavens, weather) ... ;
heart; ki Feeling; mind; spirit;
heart; mind; spirit; Radical83, also see: Radicals;
(posture, breathing, mind) i.e. Zen Buddhism, also see: index;
this DOMAIN 's humanoids' nama programming, also see: Idea Processor;
minerals; e.g.
( Minerals, Minerals, Minerals, Minerals) : minerals inside of the soil provide Protein (in our earth), And Then, other bio molecules (photosynthesis: CO2, New Tissue, O2, sunlight, Water), also see: m Character; Optics;
mini; miniature; e.g.
IFF prefix: child; miniature; tiny; Radical184;
miniature a.k.a. small;
minister ; ;
minor ; ;
minus; e.g.
( -273.15 ° C) i.e. absolute zero temperature, also see: Water Clock;
(minus a.k.a. ASCII 45 (Dash));
minus; minus ; ; minus minus ;
minus the (defined
alphanumerical, defined keyword, defined number),
handle its right side
... ;
minus the (defined alphanumerical, defined keyword, defined number),
its right side ...
e.g. (EPS-23 compatible) means number "23" is handled by "EPS" to be compatible;
(( one, the only entity), ( halves (plural Usage), a.k.a. one half (singular Usage)), ( minus one, a.k.a. negative one), ( two, two), ( actually express, a.k.a. denoting is intended to be, a.k.a. indicated), ( one part of three equal parts, one third), ( a quarter, a.k.a. one-fourth, a.k.a. 1 out of four equal parts of the entity)), also see: Mathematics; Numbers in Computing;
Remark: Idea Processor (think THAT minus is like differential if compare to plus is like integral) ... ; Also see: Mathematics;
minute; e.g.
1 Arc minute; Also see: Constellations; Time;
( absolve, answer, minute, solve, understanding);
( chance, degree, duty, minute of Time, one percent (1%), one's lot, part, segment, shaku/, share, ( understand, know));
conceal; fishhook; hidden; minute; mysterious; secret; small; Radical287;
minute minute minute ;
mirror mirror mirror mirror mirror ;
m i r u g a i, also see: Sushi;
state) of being wrong in
error; errors; inaccuracy; inaccuracies;
mistake; mistakes;
using Blue Gray Directional Gravity Pressure Error Handler to fix miscalculations;
miscellaneous dingbats; miscellaneous technical; also see: AI FONT;
miso soup, also see: Sushi;
miss ; ;
anti missile system (missile a.k.a. rocket) ... ;
state) of being wrong in
error; errors; inaccuracy; inaccuracies; miscalculation; miscalculations;
injustice; mistake; negative; Radical207;
mistake mistook mistaken;
mistake, a.k.a. error;
using Blue Gray Directional Gravity Pressure Error Handler to fix mistakes;
Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi; www.mitsubishi.jp;
language code (EN)
e.g. www.mitsubishi.com/en/ ;
language code (JA)
e.g. www.mitsubishi.com/ja/ ;
2020; world's largest t o k a m a k, I T E R, also see: Magnet;
mix; mixed; mixer; mixers; mixes; mixing; e.g.
stereo mixer stereo mixer; doko WHERE Red and White are for Audio, Yellow for Display ... ;
to associate with; to join; to mix with; Radical111;
mixture; e.g.
( crowded, in bulk, include, mixture) ... ;
mnemonic mnemonic mnemonic mnemonic;
mobile; Mobile; Mobility; Mobilization; e.g.
kadosei Mobility; ( Mobility, Mobility, Mobility, Mobility) ... ;
( Mobile, moveable); mobile mobile ;
Mobilization, also see: Nama For Humanoid;
mock; e.g.
mock; imitation; copy;
mode; modes; e.g.
Gene Therapy System
Gene Therapy System
mode) e.g. ""
... ;
model; modeled; modeling; models; e.g.
