; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2023 : January : 3 (Tuesday) : Updated : Physics Law 169 ;

; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2023 : 1 : 3 : Updated : Physics Law 169 ;

(law 169) : immunological;

Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer (gravitation, gravitational, gravity, gravity spot), using iroColourWaveForm based optics, for each (individual, patient, person, Pt, user, WHOM) to be ( Antiviral: Anti Virus, immune _cell, immunological) ones ... ;

1 Arc minute UDNGS (color codes) marker; Also see: u G T S U;
1 Arc minute NGS (color codes) marker; Also see: n G T S U;
1 Arc minute C micro RNA marker; Also see: c G T S U;
1 Arc minute RNA marker; Also see: r G T S U;
1 Arc minute DNA marker; Also see: d G T S U;

, creating more microbiological ( Antiviral Antibody,  Antiviral Antibody, Antiviral Antibody) pathological lives artificially e.g. ( ColdFusionAntiviral1, ColdFusionAntiviral2, ColdFusionAntiviral3) ... ; Also see: DEE; Fusion;

well trained kids! replied: regarding Japanese Standard 5 Colors, can we create 2 more e.g. ColdFusionAntiviral4, and ColdFusionAntiviral5 sir ?

I wrote: you must be taught by ACT3 imaginary hyper space expert HOW "refreshing" gravity spots on human beings livable moons i.e. beyond our earth (ACT1) knowledge, and I would say (OK, Yes), you can create more if you like to;

drip; drop; Radical259; e.g. drip and drop immunological ones against ((known, unknown), ꌁ(pathogen, virus)ꌁ ) ;

immunological; immunological; immunological;
immunological; immunological; immunological;
immunological; immunological; immunological;

immunological ones, against (known, unknown) ꌁpathogenꌁ;
immunological ones, against (known, unknown) ꌁpathogenꌁ;
immunological ones, against (known, unknown) ꌁpathogenꌁ;
immunological ones, n i t a i s h i t e Against (known, unknown) ꌁpathogenꌁ;

Remark: (silver, red, blue), designed & modelled, for each immunological ... ; think that "blue" is naturally & originally our earth self as blue planet; think that "red" is naturally & originally coming from "sun" planet; think that "silver" is neither black nor gray (e.g. IFF our earth, our moon's G D C gas exchange ("Silver")), and suingu Swing-By time period (constellation rising time, no constellation rising time) with peaceful & tranquil moon (one of the human being livable moons in our universes) ... ; ware ware We need to be immunological immune d ones against unwanted diseases, unwanted virus, ... ;

Two ( 2) is very very unique in many ways e.g. Using (, ) to be recovery from Coronavirus (COVID-19) ; for better understanding, also see: Walls;

Optics; Optics; Optics; Also see: Optics; Remember: Green;

Also see: Physics Law 234, (core, edge), ... ;

Also see: Physics Law 184, G D C Gas Exchange (DEE _Mouth) ... ;

Also see: Physics Law 153, EM Pull, ... ;

acquired immunity;

antigen; Antigen; antigens; Antigens; e.g.

ANTIGEN;     ANTIGEN; ANTIGEN, a foreign substance (immune system), production of antibodies, i.e. ANTIGEN;

antigen; Antigen;
antigen against pathogen;
antigens on ꌁpathogenꌁ;

Antiviral Antibody     Antiviral Antibody     Antiviral Antibody;

kotai Antibody; Antibody     Antibody     Antibody;

kotai Antibody ((blood protein counteracts to specific antigen), (blood protein responses to specific antigen)) ... ; Also see: k Usage;

ball; sphere; e.g. red blood cells; Also see: Physics Law 113; r G T S U;

B cell; B cells; a.k.a. B lymphocytes;

lymphocyte subtype (white blood cell);
secreting antibodies; secreting Antibody;

bio marker, cell marker, NGS marker, tumor marker, UDNGS marker; using DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ... ;

biseibutsu Microbe, microorganism (e.g. bacillus, bacterium, bug, germ, microorganism, virus) WHICH causes (bad, good); if bad ones THAT cause (disease, disorder, fermentation, infection, ... ), on the other hand, if good ones THAT cause ( Antiviral, Anti Virus, immune system support, immunological, ... ); Also see: b Usage; m G T S U; Physics Law 138;

Blood Type; R h factor : R h factor : R h factor (absent minus, present plus) : blood protein : 8 common blood types are ((O+, O-), (B+, B-), (A+, A-), (AB+, AB-));

