; Updated in
2025 :
January :
24th (Friday) : this DOMAIN ;
Updated on
24 :
1 :
2025 :
DOMAIN 's contents, developed by
; ((
place), (
space), (
Also see: Domain;
2025 design model (1/2 Water + 90 degree to USB); e.g.
created on 01/24/2025, PROXY,
its ICON file PROXY .ico,
nitotte For
(1/2 Water + 90 degree to USB) design model ones,
AND it
has been set as (4 pixel options of (256 pixel, 128 pixel, 64 pixel, 32 pixel))
with 32 bits a.k.a. 16.7 million colors with (Α,
Alpha) transparency;
Remark: by the year 2025, 9+ layered Display design model has not been
programmed yet, so 180 degree to USB, a.k.a. 1 Way DEE design model has not
programmed yet; PROXY, i.e. since 01/24/2025, 108x108 dimensional, with 500
millisecond Speed, its original root
Directories are
\Coordinate-GUI\ (GIF) + \device ACCESS\ (PNG) + \Desktop\ (JPG) + \Personal\
(GIF) + \Walls\ (JPG) ") with more than 7+ colors,
its size is 29KB (
5 Files for
good for Server security,
the best
(the-one-and-only) system
Security is those original root files don't exist, so (no one,
anyone) can hack,
compromise (my systems, their systems, your systems);
Remark: in (Calculator, Dictionary, Translator) level,
Address ("") is (protect,
... ; Also see:
this DOMAIN;
on 09/28/2024,
in our earth, I created (
Toyota), (
in Katakana language, by using ((SONY
B RA VIA 85" TV,
90 degree diff to SONY B RA VIA 60" TV)
2 Walls), e.g.
Time: since 09/28/2024 in numerological means
Space: e.g.
MOBILE Executable Application
(Max. 7 persons
can connect with smart PHONE (to commute, to drive, to operate)),
or the
defined WHOM,
(( action,
: :
Gene Therapy System, up-and-running kuru kuru
(commuting, driving, operating) with (
Toyota), (
i.e. one of the
kadosei Mobility
(s); because,
lights' (breadth, width) with directional gravity spots are worth
more than trillions of US Dollar;
Remark: (
Rakhine Standard +
Japanese Standards),
means using
iroColourWaveForm based (5+ Colors) only;
Hmm!! Umm!! 5+ Colors standard, learnt from NHK news, so originally Japanese
idea, regarding Sushi
making ... ;
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We need to know HOW sir?
I wrote: very basic would be, starting from moon waves (windows), And Then, apply 1/2 hammer antenna ...
Physics _Hammer _Method,
2023 Model . Hammer . Bud . Military . Grade . Wireless . Antenna,
(let the lights go through into structural box alike environment); e.g. with this lights' (breadth, width) specific windows' sizes, And Then, (wrap, wrapped, wrapping) values to prompt directional gravity spots, i.e. beyond (holes, strings) but still obey hole board; Reminder: don't forget that if you need WORMHOLE ways, use this DOMAIN 's IT \ Executable Application \ Fantastic \ Analog Clock ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Toyota will CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT against you, for using the name "Toyota" sir;
I wrote: don't worry, because they're scare of me for not having 10 meter Tsunami, and they might be doing the same R&D on HOW Anti-Earthquake Algorithm, and I'm NOT doing anything Biz (a.k.a. Business) related to (Automotive, kadosei Mobility), so they 'Toyota' cannot law sue against me; I'm developing web contents based (e.g. "this DOMAIN") systems, so don't worry, don't worry; any public name can be used without permission, e.g. you can use the name "Japan," you can use the name "USA," ... ; so I'm going to write again e.g.
this DOMAIN 's
Gene Therapy System +
. .
; kuru kuru
(commuting, driving, operating) with (
Toyota), (
. .
another example e.g. I set 3.3 trillions US Dollar payable to Rakhine military, for defusing Space War against regional droughts in China since 2024; they ("B a m a" military + China military) should be scare of me for antiviral COVID-19 1st. (approx. 5,000,000+ dead persons by unwanted airborne COVID-19 virus during 2019-2020-2021), ... ;
another example e.g. after defeating Russia military, And Then, USA will be taking ("I set 4.4 trillions US Dollar") from Ukraine, because I don't like destructive annexing for what kind of reasons, e.g. young dead body (approx. 600,000+ Russia military persons dead in 2024) collections? Remark: they Russia military should be scare of me;
well trained kids!! replied:
doshite Why,
doshite Why,
doshite Why,
doshite Why) do you use SONY TV (s) as ZCS (s) on
90 degree diff walls sir?
I wrote: you need 2 walls
(90 degree diff ones), if
you're R&D on
USB based lights e.g.
. .
IT or NOT; after realizing & understanding
(lights' (breadth, width) + directional
gravity spots), And Then, Bamboo Stem Factors, for BLI auto
adjustment bio medicines on human beings livable moons (Also see:
Bamboo Stem R&D) .
. ;
Remark: 1/2 Hammer
Antenna design model is recommended for ACT2 level advanced windows architects,
designers, engineers, ... ;
if you've the Shakya King's
permit, you can (visit, travel) to human beings livable moons in our universes,
from (Bhutan,
Rakhine) ... ; every "no moon day"
imaginary space flights
exist without any nation's permit (our earth),
since 1990s, believe IT or NOT;
still don't know WHO designed & modeled
still don't know WHO designed & modeled
8787+ commuters imaginary
hyperspace crafts for visiting &
I wrote: if any other auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) definition and its 500ms systems engineering is needed, I like to charge 10,000,000 US Dollar per auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) i.e. "ten millions US Dollar per OEM," e.g.
BMW auto's Gene Therapy System,
B Y D auto's Gene Therapy System,
Chrysler auto's Gene Therapy System,
Ford auto's Gene Therapy System,
GM auto's Gene Therapy System,
Honda auto's Gene Therapy System,
Hyundai auto's Gene Therapy System,
Mercedes auto's Gene Therapy System,
Nissan auto's Gene Therapy System,
V W auto's Gene Therapy System,
... i.e. the cheapest
WHAT I can
do for auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) definition and its 500ms systems
engineering ... or
you can do IT yourself very easily ... ; since I've been using
Toyota auto, so no charge to Toyota for
Toyota auto's Gene Therapy System ... ; Hmm!! Umm!! if
100,000,000 US Dollar from 10+ Auto OEM (s) mean 50% goes to (tax, taxation), so
50,000,000 US Dollar for 10+ employees
(approx. 20+ years employment + 401K
benefit contribution + pensions) mean I don't make any money
and I don't need to make money for compiling very easy auto OEM (Gene Therapy
System) ... ; so, the cheapest WHAT I can do for auto OEM (Gene
Therapy System) would be 10,000,000 US Dollar per auto OEM (Gene Therapy System)
for the cheapest cost "ten millions US Dollar per OEM";
Also see: 6tComputer; t G T S U; this DOMAIN; regarding this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System + Toyota; Also see: this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, nitotte For Toyota;
Remark: a "Tarzan" realized & understood lights' (breadth, width) belong to
"LED" via (NCS, PCS, ZCS) ... , And Then, for each
interior environment, And Then, kuru kuru WHILE those light sheets are in
, directional gravity spots (begin,
start), And Then, this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System should (begin, start) for
each Auto OEM ... ; this DOMAIN 's 10 (dimensional, numerological) systems are
all rights reserved by
Ace Jaw,
and one of the Intellectual Properties of USA ; Gene Therapy System is worth
trillions of US Dollar;
I wrote: approx. 2 days of Computers programming to complete this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System for Toyota, and should I charge (Biz Proposal Letter) them 10,000,000 US Dollar for IT?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! web site should be
free sir; so, free-of-charge to Toyota (Gene Therapy System) ... Umm!! Hmm!!