..\..\..\Domain\Model ... ;
model ; model ; model ; ; model ; ; model ; ; model ; ;
modern time , also see: Radical795;
modern; the latest;
latest development and trend, i.e.
up to date; this
Gene Therapy System
(individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user) location awareness (up-to-date)
... ; Also see:
(..\..\..\Domain\GeneTherapySystem\WHOM .txt);
genzai Modern Times ; genzai Nowadays; genzai Present;
Modesto, California, United States of America (USA) ... ;
Remote Modulator Timing, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
mold ; ;
molding ; ;
molecule; molecular; e.g.
electrically bound together, a.k.a. ionic molecule; Also see: Battery;
molecule ; ;
Real-time molecular biological (Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR) a.k.a. PCR test),
using (amplification, amplified, amplify) segments of DNA,
WHICH can detect 1 viral genome, from (section of selected DNA, section of
selected RNA),
And Then, can indicate
(e.g. negative to the vector, e.g. positive to the
(indicate, indicated, indicating) PCR test whether
positive COVID-19, or
momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum ;
Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 269, momentum ;
king; monarch; ruler; sovereign; Radical117;
monarch monarch ; ;
monastery e.g.
Monastery INDEX ... ; monastery a.k.a. temple;
monastery symbol, also see: ..\..\..\Buddha\index; Icon;
monastic training; a.k.a. special schooling for kids, taught by monks;
v i h a r a in Pali, a.k.a. monastery; monastery monastery;
M o n b u s h ō , Ministry of Education, Japan; Monbusho ;
money; e.g.
coin; money; Radical190;
dough; money; Radical838;
money ; money money ; ;
money; Radical200;
sum of money i.e. exact amount of certificate, envelop, invoice, receipt, slip, ... ; Radical78;
yen, Japanese monetary unit; Radical777;
monitor ;
monitoring ; ;
also see: Display;
monk; priest; Radical338;
monk ;
monkey ;
Monkey zodiac sign; Radical255, also see: Radicals;
mono* ;
mono ;
IFF suffix: mood; style; tendency; Radical611;
month; Month; monthly; months; e.g.
monthly averaged mean, also see: Physics Law 567, Manmade Global Weather ... ;
monthly (Banking . Statement), also see: Biz;
moon; month; Radical96, also see: Radicals;
2 months later 2 months later;
moon; moons; e.g.
46; 46; 46; Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, for each human beings livable moon, ... ;
conjunction; new moon (astronomical, astronomy); Radical699;
human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya (a.k.a. Swastika) King in our universes;
lunar calendar a.k.a. moon calendar, e.g. (2 phase lunar calendar, 4 phase lunar calendar);
moonlight; Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 106 ... ; Physics Law 131 ... ;
Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave;
moon moon ;
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
R&D (moon wave), n i t o t t e For (Anti-Earthquake, avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, m Character; m G T S U; w Character; Weather; w G T S U) ... ; think that C Sequence Number (BF2), 2 eyes happen naturally, human beings livable moons (Body Length Index (BLI) problems exist e.g. Left and Right are not the same in equilibrium), our earth's moon (other side), parallel navy blue color on Jupiter, 2 suns refresh on one of the human beings livable moons, and ware ware We R&D (moon wave) e.g. regarding Yellowish Variations (YV: especially Australian kangaroo's gene code should be defined ones ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) 2 arms vs. 2 legs are not the same in equilibrium (our earth only)) ... ; Remark: ACT2 and ACT3 levels' hyperspace info are military top secrets, because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
Moon Wave; moon wave;
moon wave Wireless Antenna, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 274, moon wave wireless antenna;
Parallel Moon Waves' Green Spot, also see: PHYSICS law seventy four ... ;
Water; Plantation On The MOON; Constellation;
WHEN moon waves are naturally coming in parallel, HOW to avoid earthquakes, also see : Manmade Global Weather; Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 273; ... ;
moon ;
moral; e.g.
liability; moral responsibility; onus; Radical355;
moral courage; moral fear; moral shame; morality;
morals morals ;
Numbers _in _Dhamma ... ;
more; more and more; moreover; e.g.
all the more; increasingly; more and more; Radical1004;
also; furthermore; moreover; Radical261;
more than, as opposed to less than;
morning; e.g.
early hour; early in the day; early morning; Radical817;
morning morning ;
next morning;
k e i t a i g a k u t e k i Morphological, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Physics Law 145; morphological, (form, structural) of bio cell living organisms' relationships between their structures (e.g. genetic variation) of the bio cell; Also see: Nanobot iPS Cells; m G T S U;
Mosquitoes, gnats & flies; Also see: Radical262;
millstone; mortar; Radical168, also see: Radicals;
Most; Extreme; Utmost; e.g.
