; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : November : 21st (Tuesday) : d G T S U ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 21 : 11 : 2023 : d : d G T S U, d Gene Therapy System Usage:  ... ( A, C, G, T) ... , also see: Medical Doctor (MD (for each (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user), genetic code)), using ( Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer) G D C gas exchange (our earth, our moon), using (( iroColourWaveForm ( 5 Color, Color Codes)), label (98, 87, 76, 65, 54, 43, 32, 21, 10), ( Physics, Physics, Physics), (Radicals (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural)), ( S P L (( Layer, Layer, Layer), multi layers, sound beams))), ... Q R Code:   Q R Code: Q R Code : to correct; to cure; to fix; to heal; to repair; Radical959;

d* ; D* ;


( I g A I so type, I g D I so type, I g E I so type, I g G I so type, I g M I so type), also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 169, immunological; Physics Law 789, Gene Therapy System; e.g. ( Antiviral Antibody, Antiviral Antibody, Antiviral Antibody) ... ;

Dental; Dental Implant; e.g.

Dental Implant;

O s t e o m y e l i t i s of jaw bone, because of upper (Left, Right) wisdom tooth caused local o d o n t o g e n i c infection, and in common, either C l i n d a m y c i n, or M o x i f l o x a c i n is recommended to cure O s t e o m y e l i t i s of jaw bone;

Remark: at the age of 58+ years, this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw's local o d o n t o g e n i c infection is (cured, health managed) by C i p r o (a.k.a. Ciprofloxacin); semi-synthetic penicillin (e.g. A m o x i c i l l i n, related to A m p i c i l l i n) medicine works also; sometimes, you may need to cure (gum infection + jaw bone infection + sinus infection) so don't forget to request Rx (C i p r o) from your Medical Doctor (MD) ... ;

Remark: if you're ethnic tribes (e.g. a "Tarzan" Rakhine) of Union of Myanmar, this DOMAIN recommends ASAP after (eating, having a meal), 1st tooth brushing with toothpaste, 2nd gargling with mouthwash, 3rd using a clean & disinfected stainless steel tooth pick set, 4th using a clean & disinfected dental floss, 5th (exceptional option at last) using Water F l o s s e r, so keep your (gum, jaw bone, mouth, teeth) clean, healthy, hygiene, ... ; don't be lazy, approx. 10 minutes for each dental cleansing self if age > 55+ years old ones ; Also see: d G T S U; Rakhine; this DOMAIN;

(dacrocytosis, fibrosis, thrombosis); Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym;


e.g. defined oncogenes, marked on co genes, targeted oncogenes;
e.g. defined tumor markers, marked tumor markers, targeted tumor markers;
e.g. defined viral pathogens, marked viral pathogens, targeted viral pathogens;

dot; e.g.

(any moving location of point, bio cell, dot, spot), also see: Physics Law 113;

5 simple steps ( . DNA, . RNA, . C micro RNA, . N G S (color codes), . U D N G S (color codes)) and solving base pairs up to 3 digit number (bio marker) to cure COVID-19;

D B P, Diastolic Blood Pressure, (60-90 mmHg) is normal; Also see: Gene Therapy System index; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point, ... ;


shika Dental, also see: Dental Implant; s Usage;

for each time, after having (food, meal, snack), immediately (gargle, mouthwash), And Then, realize THAT healthy ones e.g. (strong bone density of (teeth, tooth)), no gum disease, ... dental e.g. (dental clinic, dental surgery) ... ; Also see: 2dComputer;

WHEN age > 55 years (geriatric), therapeutic (bone density) is necessary, i.e. to avoid losing (teeth, tooth) ... ; the (teeth, tooth) 's color is (Silver Color, White Color) naturally, and jaw (lower bony structure, upper bony structure) obeys "L" shape naturally (e.g. Navy Color ("L") for jaw area only), with Nitrogen's defined color (Silver Color, {E3,E3,E3} Color) are recommended for our earth (ACT1 imaginary hyperspace) only; on human beings livable moons (ACT2 imaginary hyperspace), color options may vary regarding therapeutic ((bone density) of (teeth, tooth)) ... ;