Cell; Cell; Cell;

cell, e.g. bio cells; biological cells; biomedical cells; immunological cells; pathological cells;

every immunological cell has its home; humanoid Jiwaka, using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (location awareness, (Physics Law 113, any moving location of point)), ... ; e.g. location awareness (Comorbidity) would be Pt (Patient) 's whole body; e.g. location awareness ꌁ(Coronavirus, COVID-19, MERS, SARS)ꌁ would be respiratory system; e.g. location awareness ꌁ(Hepatitis C Virus)ꌁ would be liver;

。ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ。 ꌁvirological virusesꌁ (diseases), in 2020。

d e n d r i t i c cells; D e n d r i t i c cells; a.k.a. accessory cells, antigen presenting cells of mammalian immune d system

DC, D e n d r i t i c Cell;
functional antigen presenting cells;
surface to the T cells of the immune d system;
they (d e n d r i t i c cells, D e n d r i t i c cells) are (ACT, Action, active) As Messenger (between innate ones and adaptive ones) ... ;

fungal spores are biological particles;

dissimilar to seed, fungi decomposes organic waste;
in ecosystem, recycling (carbon, minerals), essential ones ... ;
similar to seed, fungi reproduces self microscopic biological particles;

G D C Gas Exchange, for curing "autoimmune" diseases; Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 184, ... ;

hyper active immune response;

IgA     IgA     IgA, also see: 8aComputer (against ꌁpathogenꌁ) ... ;

IgG     IgG     IgG, also see: 5gComputer (against ꌁpathogenꌁ) ... ;

IgM     IgM     IgM, also see: 2mComputer (against ꌁpathogenꌁ) ... ;

IgA, Immunoglobulin A;
IgG, Immunoglobulin G;
IgM, Immunoglobulin M;

( IgA Isotype, I g D Isotype, I g E Isotype, IgG Isotype, IgM Isotype) ... ;

immune cell;

immune d cells, part of the immune system (specific antiviral)
THAT fights (disease, disorder, infection,
virus); in common,
immune d cells are developed from stem cells (of the bone marrow)
to be white blood cells;

immune d system;

innate immunity;

innate immunity (antigen) THAT (attacks, fights) foreign cells;
innate immunity (macrophages, mono c y t e s, phagocytes) ... ;

Interleukin-6; IL-6;

( isotype, isotype, isotype), also see: a G T S U; d G T S U; e G T S U; g G T S U; m G T S U;

( koji Substance (ceramides i.e. lipid molecules), malt, yeast) e.g. cultivated mold of (bean, rice, s o y a) to be fermented (food, drink) e.g. miso, sake, soy sauce, ... ; Fatty acid type ceramides are waxy lipid molecules, and kuru kuru WHILE formulating (within the Incubation Period), starch can be gone away, ... ; Also see: Enzymes; k G T S U; Physics Law 145, Incubation Period; Physics Law 169, immunological; Schematic Lipid; Sushi;

logical e.g. (biological, immunological, pathological) ... ;

A; C; G; T; immunological cell marker;

this DOMAIN 's immunological cell marker is against ꌁ(pathogen of known virus, pathogen of unknown virus)ꌁ ... ;

m e n e k i s o s h i k i k a g a k u I m m u n o h i s t o chemical;

(message, messaged, messaging, messenger) e.g. DC, D e n d r i t i c Cell;

mRNA e.g.
mRNA-based vaccine program: single nucleoside-modified messenger RNA WHICH included 1 piece of the genetic code of Coronavirus, of COVID-19, of SARS-CoV-2; vaccine trial: investigating efficacy data, immune response, and side effects of the vaccine; Also see: Anti Virus;

mucous membrane, respiratory secretes mucus (epithelial tissue);

2564; in 2020, this DOMAIN (IFF ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ positive ones), using ( Antiviral COVID-19, Antiviral COVID-19) to be (healthy, therapeutic), to cure COVID-19, and Recovery ... ;

Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

Nanobot Programmer; e.g.