ware ware We'll compile 500ms GIF Anime, i.e. That's IT sir;
You're on for 50 cents DVD sir, Hmm!! Umm!!
We're making $4.50 for each DVD sir;
I wrote: OK. OK. by the way, I've not (earned, made) any penny since year 2000s to the present (2020s) concerning web contents, and I truly like to have proven Anti-Earthquake Algorithm, BLI auto adjustment medicines (Bamboo Stem Factors), (Invisibilities, Invisibility), Nanobot Programming, structural Battery, unbeatable & unbreakable M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks, variable DEE patterns, Yellowish Variation (YV) structural, ... ;
since September 16, 2024,
Origin of Sound,
Origin of Sound), upgraded with (3,4 dimensional + Space Sound (our
earth)), for imaginary hyperspace crafts, also see:
Audio (dB)
... ;
digital key (song), also see: movie .HTML;
this DOMAIN;
since | September | 6 | , | 2024 | , | this | DOMAIN | 's | content |
s | , | integrate | d | by | |||||
Dawn | to | Dusk | Input | ||||||
Mono | chrome | Input | |||||||
Nature | Scenery | Input | |||||||
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
H | D | M | I | 3 | |||||
![]() |
![]() |
Arch | |||||||
( | e | ARC | / |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
a | r | c | ) | ; |
I wrote: Hmm!! Umm!! a "Tarzan"
Rakhine American has created world's 1st
jinko chino
Arch, by using SONY B
RA VIA (4K, 85 inches, X<R) TV ... since September
6, 2024; Remark:
think THAT you're writing your web contents, your web pages, ...
on a
PCS nowadays in 2020s (i.e. beyond 2000s design model ZCS, in
addition to 2000s design model ZCS) ... doko
light sheets become in PCS for you, if you're R&D web contents, web pages, ... ;
Remark: ? : ?? @ 1 , 000 K bps # 1234 x
567 Custom Custom, i.e. this DOMAIN
developer's root computer (Toshiba Dynabook laptop
+ TOSHIBA Portable Storage) 's custom setting of
its Display configuration;
kuru kuru
(rounding, winding) Four minus Three (4-3) should be regarding (edge, Edge,
edges) of your
Reminder: don't be captive ones ... did you truly design (NCS,
PCS, ZCS) model ? if you (do, did, have done) already,
And Then, may I ask you a quiz i.e. timelines for
directional gravity spots
e.g. ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)) ... ;
Remark: another trillions of US Dollar worth, i.e. Artificial Intelligence Arch ... ; since LASER has created (polygon, triangle) ones: 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now,
kind of
would you like to use for your
Anti-Earthquake design model?
well trained kids!! replied:
105 DEGREE sir;
I wrote: if 2 defined light sheets' breadth size (Parallel
Ones), e.g. 85 inches * 10800 long in
do we have?
well trained kids!! replied: military top secret sir, might be truly Space War (regional droughts in the defined region) in our earth;
well trained kids!! replied: military top secret sir, might be truly Space War (Rainbow Method) to shoot down any flying illegal missiles (our earth);
I wrote: (
mochiron Of Course) : (of
of course;
humanoid Global Military General (don't start a war in
our earth,
I've set 4.4 trillions US Dollar for punishing
Russia military, and 3.3
trillions US Dollar for punishing
China military; 200+
millions (foe,
must be demolished); don't start a war in
our earth;
the Shakya King's
punishments are severe, believe IT or NOT; if you can prove functional
(world's the most challenge) design model for 10+ years, And Then,
you'll be (awarded, honored, prized) e.g. 1 human beings livable moon as your
own planet in our universes, because all human beings livable moons in our
universes are owned by
the Shakya King;
((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)); e.g.
L T E X M, also see:
Schematic Light;
this DOMAIN;
L T E X M is worth more than trillions of US Dollar;
"it is not a radio," but
ware ware We need to realize & understand
DEE , modulation on ZCS,
intentionally for imaginary hyperspace crafts in our universes ...
in August, 2024, I've decided THAT roaming shouldn't be essential ("Roaming" is metered by telecommunication companies in common and billions of US Dollar worth), because many ethnic tribes have been in (countryside, remote region, rural area) WHO must bypass roaming, also WHO don't know WHAT is roaming (metered networks), And Then, get functional Gene Therapy System in addition to Manmade Global Weather up-and-running worldwide, so I've programmed ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)); Remark: some telecommunication companies might not like WHAT I've programmed, i.e. ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)) has been programmed to be with (312 millisecond) Speed because "USB" means "312" in numerological (our earth);
Remark: another good
example would be: in
Anti-Earthquake design model (avoiding
earthquake in Japan and Taiwan), you
(referring to Japanese and
Taiwanese) will NOT need metered networks of other
nations' telecommunication companies'
... ; Also see:
Reforming Myanmar;
this DOMAIN;
this DOMAIN supports democracy & democratic way of managing a nation (our
Anatomy, compiled with Arial (Font), (10 pt) Font Size, (
LCD Temperature Control As its Background (Bottom, Left, Right, Top)) among a
Anatomy, b Anatomy, c Anatomy, ... , x Anatomy, y Anatomy, z Anatomy;
don't change or modify the kaibogaku Anatomy webpage, because (link, linked,
linking) to
Analog Clock;
since August 2, 2024, I've a gift to "global companies," i.e.