( Utmost, Most, Extreme) ... ;
moth; e.g.
bug; insect; cricket; moth; worm; Radical174;
moth, insect related to butterflies; Radical588;
mother; e.g.
coexistence, also see: father;
father in law; mother in law;
grand mother; grand great mother;
h a h a Mother;
mommy makeover (after 23 lunar weeks or 32 JUN time period (to be back to prior-to-child-birth the mommy's structure), before-and-after-child-birth), also see: a G T S U;
parent : biologically parent; foster parent officially;
motion; Motion; motions; e.g.
( motion, motion, motion, motion, motion, motion, motion) ... ;
change; Confusion; Motion; move; shake; Shift;
change; motion ; move; shake; shift;
change; development; fluctuation; motion ; move; movement; trend;
motion; move; Radical739;
motive ;
m o t o Origin m o t o Foundation ;
motor; motoring; motors; e.g.
node e.g. motor way a.k.a. static way As Node, also see: this DOMAIN 's Color Codes;
mount; mountain; mountains; mounted; mounting; mounts; e.g.
counter for tall mountains; Also see: COUNTERS; m Manmade Global Weather;
hill; mountain; Radical54;
ken Mountain; also see: Swastika;
mountain) ... ;
( peak,
peak) ... ;
point) ... ;
mountain ; ;
Mt. (i.e. Mount) ;
to mount ; ;
mice; mouse; e.g.
may I know your (cursor, mouse, point device) 's Height & Width ? Oh! i.e. national security, also see: Security;
mice, plural of mouse;
mouse; rat; Radical249, also see: Radicals;
mouth; mouths; e.g.
(glossopharyngeal nerve), doko WHERE location is (the nerve connects to the mouth (mouth; box; Radical39), underneath of the vermis) WHICH regulates blood pressure and the muscles to control (back-of-the-throat (pharynx), neck, swallow); Remark: think of one "Hammer Antenna" is attached to the spinal cord naturally; Also see: n G T S U (nerve) ... ;
DEE _Mouth, Dark Energy Engineering _Mouth; Water;
mouth; mouth to feed; Radical38;
move; Move; moveable; moved; motion; motions; moving; e.g.
any moving location of point, also see: PHYSICS law 113 ... ;
( catch cold, catch fire, change, drift, moving, passing into, Shift), also see: Physics Law 126 ... ;
change; Confusion; Motion; move; shake; Shift;
change; development; fluctuation; motion; move; movement; trend;
change; development; fluctuation; motion; move; movement; trend;
change; motion; move ; shake; shift;
( Mobile, moveable);
motion; move; Radical739;
moving moving moving u g o k u Moving;
Transition; Move; Change;
upward move ; ;
movie; movies; e.g.
movie movie ;
MYANMAR MOVIE online, also see: www.myanmartvchannel.com;
online movies; IFF Internet, also see: URL e.g. www.netflix.com;
Remark: there are many online movies in the Internet, and some movies are free, some movies are marketed for online subscriber user with account, some movies are pay-per-view, ... ;
mow mowed mown;
M R I; e.g.
M R I (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); M R I ;
M R I M R I M R I; Also see: Physics Law 146; Physics Law 32;
(Extreme MS PRO; Extreme ||| MS PRO; HITACHI MD; HS MS PRO; HS MS MG PRO; HS MS MG PRO Duo; HS MS PRO Duo; IBM MD; M2; MAGIC ST OR MS; MS; MS Duo; MS Duo (MG); MS Magic Gate; MS PRO; MS PRO (MG); MS PRO Duo; MS PRO Duo (MG); MS PRO Duo Ultra ||; MS PRO Ultra ||; MS ROM; MS select) card ... ;
MSDN , Microsoft Developer Network;
m u i.e. Μ, μ;
(reducing, removing) mucus, also see: c G T S U;
clay; dirt; earth; mud; soil; Radical40, also see: Radicals;
m u d r a ; ;
multi; e.g.