I wrote: HOW many colors would you like to define to do therapeutic dental ?

well trained kids! replied: 3 colors, they're ({E3,E3,E3} Color), (Navy Color), and (Silver Color) sir;

I wrote: Yes. correct; mochiron of course; the gum will be healthy Pink Color (Fuchsia and Purple alike); therapeutic (bone density) on the (teeth, tooth) means stronger and longer life expectancy, regarding dental ... ;

well trained kids! replied: can we use some other colors (e.g. Aqua, Green, Red, White, Yellow), regarding area on (jaw, mouth) sir ?

I wrote: No. because, each color has its own meaning naturally in our universes (ACT3 imaginary hyperspace); however, if you're designing & modeling for BLI auto adjustment on human beings livable moons, and very very fluent in (diff momentums, directional gravity spots, moon waves), then you may define diff color options;

( d e p o, d e p o, d e p o, d e p o) e.g. d e p o birth control, d e p o menopausal hormone therapy, ... ; e.g. d e p o injection (D e p o - M e d r o l) for (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) ... anti-inflammatory medicine ... ; e.g. d e p o slow release medication ... ; Also see: d Character; d G T S U;

Tumor Ablation Device ... ; Also see: Laser, for removing tumors;

(autoimmune diseases, diabetes, hypertension), also see: Disease Disorder Acronym;

(AAI, AI, A I A) timestamp D x e.g. (abnormal high blood pressure, (abnormal metabolism (hormone insulin, glucose in blood, glucose in urine)), admission timestamp Albumin mg/d L, admission timestamp Cholesterol mg/d L, admission timestamp Glucose mg/d L, admission timestamp Potassium m E q/L, admission timestamp Sodium m E q/L, age, acute infection, A l a n i n e trans a m i n a s e I U/L, anemia, Alkaline p h o s p h a t a s e I U/L, A s p a r t a t e trans a m i n a s e I U/L, average Glucose mg/d L, C O P D exacerbation, chronic renal failure, Creatinine mg/d L, CRP mg/L, gender, Hemoglobin g/d L, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, laboratory report, liver damage %, peripheral vascular disease, (steroids (e.g. g l u c o corticoids) immune system regulation), total cholesterol mg/d L, W B C ((cells/(mm^3)) x (10^3)), W B C count); (cm scale, mm scale) directional gravity pressure, gravity spot, for each patient (Pt); autoimmune diseases (alopecia a r e a t a, a n k y l o s i n g s p o n d y l i t i s, autoimmune disease, celiac disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, poly m y a l g i a r h e u m a t i c a, S j ö g r e n 's syndrome, temporal a r t e r i t i s, type 1 diabetes, v a s c u l i t i s);

using 1080 NM (Method, Procedure, Technique), also see: PHYSICS (DEE, invisibility engineering); Physics Law 144, Anti-Virus Interior, ... , IFF Comorbidity, e.g. COVID-19 with (autoimmune diseases, diabetes, hypertension); our earth only; Remark: NOT in imaginary hyper space crafts; NOT on human beings livable moons;

using to cure (crumpled, disheveled, dishevel led, wrinkled) ... ;

((( e n i Distal), as opposed to ( k i n i Proximal)), (( k i n i Proximal), as opposed to ( e n i Distal))), also see: Directions; Remark: distal a.k.a. downward;

this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, using Gravity Dimension Computer to cure ((Digestive System : GI : (disease, disorder)) D i v e r t i c u l a r Bleeding), also see: Disease Disorder Acronym;

D L C O; e.g.