51345999239, also see:
kadosei Mobility;
Remark: 500 millisecond (ms) Speed, 9KB FILE, 51345999239.GIF, created on August
2, 2024, 15x15 dimensional, and its root directory (folder) is Domain \ Idea
Processor \ ;
Intentionally for R&D SDV worldwide ... ;
sooner, or later, this DOMAIN 's customized USB drive, since 2024; e.g. Credit Card size (USB Flash Drives) will be priced US Dollar 1.98 per item, so approx. 19000 items * $1.98 = $37620 per Credit Card size (USB Flash Drive), because I (a.k.a. a "Tarzan") like to market billionaires and above peoples only;
in 4P/7P Marketing, billionaires and above peoples may think "bargain price" $37620 per Credit Card size (USB Flash Drive) ... ; Remark: it is not easy set to be "1" with ±98 by SQRT2 Engineering Notations e.g. 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ; peoples WHO I know would be getting "free-of-charge" mochiron of course ... ; only the Shakya King knows how to set "1" in our earth believe IT or NOT ; Hint: it is not easy to set 5+ SESSION (in this case: horizontal lines) on (ZCS, LCD, Flat Panel, Display, CRT), ... to be "1" ... ; if 6+ layers, it is not easy to set 6+ SESSION, if 7+ layers, its is not easy to set 7+ SESSION, ... ; the Shakya King's knowledge of how to set "1" IT is worth more than trillions of US Dollar;
Icon FILE, e.g.
brain .ico, created on
07/28/2024, with resolution (64 pixels, 32 pixels), and its bit depth is 32
bits, i.e. 16.7M colors with alpha transparency; Also see:
Brain .HTML;
Since July 4, 2024 (i.e. United States of America (USA) 's Independence Day), this DOMAIN 's contents (19000+ items) . . . . . . . . ; Also see: Products; this DOMAIN; Time;
R&D by Quick Charge USB Cables (e.g. (3 ft, 3 A, 60 W) USB (A, B, C) Types) e.g. TOYOTA MOTOR SALES U.S.A., PART NO. PTQ76-00230; Also see: kadosei Mobility;
this DOMAIN : Web contents are NOT for (bullying, defamatory,
harassing, inflammatory, intimidating, obscene, predatory, threatening,
this DOMAIN : Web contents are NOT for (spamming, unsolicited e-mails (mailing),
unsolicited mass postal mails (mailing));
this DOMAIN : Web contents have never attempted other 3rd parties' (account,
this DOMAIN : Web contents have never (decompiled, disassembled, modified,
reverse engineered) other web domains in the Internet;
this DOMAIN : Web contents have never infringed terms of (USA, United States of
America) 's agreements, laws and regulations;
this DOMAIN : Web contents have never intended for (damaging, disrupting,
framing, mirroring) other (web domain, web services, websites) by coding or
programming (e.g. Virus);
this DOMAIN : Web contents have never (translated, transferred, sublicensed,
retailed for profit, rented, lent, leased, distributed wholesale, assigned) any
portion of its (Site, Services, Data);
this DOMAIN : Web contents obey (proprietary rights, rights of privacy, rights
of publicity);
this DOMAIN : Web contents (portion), or web data (portion), or its created
works (portion) have never merged with other web sites, however (link, linked,
linking) ... ;
this DOMAIN : Web contents respect other 3rd parties' (copyrights©,
proprietary rights,
registered sign®,
service marks, trademarks™, trade secrets);
Also see: Buddha\ index; IT\ index; MD; this DOMAIN;
customized USB drive, since 2024; e.g.
Credit Card size (USB Flash Drives); one side is (laser engraved, printed, written) as:
ア メ リ
カ 緬 甸 .網
+1 (209) 681-9218,
2024 acejaw.website
2024 America Myanmar .Net approx. 19000+ items ...
Credit Card size (USB Flash Drives); another side is (laser engraved, printed, written) as:
in the USA;
certified by (CE, FCC, RoHS, VCCI);
Multi-platform (Computer, lab top, OS, PC);
original Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip;
USB Hardware Interface (32 GB) Capacity;
in June, 2024, purchased from https://www.flashbay.com, +1 (650) 938-3500;
on 06/14/2024, tested, e.g. formatted Volume label as ("c.d. type .USB"), 64 kilobytes Allocation unit size, NTFS File system, 114 GB Capacity, And Then, Quick Format, And Then, copied this DOMAIN 's contents (19021+ items) from its original TOSHIBA STORAGE via its original dynabook computer to a San Disk (i.e. c.d. type .USB), And Then, monitor the time-period (it took approx. 6+ minutes) to complete copying (19021+ items) ... ; Remark: OK. functional up-and-running;
on 06/14/2024, tested, e.g. from San Disk (i.e. c.d. type .USB) via its original dynabook computer to a Flash Bay ("this DOMAIN"), And Then, monitor the time-period (it took approx. 10+ minutes) to complete copying (19021+ items) ... ; Remark: OK. functional up-and-running Type . Disk drives (e.g. "KBG50ZNS???G-K IO X IA"), and its (Device Properties (e.g. Manufacturer: Standard disk drives)), and its (Location: (Bus Number ?, Target Id ?, L U N ?) i.e. "on USB Mass Storage Device");
on 06/14/2024, tested, e.g. formatted Volume label as ("this DOMAIN"), 16 kilobytes Allocation unit size, FAT32 (Default) File system, 29.2 GB Capacity, And Then, Quick Format, And Then, copied this DOMAIN 's contents (19021+ items) from its original TOSHIBA STORAGE via its original dynabook computer to a Flash Bay USB DISK, And Then, monitor the time-period (it took approx. 11+ minutes) to complete copying (19021+ items) ... ; Remark: OK. functional up-and-running;
Remark: Common Era (CE); Federal Communication Commission (FCC); Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment; Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) by Information Technology Equipment; Operating System (OS); Personal Computer (PC); Multi-Level Cell (MLC); Universal Serial Bus (USB); Giga Byte (GB);
for better understanding WHAT is MLC, also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
since 03/28/2024, 12:28PM, 18K File,
Total Solar Eclipse based . Northern Hemisphere (our earth) . Anti-Earthquake
.GIF, i.e. GIF anime, 456 millisecond speed, 108x108 dimensional, for
Anti-Earthquake design model
. .
this DOMAIN;
Remark: based on 04/08/2024 Total Solar Eclipse (our earth .
(North America: Mexico; USA; Canada) . approx. (100, 99) minute, approx. 115
miles Distance);
approx. (100, 99) days time period from 01/01/2024 New Year Day to 04/08/2024
Total Solar Eclipse day; Also see:
Physics Law 456;
Physics Law 567;
202401191230_Root_of_thisDOMAIN_'s_System_Information.txt; January 19, 2024;
202205040947_thisDOMAIN_developer's_Root_SystemInformation.txt; May 4, 2022;
noticed, realized, and understood that
QFE, numerological 865 Information have been
(integrated, upgraded, updated, up-to-date) from 10 Row
(2022 design model), to 13
Row (2024 design
. .
; thanks to
Toshiba ... , the
multi-systems inventor since 1980s
. .
; a
"Tarzan" is a "Tarzan," mountains are mountain, rivers are river, Rows are Row,
. .
23") System design model has started since 2023, for celebrating && honoring
23 February, T e n c h o s e t s u,
Reiwa era of Japan,
The Emperor's Birthday, a.k.a. Emperor Day, a national holiday in the Japanese
calendar ...