(multi objective logic, multi level logic) also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; idea ♯ 265; Logic;
multi word (s);
multi word (s); Also see: more;
multi* ;
multiple multiple ;
multiple as opposed to single;
multiplex multiplex ;
muscle; muscles; e.g. muscle; sinew; tendon; Radical382;
(ligament, muscle, tendon), also see: m G T S U; Physics Law 146, NMR, ... ; Physics Law 169, immunological, ... ;
muscle, also see: strengthen;
therapeutic Musculoskeletal Logical, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
zygomaticus major, also see: z Anatomy;
musical key; pitch; tone; Radical611;
fame; musical note; report; Radical215;
musical time ; ;
must; mustn't; e.g.
can; do not; mustn't; passable; should not;
must must ;
dust; mustard; rape; Radical956;
beat; drum; muster; rouse; Radical248, also see: Radicals;
t o t s u z e n h e n i Mutation; Also see: P vector direction;
IFF Gene Therapy System : NOT statistically independent (orthogonal populations) bio (cell, genetic) e.g. t a i r i t s u i d e n s h i Alleles (at the same place on 1 chromosome, a.k.a. each k i s e k i Locus (k i s e k i Locus : defined (particular, particularly) place, point, position, space, ... )) alternative (e.g. ±98) forms of (cell, genetic) a.k.a. mutation; Also see: Optics;
WHY mutation happens sir ? well trained kid! 1st to understand: because of human beings livable moons' momentum, comet happens either naturally, or by PHYSICS; regarding comet, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea number 251, comet; 2nd, ACT3 level imaginary hyper space knowledge based e.g. lights behave like cells, regarding 1 light naturally joins to be group-wise; 3rd to realize mutations (A, C, G, T) obeys color codes, then, reverse engineering (3rd, 2nd, 1st) can define Gene Therapy System ... ; it may take approx. 34+ years of almost everyday R&D works to oversee and overview t o t s u z e n h e n i Mutations;
variable water shapes on human beings livable moons (in our universe) have caused mutation sir; well trained kids! Umm!! I a i n ' t know HOW to picture "Origin of Water" ... ; this is your time to prove WHY mutation happens ... ;
108 configuration, one of the systems of this DOMAIN, e.g. 2 groups are (3,3,3,3) and (10,7,10), multiplexer group (3,3,3,3) is like multiplying alike, if compare to adder group (10,7,10) is like adding alike; imaginary hyper space system; imaginary hyper space crafts ... ; for 21st century & beyond ... ;
m u l t i p l e x o r; m u l t i p l e x o r;
B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; Dx, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; F x, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (Pt); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; M x, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); Ox, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; Tx, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; W x, a.k.a. medical Dx wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;
I; me; myself; Radical129, also see: Radicals;
。 humanoid Global Military General
since 2024, this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw, an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar, a Rakhine American has (assigned, deployed, dispatched, ordered, programmed, sent) functional 2 humanoids + 2 M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks to Indian Ocean (Regional Security), i.e. to make sure Rakhine ethnic tribes survive, AND for demolishing (enemy military dictators, foe military dictators) in Indian Ocean . . . ; Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Inductance; Rakhine; Remark: killings continue, don't be captive ones;
Myanmar; Myanmar (a.k.a. Burma); Union of Myanmar; e.g.
as of
early 21st century (2019),
I F F mobile carrier,
e.g. M P T (Myanmar
& Telecommunications),
www.mpt.com.mm ;
(Bay of Bengal, East China Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean, Philippine sea, Sea of Japan, South China Sea), also see: 5bComputer; 8cComputer; 1gComputer; 6iComputer; 2pComputer; 6pComputer; 7sComputer; 2sComputer;
Myanmar , also see: Numerological4;
Myanmar Burma Burmese; Also see: Linguistic Note;
I F F invisible animaloid (bird), monitor and report WHO trashes illegally (e.g. throwing items on street, throwing items onto backyard), and then report WHO trashes illegally to humanoids, and then mark the illegal trashed person in educational program database to be corrected HOW to be hygiene;
Myanmar ;
( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (Myanmar), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;
humanoid Global Military General
*mycosis ;
myna (a.k.a. mynah), Asian birds as pet WHICH have ability to mimic speech; Radical204; Radical234;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (m y r i n g a.k.a. eardrum)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
I; myself; Radical31;
mysterious; e.g.
black; deep; mysterious; occult; profound; Radical126;
conceal; fishhook; hidden; minute; mysterious; secret; small; Radical287;