Nanobot Programmer, also see: DNA _Origami;

neither hyper nor hypo is normal; Also see: MD; PHYSICS; Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;

N K Cell; N K Cell;

Police Officer Cells ( N K cell) ... ; N K cell; N K cells; Also see: n G T S U;

pathogen; e.g.

pathogen; pathogen; pathogen;

Virus, also see: Anti Virus;

p h a g o c y t o s i s phagocytes (multi cellular organism) immune system,
doko WHERE removing cell debris and pathogens;


(pinpoint, pinpointed, pinpointing) cell marker, also see: i G T S U; P vector direction;

receptor (receiving something in action) ... ;

iroColourWaveForm (Silver, Red, Blue) ... ;

T cell; T cells;

(command, commanded, commander, commanding) helper T cells;
(command, commanded, commander, commanding) killer T cells;

(dimensional, directional, numerological) i.e. 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, And Then, (logical: Idea Processor based ( jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( mRNA))), And Then, structural e.g. Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot, And Then, using ( Origin of Carbon Nanowalls: chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage ( DNA Origami)), to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic (for each Yellow Color), kuru kuru WHILE (flip-flopping Navy Color and Silver Color are (i.e. Single-Bio-Cell, surrounded by Green Color)), at 0.01 nm (Remark: 0.01 nm = 10^-10 meter), so messenger RNA ( mRNA) can be designed, modeled, and programmed to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic on (arterial, bone marrow, brain, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lung, lymph nodes, nasopharynx, thymus (T cells), ... ) tissues; Also see: Anti Virus; Teleportation; mRNA (messenger RNA) encodes Protein; Remark: world (our earth) 's 1st Nanobot Programming in HTML language to WHOM ... ;

e.g. this DOMAIN 's (helper, killer) T cells, killing ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ cells;

this DOMAIN 's kotai Antibody is against (ꌁpathogen of known virusꌁ, ꌁpathogen of unknown virusꌁ) ... ;

TLR4, also see: p G T S U e.g. (Innate Immune System (B P H anti inflammation), prostate gland TLR4, trans membrane protein (urinary track)) ... ;

Type : immunological : immunoglobulin : IgA ;

Type : immunological : immunoglobulin : IgG ;

Type : immunological : immunoglobulin : IgM ;

in common, 3 types of immunological immunoglobulin (s) are IgA, IgG, and IgM; oxygen (a.k.a. O2) for each IgG, with Water; antigens on ꌁpathogen ꌁ; IgG binding; o p s o n i z e d ꌁpathogenꌁ;

neutralizing antigens IFF this DOMAIN 's IgA, IgG, and IgM are eating to demolish (known, unknown) biological Virus e.g. (ꌁCoronavirusꌁ, ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ) ;

Remark: 2564; 2020; this DOMAIN is fighting against biological pandemic ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ; if this DOMAIN wins, we'll be immune d ones against ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ; ware ware We'll be immunological immune d ones against ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ ;

ware ware We'll be immunological immune d ones against ((known, unknown), (ꌁpathogenꌁ, ꌁvirusꌁ)) ... ; using mm scaled GPS, cm scaled GPS, ... ;

using Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence to do neither Hyper nor Hypo e.g.

using Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence to do neither Hyper nor Hypo i.e. Gene Therapy System index : in HTML programming (this DOMAIN, WHOM .txt) : (( Hyper (hyper calcium (h y p e r c a l c e m i a), hyper magnesium (h y p e r m a g n e s e m i a), hyper phosphate (h y p e r p h o s p h a t e m i a), hyper potassium (h y p e r k a l e m i a), hyper sodium (h y p e r n a t r e m i a))) vs. ( Hypo (hypo calcium (h y p o c a l c e m i a), hypo magnesium (h y p o m a g n e s e m i a), hypo phosphate (h y p o p h o s p h a t e m i a), hypo potassium (h y p o k a l e m i a), hypo sodium (h y p o n a t r e m i a)))) ; Also see: 8cComputer; 3mComputer; 9pComputer; 7pComputer; 9sComputer;

WBC; e.g.

( WBC, WBC, WBC), White Blood Cell; (blood, bone marrow, lymph tissue), related to WBC; Leukocytes a.k.a. WBC; WBC is a part of the immune system; WBC types are (( B Cell, T Cell) Lymphocytes), M o n o c y t e s, ((N e u t r o p h i l s, E o s i n o p h i l s, B a s o p h i l s) Granulocytes), ... ; Also see: c G T S U; Physics Law 169; 1wComputer; w G T S U;

(weapon manufacture, weapon manufactured, weapon manufacturer, weapon manufacturing) e.g. B cell; B cells;

( X, Y, Z) Anti Virus :

Also see: Error Checking (this DOMAIN), mutated gene patterns, Falsify;
Also see: using AntiCOVID-19 to (attack, demolish, fight) ꌁ
Also see: x y Abnormalities;