; so, this DOMAIN
's contents have started its ("23") System design model with
23 column
tables (other
wording would be computing with 23 SESSIONS) since Thanksgiving
Day, 2023, i.e. in addition to current numerological ("
10") and ("
13") systems ... ; Also see:
23 second NFC IoT System Idea Processor;
on 23rd December 2023, Desktop \
システム \ this DOMAIN OS \
hyper-v \ (FS+,
files, updated by Reduce Design Model
(i.e. only 16KB files),
is 982 millisecond
(ms) from Unix (LF) | ANSI to UTF-16 LE) and (FS+
is 981 millisecond
(ms) from Unix (LF) | ANSI to UTF-16 BE);
avoiding disaster state; e.g.
![]() |
Artificial Intelligence | n u | me | ro | logical | |||||
14694957 | 49111259 | 12125 | |||||||
avoiding | disaster | state | ; |
Idea Processor
based :
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence
: Using
p t,
P T), (
p x,
P X))
for each (chizu
Map, map, mapped, mapping) to be (Anti
Virus, avoiding Earthquake, doing good
healthy, normal, peaceful) ... ;
coordinate; Coordinate; e.g.
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
Coordinate) ...
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 Calendar . Earth . Space . War
coordinate axis
Mail, a.k.a.
electronic Mail; Also see:
e Computer;
Network Topology;
this DOMAIN;
dental; e.g.
Also see:
Dental Implant;
believe it or not, in
Union of Myanmar, dental schools are NOT for ethnic tribes ...
; for example, I had never received grade (A or B) WHEN I was in
(High School + College + University) in Myanmar (1970-1986), so suggestion would
be: if you're ethnic tribes, you need to do "Flag Exchange" to "B
a m a" kind (because Military General means killings ... )
or being abroad to develop by your own
don't (lose, loose) your
Remark: since I've
been a survival of wars, the Shakya King has saved me from the beginning (4-5
years old ones) to the present (60 years old ones),
there is no (equal opportunities, equal rights) in our earth,
who you know is more important than what you know ... ,
please realize & understand Military Dictators means NOT allow Public Records
killings continue
(e.g. unwanted Category 5+ Storm (nothing left in 44+ miles
radius), unwanted
COVID-19, Nuclear Explosions, Wars (e.g.
Calendar . Earth .
Space . War), (unwanted 311, unwanted 911), ... ) ... ; Also see:
Reforming Myanmar;
if you like to challenge "Military
Dictators" worldwide, start your own ((Anti-Earthquake,
Anti-Volcanic Eruption)
Manmade Global Weather, biomedical airborne
Anti Virus,
Fusion (Motor Way LASER (Nodes
based), Wormhole Way
(ZCS based)),
Remote Nama Reading
via Satellite
system), And Then, don't forget to "run" because (gangsters,
terrorists, undercover agents) will be next to you for sure
the Shakya
King's message: "run boy run" ... ;
Remark: if you're
ethnic tribes (e.g. a "Tarzan" Rakhine) of
Union of Myanmar,
this DOMAIN recommends ASAP after (eating, having a meal),
tooth brushing with toothpaste,
2nd gargling with
mouthwash, 3rd
using a clean & disinfected stainless steel tooth pick set,
using a clean & disinfected dental floss,
5th (exceptional
option at last) using Water F l o s s e r, so keep your (gum, jaw
bone, mouth, teeth) clean, healthy, hygiene, ... ;
don't be lazy, approx. 10 minutes for each dental cleansing self if age >
55+ years old ones ; Also see:
d G T S U;
this DOMAIN;
directional gravity spots based solar powered structural Battery 10g Smart Phone; e.g.
directional gravity spots based solar powered structural Battery 10g Smart
Phone ... ;
Remark: 33% ;
OEM; e.g.
OEM) ... ; OEM, Original
Equipment Manufacturer;
this DOMAIN; Dx; e.g.
IFF (bio,
biogenetic, biological, biomedical, chiryoyaku
Therapeutic Usage, medical, oncological, pathological, pharmaceutical,
Recovery) diagnosis, also see:
Dx ((Level 3
Stage 3), (Level 2 Stage 2), (Level 1 Stage1));
this DOMAIN;
this DOMAIN 's Camera TFT Screen; e.g.
this DOMAIN 's Camera TFT Screen;
this DOMAIN 's RJ45 Ethernet Network Topology; e.g.
this DOMAIN 's RJ45 Ethernet Network Topology ... ;
this DOMAIN 's USB Type-C Network Topology; e.g.
this DOMAIN 's USB Type-C Network Topology ...
world's 1st; e.g.
![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Also see: Radical693; | ||||
![]() |
world's 1st HTML programs, e.g.
world's 1st HTML programs, e.g.
![]() |
directional gravity spots based solar powered
structural Battery 10g Smart Phone ... ;
you; your; yours; e.g.
you), also see: this DOMAIN;
this _DOMAIN _'s _position _Info _with _Timestamp;
y Character;
y Computer;
e.g. You're ??% here or there;
Nanobot Programming, e.g. ((5 * DC3V)
OR (10
* DC1.5V))
can represent DC15V, doko
"negatively charged ones" should be membranes (edges) ... ;
Remark: (a "Tarzan") 's imaginary hyperspace lab doesn't need to be expensive
ones; very difficult to know, realize, and understand 1 way
DEE e.g. ((Black
Gray Color,
Silver Color)
... ), for each iro LED (
can be leading to nowadays' design model
Gravity Dimension Computer
gravity spots) Hmm!! Umm!!
... beyond "trillions of currencies" ... ;
this DOMAIN 's one of the contents (e.g.
America Myanmar . Net),
Services, provided by the
ISP) https://www.web.com
and its competitive rates due to cost of (
Security Infrastructure),
so billing statement Term (also see:
date; period;
term; time;
& Price have been changed to 28 days Term & $24.99 per Term (Price) ... ;
Remark: this DOMAIN 's one of the contents (e.g. Ace Jaw . Website), web services, provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) Alphabet a.k.a. Google, also see: www.google.com ... ;
Remark: this DOMAIN 's one of the contents ((approx. 18000+ items in 2023), (e.g. DVD, USB Drive)), Web Services As (Donation, Gift, Present) to Community neighbors, Family members, Friends, Gangsters, Military dictators, Monks, royal family members (including "B a m a" Kingdom's royal family members), System architects, System engineers, Terrorists, the Shakya King, Undercover agents, Users (Gene Therapy System users, Manmade Global Weather users, R&D users), ... ;
this DOMAIN developer's
feedback MOBILE
Apple iPhone14,
(updated, up-to-date) to
i OS
17.1.1 ;
Remark: feedback . MOBILE
. PHONE . device .
Apple iPhone14 ...