( D L C O, D L C O, D L C O, D L C O), Diffusing capacity of the Lungs for Carbon Monoxide (CO), and D L C O represents the defined lung's ability to transfer inhaled-air into the blood; Also see: d Character; d G T S U; index;

normal D L C O is > 75% ;
normal D L C O is > 75% and < 140% ;
Low Limit Normal (D L C O) is approx. 60%;

heart's catheterization, a.k.a. cardiac c a t h, a medical procedure can Dx pulmonary arterial hypertension, e.g. echocardiography ( c h o o n p a Ultrasound nami Waves) ... ;

abnormal D L C O indicates (emphysema, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension) ... ; abnormal D L C O, if <40%; abnormal severe e.g. ((D L C O < 40%), (D L C O declines > 4 units)) prompt (morbidity, mortality);

DNA; DNA Origami; e.g.

( DNA Origami, DNA Origami, DNA Origami) ... ; Also see: DNA Origami; P vector direction;

1 Arc minute U D N G S (color codes) marker;
1 Arc minute N G S (color codes) marker;
1 Arc minute C micro RNA marker;
1 Arc minute RNA marker;
1 Arc minute DNA marker;

(DNA, RNA, C micro RNA, N G S, Ultra Deep N G S a.k.a. U D N G S); Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; DEE; Gravity Dimension Computer; PHYSICS;

DOMAIN ... ;

Nanobot iPS Cells programming (DNA, RNA, ... ) ;

Real-time molecular biological (Polymerase Chain Reaction (P C R) a.k.a. P C R test),
using (amplification, amplified, amplify) segments of DNA,
WHICH can detect 1 viral genome, from (section of selected DNA, section of selected RNA),
And Then, can indicate vector (e.g. negative to the vector, e.g. positive to the vector);
(indicate, indicated, indicating) P C R test whether positive COVID-19, or negative COVID-19;

 ... , regarding chiryoyaku Therapeutic, DNA _Origami patterns, gene therapy patterns, nanobot programming patterns, MD, medical device, oncological patterns, pathological patterns, pharmaceutical patterns, pharmacological patterns, radiological patterns, ... , also see: (Anti Virus . COVID-19) ;

s h o r u i Dossier (account, annals, archives, casebook, case history, case study, catalog, chronicles, data, diary, documentation, documents, evidence, file, information, inventory, journal, log, logbook, list, memoir, notes, register, report) ... ;

(Dry, Wet) Gene Therapy System; e.g.

( dry, dry, dry), also see: d Character; Water;

(( dry, dry, dry), ( wet, wet, wet)), also see: Physics Law 789; w G T S U;

(( CAD, Coronary Artery Disease), ( D V T, Deep Vein Thrombosis), ( MI, Myocardial Infarction), ( V T E, Venous T h r o m b o embolism)), also see: Disease Disorder Acronym; PHYSICS;

(using ( , ) to strengthen the heart's muscles, using ( , ) to strengthen the heart's O2 flow) therefore, C V D (Cardio Vascular Disease) can be  therapeutic ... ;

Dx; e.g.

(biological Dx, genetic code sequence matching Dx, pathological Dx, radiological Dx, scopy Dx, ... ) are recommended; depending upon medical cost, and living standard, Dx, Tx, ... may vary in our earth;

if you're taking ((Over-The-Counter (OTC)), Rx) medicines (herbal supplement, supplements (e.g. Aluminum, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc), Vitamin), you must (inform, say, speak, tell) to your (healthcare provider, medical doctor (MD)), for each Dx ((Negative, Positive), (Yes, No)), ... because, drug-drug interactions can be adjusted, managed, to avoid contradictions ... ;

((, , , , ), (, )) hada Skin, also see: PHYSICS, law 89, ... ;

DNS     DNS     DNS, e.g. (d n s 56792/t c p DNS (Domain Name System),
d n s 56792/u d p DNS (Domain Name System)), also see: Keyword To Port Number;

Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

DNA marked pattern (oncogene, Tumor Marker);