Gravity Dimension
Computer (this DOMAIN)
. Normal Gravity
designed && modeled by
Rakhine American
Ace Jaw,
for (Global,
Security ...
Remark: ISP . Telecommunication . Company . AT&T (Roaming) ... ;
system .
Root .
. Content (s)
. dynabook a.k.a.
well trained kids!! replied: Why do you highlight (Black Color, Gray Color, Silver Color) consecutively next to each other sir?
I wrote: trillions of US Dollar worth
USB design &&
model has been like THAT ... ; Have you ever designed && modeled 1 meter long (Black
Gray Color,
Silver Color)
consecutively next to each other?
well trained kids!! replied: Yes. We've;
I wrote: IFF truly "Yes" And Then,
to do (elevate, elevated, elevating, water elevator) devices with
gravity spots, i.e. another trillions of US Dollar worth ...
the most advance challenge would be
Anti-Earthquake design && model ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Yes.
ware ware We'll;
FILE COMPRESSION (ITEMS / Time period) ... ; e.g.
November 2023; Best Buy (https://www.bestbuy.com) ; San Disk Ultra Dual Drive Go USB Type-C ; Made in Malaysia; Model number: SDDDC3-128G-GRNBYY; SKU 6505800; UPC 619659198824; USB 3.2 GEN 1 TYPE-A <> USB TYPE-C ; Western Digital Technologies, Inc., 951 San Disk Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, US (America); WD, PO Box 13379, Swords, Co Dublin, Ireland (Europe); Western Digital (UK) Ltd., PO Box 471, Leatherhead, KT22 2LU, UK (United Kingdom); www.sandisk.com;
this DOMAIN developer purchased
2 (128 GB USB
drives: (BP2305001215W,
San Disk brand, from Best Buy ;
kuru kuru WHILE
compiling this DOMAIN 's contents,
1 is for its USB
3.2, AND another
1 is for its USB
On 11/16/2023, approximately at 2PM, inserted one USB Drive into this DOMAIN developer's dynabook laptop's Left Side USB port, And Then, another USB Drive into this DOMAIN developer's dynabook laptop's Right Side USB-Type-C port, And Then, its contents (approx. 18509+ items) file-copied to both drives, And Then, noticed & realized that
without formatting the drives, copying 18509+ items took approx. 12 minutes at USB port to complete (2.59 GB used space), on the other hand, approx. 15 minutes at USB Type-C port to complete (2.59 GB used space);
(Method, Procedure, Technique) a.k.a.
file compression
... ; (
items /
Time period)
a.k.a. file compression
also, i.e. another trillions of US Dollar worth ... ,
so only the Shakya King's dubbed
peoples know "Explicit"
exactly e.g. 5 guitars anime (CHANNEL)
works for decades, e.g. 3
digital-pianos anime (CHANNEL)
works for decades, ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: your Hidden System
(13) whether
size-by-size by
Processor sir?
I wrote: believe IT or NOT, only the
Shakya King's dubbed peoples know "Explicit"
exactly, a
"Tarzan" should not know some information e.g. military top secrets, restricted
info ... ; "size-by-size"
(definition, keyword) is very very valid for
Gravity Dimension Computer
gravity spots (mapped
&& matched)) also
... ;
SO, I formatted both drives by (this DOMAIN contents installed) computer with (NTFS, 32 kilobytes, volume label "USB.3.2.t.D") at a USB port, and (NTFS, 64 kilobytes, volume label "c.d. type .USB") at the USB Type-C port; Remark: Quick Format;
copying 18509+ items took approx. 5 minutes at USB port to complete (2.61 GB used space), on the other hand, approx. 6 minutes at USB Type-C port to complete (3.06 GB used space);
Thank to Best Buy, and San Disk, because functional
up-and-running storage drives ... ; By the way, I'm going to create 2 more web
pages, they're "USB.3.2.t.D"
(for USB port),
and "c.d.type.USB"
(for USB Type-C
port), because I like to be
using (camera
based zoom (size-by-size), Drive As Lighthouses, Efficient,
Fast, no data lost, Quick,
, ... )
(this DOMAIN) 's some items are developed by using https://gifmake.com in the Internet ... ;
FILE COMPRESSION (ITEMS / Time period) ... ;
October 6, 2023; updated IT \ Cursor \ code c s .in f, and changed its attribute to +a +s +r +o +i +x +p ;
2023 design model
and etc .s html created
: e.g. ((
4 /
= 0.666666666) can be realized & understood;
Remark: Yellowish Variation (YV) R&D may begin ... , also see:
Bamboo Stem R&D;
this DOMAIN; after
realizing & understanding YV, then BLI problem on each human beings livable
moon may be solved;
2023 September; rechecked & updated 1xComputer ... e.g. ("x m l n s") ;
Remark: c Character, x Computer and ?x Computer files have been updated to link "INDEX . XHTML" i.e. one of the files at its root ... ;
within this DOMAIN 's contents, Action e.g. if you double click on this ("。" character), search may be popping up ... ; Also see: Command; Oh My Lord; Remark: if double click on (non-hypertext (area, GUI, hotspot)), using Microsoft Edge, search may be popping-up ... ;
www.bluehost.com 's Recommended CHOICE PLUS, $4.95/mo, 3 websites; 40GB SSD Storage; Free CD N; Free Domain 1st year; Auto renews at regular rate; New Domain: acejaw.website; Service Term: 36 month - 7.45/mo; Hosting Price: $268.20; Site Lock Essentials: $2.99 per month (Bill annually at $35.88/yr); Total $304.08; Order#1644842607; ACEJAW.WEBSITE has started ... ; by September 2023, stopped renewal domain registration ("www .ace jaw .net") ; Remark: you can have the same name if you like to regarding name "Ace Jaw" ... ; Device Name ("Ace4465Jaw"); OS ("Windows 11 Home, 22H2"); Processor ("12th Gen Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-1255U 2.60 GHz"); Product ID ("00356-06292-00892-AAOEM"); Web Browser compiler's resolution has been set ((Width 2345), (Height 789)); Remark: more than 11+ years, this DOMAIN 's contents had been developed by ((Width 1234), (Height 567)); other wording would be: this DOMAIN developer (Ace Jaw) 's customized resolution was (1234x567), and it has been migrated to (2345x789) without ("Calculator keys"), ("B R E A K"), ("I N S"), ("N U M L O C K"), ("P A U S E"), ("S Y S R Q"), ... a.k.a. Standard Keys;
country or region ("United States"); English (United States); 0F008A723243FB; I . T . E. E252824; keyboard method or input method ("US"); Made in China; Microsoft Laptop; MII23226-005; Model 1979; OC13OR0E7RH35; Password: Home Phone Number + ; S S ID ("Idea Processor .Net connected, secured"); this DOMAIN developer's (Contents, OEM, Root), copied from ("d y n a book") to Microsoft Surface Laptop 5; User ("Idea P"); 65W;
BP23070015774; 128GB; Made in Malaysia; 130MB/s Speed; San Disk Ultra Flash Drive; SDCZ48-128G; USB3.0;
Made in Vietnam; (micro SD, SD) to-and-from USB-C device by PLATINUM (CAN ICES-3 B/NMB-3, PT-A F A C S); USB-C is a trademark™ of USB Implementers Forum;
Primary Root (Ace Jaw) Disk Drive is
TOSHIBA External USB 3.0 USB Device (Disk drives) ;
Generic Mass
Storage Class USB Device (Disk drives) ;
Backup Disk Drive is KBG50ZNS256G-KIOXIA (Microsoft
Surface Laptop 5) ;
Remark: during system migrating from ("d y n a book") to Microsoft Surface Laptop 5, difficulty was Bit Locker based decrypting; Because of "Ctrl + O" Standard Key is dysfunctional, impossible to do system migration, from ("d y n a book") to Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 ;
tested this DOMAIN 's contents by using Microsoft Surface Laptop 5, and functional (offline, online) ... except "Ctrl + O" key for 2003 design model ones because of diff graphics definitions ("Quality") ;
July 29, 2023; registered at www.registermybrother.com (HL-L3290CDW), i.e. COLOR LASER PRINTER, Scanner, Wireless (Network Key), ... , by using Email ace4465jaw@comcast.net;
functional colorful pages e.g.
file: | /// | C: | / | inetpub | / | ftproot | / | index | .html | |||
file: | /// | C: | / | inetpub | / | wwwroot | / | index | .html | |||
file: | /// | C: | / | Users | / | Ace4465Jaw | / | index | .html | |||
Net | work | Key | : |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
8 | I | H | C | A | G | 8 | N |
Thank to Brother, for (printing ... , scanning ... , wireless connecting ... ) functional colorful pages ... ;
Remark: 3 specific color codes, they're {E3,E3,E3} Silver, {51,51,51} Gray, and {11,11,11} Black; 4 timelines, they're 99mm, 66mm, 33mm, and 21mm; 640 p x (X axis) ; 3 color codes, 4 timelines, and 640 p x is good enough ... ; You may add your own (e.g. your own index .html, your own Network Key, ... ) inside the above table ... ;
I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, so quiz would be: How many timelines have been used within this DOMAIN ?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! 17 timelines sir;
I wrote:
of course;
July 11, 2023; Setup My
Acer Laptop e.g.
Ace4465Jaw@outlook.com; created PIN; (Location (Yes), Find My
Device (Yes), Diagnostic Data (Required only), Inking & type (No), Tailored
experiences (No), Advertising ID (No)); Protect Your Device Phone:
US (+1) 2096819218 ; Allow Acer to provide enhanced support ...
(checked); Agree to register this device ... (Acer ID); Agree to receive offers
and updates from Acer; Allow Acer to share my contact ... ; customize
(Creativity, Entertainment); good
coming to you!! copied & pasted (this
DOMAIN 's 18353 items) into (C:\
this PC) ... ; double clicked on Publisher . r e g file,
And Then, click on
Copy to clipboard,
Switch out of S
mode (Get),
And Then, Yes ... successfully added to the registry, And Then, click on
OK button ... ; And Then, double click on ("index .html") ...
functional contents (this
DOMAIN) ... working with Acer + Microsoft, thanks to both ... ;
Umm!! Hmm!! a "Tarzan" smiles
... IT works!!!!! ;
07/07/2023; a New Laptop; e.g.
this DOMAIN developer purchased a Laptop (Order#37000300971) from ACER AMERICA CORPORATION https://store.acer.com, Aspire 3 Intel; Display 17.3" HD+ ; 8GB, DDR4 SD RAM;
(KP04501017, 23507307P107, A D T, S/N 44MW28P08MN, C.C.
: D) ... ; MFG Date, a.k.a. Manufactured Date ("2023/03/19");
A317-55P-P7BJ; S/N, a.k.a. Signal to Noise ratio ("NXKDRAA001311039672N00");
S N ID , a.k.a.
ID ("311014695223");
Acer Model Number ("N23H5")
2), a.k.a.
SQRT3 with SQRT2; Dual-core 3 GHz
(i.e. Intel Processor);
Intel ("AX101NGW");
Windows 11 Home (i.e. Microsoft OS);
(2023 July 7th (Friday)) is approx. 500th Day of the
(2022-202?), also see:
Calendar . Earth . Space . War ;
I wrote: WHAT kind of New Spacecraft should you use?
well trained kids!! replied: M1A1H17TITANIUM22 with 2+2 (Procedure, Method, Technique) sir;
I wrote: don't do war crimes;
kuku kuru
demolishing, avoid civilian residential, avoid hospitals, avoid
religious buildings, ... ; I'm a volunteer for supporting (".us")
domain, i.e. in addition to many international domains ... ; May I
know what's your rank?
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We're (
t o k u m e i Anonymous,
t o k u m e i Anonymous,
t o k u m e i Anonymous,
t o k u m e i Anonymous) unknown ones sir,
who don't have military ranks;
I wrote: HOW could that be? only 2 tanks can demolish entire militaries, Umm!! Umm!! i.e. beyond (a "Tarzan") 's knowledge ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: knowledge is power sir, e.g. 2+ (Level6) M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks sir; special designed & modeled for "unbeatable" , "unbreakable" , ... ;
I wrote: should I call to the Shakya King, for his human beings livable moons' R&D resources (many spacecrafts are located) regarding "knowledge is power" ?
well trained kids!! replied: NOT necessary sir;
05/17/2023; setup; e.g.
Idea | Processor | . | net | Remark | : | still | in | R&D | |
idea processor |
. | NET | Remark | : | still | in | R&D | ||
Type | : | http | |||||||
: | IP | Address | |||||||
![]() |
: | 2600 | |||||||
: | 1700 | ||||||||
: | a910 | ||||||||
: | 3d50 | ||||||||
: | 2a97 | ||||||||
: | 63bd | ||||||||
: | 6db5 | ||||||||
: | b8d2 | ||||||||
Port | : | 80 | ; | ||||||
User | Name | : | Ace | 4465 | Jaw | ; | |||
Pass | word | : | +1 | 209 | 681 | 9218 | ; | ||
Application | Pool | : | Classic | . | NET | App | Pool | ; | |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Provider | ||||
i | I | S | service | s | Provider | R&D | e.g. | tsuki .info | |
solution | Provider | ; | service | provider | ; | Internet | Service | Provider | ; |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
r | e | p | o | s | i | t | o | r | y |
50 x 50px :
Remark: for SQRT3 design model, in addition to SQRT2 design model;
Also see: DNS
Network Topology;
Server role configuration;
this DOMAIN;
on May 18, 2023,
consequently created
2 files i.e.
(http to be .txt,
web .CON FIG),
n i t o t t e
virtual directories
(s) are sharing (,
) ... ;
Microsoft Windows OS' commands e.g. (attrib, con host) setup as :
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
A | I | X | 0323~1 | ||||||||||||||
A | 101.bmp | ||||||||||||||||
A | 108NestingDefault.ico | ||||||||||||||||
A | S | autorun.INF | |||||||||||||||
A | S | ColdBoot.ini | |||||||||||||||
A | X | Default.asp | |||||||||||||||
A | X | default.aspx | |||||||||||||||
A | Default.htm | ||||||||||||||||
A | O | U | http to be.txt | ||||||||||||||
A | S | index.htm | |||||||||||||||
A | S | index.html | |||||||||||||||
A | S | index.PHP5.HTML | |||||||||||||||
A | S | index.phtml | |||||||||||||||
A | S | index.shtml | |||||||||||||||
A | O | P | INDEX.XHTML | ||||||||||||||
A | S | info.TXT | |||||||||||||||
A | X | net_save.dna | |||||||||||||||
A | S | Publisher.reg | |||||||||||||||
A | R | web.config | |||||||||||||||
A | I | X | 56366295.exe |
Remark: the above table is
intentionally designed & modeled by 18 column (s), and
especially at (a.k.a. "@")
this DOMAIN 's root, 10
column (s) table (s) are
n i t o t t e
10 dimensional
... , and
reserves (12
dimensional, 14 dimensional) for
Remark: our earth is not
simple like
I think e.g. I've (learned, studied, tested, used) computers for
more than 32+ years already, but still NOT able to engineer (Product
Engineer) my own
DNS and
FTP yet e.g. my own
www .
Ace Jaw
.net ,
s ftp .
Ace Jaw
.net ,
if I can on "one day," I'll be a trillionaire (US Dollar) for sure ...
translator based lines are very difficult to define,
kuru kuru
WHILE dealing with (resetting,
e.g. 4 lines
must be connected together like short circuits, e.g.
"Y" layers must
be connected together like jumper circuits)
... ; Also see:
Walls of
and their own
(s), ... believe
IT or NOT, I've never hacked any system in my life, because I
believe in Zen Buddhism, e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ...
; so still in R&D ... as of May 18, 2023;
Remark: I don't know WHO designed & modeled mixers in 1990s;
DLL, also see: d
built-in authorization provider, e.g. (http to be .txt .P FILE, web .con fig .P FILE ) ... ; Also see: Directories; Files; this DOMAIN;
2023 April 18 (Tuesday); online purchased order from www.amazon.com;
Toshiba 2022 Latest Dynabook
Satellite Pro C50-H 15.6"
F HD (10th Gen Intel Core
(Beat i5-8250U),
8GB RAM, 256GB
Business Laptop, Webcam,
Type-C, Windows 10, Graphite
I wrote: everyone likes to be very very rich like billionaire ones, so can you R&D above Type-C 's color?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very very easy sir e.g.
n i t o t t e
Gravity Dimension Computer
Network Topology; this DOMAIN) :
Aqua Gray Type-C;
Aqua Navy Type-C;
Aqua Silver Type-C;
Gray Aqua Type-C;
Navy Aqua Type-C;
Silver Aqua Type-C;
Military Grade ones, e.g. (
98x44 dimensional Aqua Gray GUI,
98x44 dimensional Aqua Navy GUI,
98x44 dimensional Aqua Silver GUI,
98x44 dimensional Gray Aqua GUI,
98x44 dimensional Navy Aqua GUI,
98x44 dimensional Silver Aqua GUI), designed, modeled, & programmed for
Space War worldwide (any nation) ... ;
Military Grade ones;
also see: n f c elevation d n a ftp sharing .sys ;
I wrote: good. be good billionaire ones. if you like to challenge, then start with Anti-Earthquake engineering (Idea Processor) ... and don't forget that human beings livable moons are owned by the Shakya King;
humanoid Argha
:: E-mail
Amazon .com Online Purchase Order #114-5448653-1253868
auto-confirm@amazon.com > ;
Online Purchase Order, on April 18 (Tuesday), 2023;
Dynabook, a new name for Toshiba PC and its client solutions business; SATELLITE PRO C50-H15200, SUPPLIER PART NUMBER PYS33U-01Q022, PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBER 31214925H, ENERGY STAR, BC, SC: A1PYS33U111A, SUPPLIER ID 015347, Microsoft Product Key ID 3305354064777, LAN MAC Address 5C857E4DF2C3, Wireless LAN A46BB6100E00, Rechargeable Li-ion Battery model 4588105-2S DC7.6V, 45.6Wh; Made in China;
B S Y AC ADAPTER MODEL BSY0651902102 D, INPUT 100-240V~ 50/60Hz, 1.5A, OUTPUT 19.0V, 2.1A, 39.9W, EFFICIENCY LEVEL, www.tuv.com, ID 1111229855, Energy Verified C E, SHENZHEN B S Y TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., CONFORMS TO UL STD.62368-1, CERTIFIED TO CSA STD.C22.2 NO.62368-1, CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B), G71C000MH510, 2012100426, DATE 2012, P N 065T-03; Part GDM900002531; Vendor T0B5ZE9; Lot 201221;
dynabook, SATELLITE PRO C50-H15200, P/N PYS33U-01Q022, S/N 31214925H, DC 19V, 2.1A, Contains radio device 9560D2W, Contains FCC ID CJ69560D2WWB, Contains Lithium Ion Battery, Dynabook Inc.
Remark: this DOMAIN 's contents have
been R&D by
since long
long time ago (e.g. since 1990s) ... ; Remember: Toshiba invented "multi
systems" in 1980s ... and wrapping "Lime Color" As USB-Type-C is not
easy to do, a.k.a. Green Color wrapping of 6 surfaced DEE Box, Dark Energy
Engineering (DEE), ... and very high tech, and one of the military
restricted info, but lower tech level if compare to YV, Yellowish Variations
(human beings livable moons) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: WHAT is "multi systems" sir?
I wrote: long long time ago, prior to 1980s, (Radio, TV)
broadcasting systems were not the same (specification, tune-able, type)
e.g. if you purchased a (Radio, TV) in USA, then not functional in Japan,
e.g. if you purchased a (Radio, TV) in Japan, then not functional in
Germany, that was prior to 1980s, so Toshiba
came up with "multi-systems" so functional around the globe (Radio,
TV) ... so called "multi-systems"
... ; Radio has become DEE
Radio, since year 2000s ... ; And Then, every GPS has been with 2 (1 mm
ones) gravity spots embedded; And Then, directional gravity spots with
surfaces (NCS, PCS, ZCS) WHICH leads to
Gene Therapy System,
Manmade Global Weather, ... ;
in 2020s,
structural Battery (gravity spots) would be the highest commercial R&D
(our earth only) ... ;
Remark: please don't attach airborne viral pathogen to human beings'
Protein, because this DOMAIN developer doesn't like wars e.g. (biomedical
browser war,
military war,
space war,
trade war);
this DOMAIN developer likes "you make some money, I make some money" ... ;
on 04/20/2023,
My dynabook, Setup As :
(United States - International) : (Set up for an
organization) : (Sign in with Microsoft : Ace4465Jaw@outlook.com) : (PC Name :
Ace4465Jaw) : (Password: +12096819218) : (Security question (1 of 3) : What's
the name of the city where you were born : Modesto, California; Security
question (2 of 3) : What was your fist pet's name : Ginger; Security question (3
of 3) : What's the name of the first school you attended : Western Illinois
University) :
Online speech recognition (Yes), Find my device (Yes), Inking & typing (Yes),
Advertising ID (No), Location (Yes), Diagnostic Data (No), Tailored experiences
(No) :
Entertainment (Yes), Gaming (No),
School (No), Creativity (Yes), Business (Yes), Family (Yes) : Let
C o r t a n a help you get things done (Not now) : Just a moment ... :
This might take several minutes (Don't turn off your PC) ; Oh My
Lord, a huge towel restaurant on a human beings livable moon's picture as
default!!! Yes. I like good foods ... , and thanks to Toshiba's dynabook &
Microsoft because functional and up-and-running since
e.g. TIS0036700D (C:) ... ; Remark: I copied and pasted 18124
items (this DOMAIN 's contents into (This PC)), and it took approx. 2 minutes;
And Then, I double-clicked on TIS0036700D (C:) \ 's Publisher file;
ware ware We're good ... ; And Then, I double-clicked on
this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp, and options e.g. (Sign in to
sync data), (Start without your data) were prompted ... Confirm and start
browsing ... ;
And Then, after QA year, month, and date are correctly timestamp e d, I click
on Show Position button, by "Allow,"
I QA My Primary Home Latitude is 37.70059..., and Longitude is -121.03350;
again, thanks to Toshiba dynabook & Microsoft because functional and
up-and-running ... e.g. bridges, connectors, Coordinate-Graphical User
Interfaces, SPL based NFC IoT, your own devices, ... ; I don't know WHO designed
UNICEF (u n i c e
... ; A "Tarzan"
Rakhine American 's wild guess would be : IT may be worth more than trillions of
US dollars;
by 04/25/2023, 3:23 PM, opened its plastic cover, And Then, disconnected (4 lines: Black, Red, White) wired of its battery; after disconnecting (4 lines: Black, Red, White), updated Windows 11, version 22H2, however interface seems the same like Windows 10; uninstalled 2 drivers, they're S S D, and DVD drive device drivers; for my structural Battery, bypassing PNG (Method, Procedure, Technique) because I don't need (Positive, Negative, Ground), and don't forget that A. W. G. wires at home is like Positive, Negative, and Ground ; My Dynabook Satellite Pro C50-H 15.6" PC is up-and-running very good, and functional ... ; My Dynabook Satellite Pro C50-H 15.6" PC 's background has been set as:
Domain \ Manmade Global Weather \ Anti-Earthquake \
Anti-Earthquake .GIF file As
(Remark: no slideshow, no photo folder; just simply set as Anti-Earthquake
I wrote: "Tarzan" Rakhine
American's wild guess would be: regarding structural
Battery (
), I've just disconnected smaller gravity spot (surrounded by Navy Blue color)
at the bottom, on the left side, because I don't need (Positive,
... ; Remember, long long time ago, I (mentioned, said) THAT one of the human
beings livable moons refreshes its gravity spots (2 Sun) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! gravity spots (lighthouse) ... ; in this case, "lighthouse" would be 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index for sure ... Umm!! Hmm!! you also (mentioned, said) that it doesn't need to be expensive ones sir;
dynabook logo, Google Chrome, Microsoft's OS logo,
OEM, radio
specifications (Browser), trademark of
Toshiba (this PC),
Type-C (USB) ... are owned by
their respective owners ... ;
a few minutes later, system auto prompted e.g.
Updates are underway.
100% complete.
Please keep your computer on.
OEM logo
Working on updates ??%
Please keep your computer on.
Your computer may restart a few times.
User Name
Remark: My Dynabook
Satellite Pro C50-H 15.6" PC became Windows 11, by 04/25/2023, ... ;
And Then, this DOMAIN contents are QA on the same (
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
Coordinate) ...
; thanks to Google, Microsoft, Toshiba, ... ;
by 04/26/2023,
I've noticed, realized, and understood THAT My R&D PC doesn't have Print Screen
key (a.k.a.
P R T S C, a.k.a.
P r t S c S y s R q) key, so I press (Logo Key +
Shift Key + S Key) and it prompts
(Freeform mode, Full screen mode,
Rectangular mode, Window mode) As Snipping Tool,
after Explicit Ampere (A) defined; another "Tarzan"
Rakhine American's wild guess would be
dealing with (multiple layers,
NCS (s),
PCS (s), several layers,
ZCS (s)),
Toshiba's architects & engineers decided to be with options i.e.
(Freeform mode,
Full screen mode, Rectangular mode, Window mode) As Snipping Tool,
so (multiple layers Coordinate-GUI, several layers Coordinate-GUI)
are better computing to be ... ; Also see:
Mode; this DOMAIN;
Remark: notice, realize,
and understand that nowadays (2020s) Microsoft Access has been defined by (Amber
Color, Dark Red Color, Maroon Color), and if you're using Microsoft Excel Sheet
And Then, you should have 2 columns (Green Color, Red Color) next to each other,
And Then, every month (Row Number should be numerological 9) filled with
Maroon Color and nothing inside of the Row Number, because we need separator
alike (in this case, maroon colored row without data) ... ; might be very useful
for your monthly ledger (multiple layers,
NCS (s),
PCS (s), several layers,
ZCS (s))
... ; every color
has its own meaning in ACT2 imaginary hyperspace, and ACT3 imaginary hyperspace;
(multiple layers,
NCS (s),
PCS (s), several layers,
ZCS (s))
might be worth another trillions of US Dollars, And Then, good luck!!!!! with
Hollywood (Public) movies can make tons of moneys ... ;
every color has its own meaning in
ACT2 imaginary hyperspace, and ACT3 imaginary hyperspace;
DOMAIN developer (
Ace Jaw) 's phone
(American Telephone and Telegraph Company)
ID:2AVD3V340U Build number ???? . ?????? . ??? . V340U _ ?? _ ???? ??
release - keys Bluetooth address Up time ?? : ?? : ?? : 42 : 52 Wi-Fi MAC
address 00:d2:79:c2:9cf6:192.168.
3d50:IP address fe80::d3ba:9427:e1c0 Android version 10 Model & hardware
Model : V340U Legal information S I M status AT&T Emergency information Info
& contacts for Owner Phone
number 1-209-681-9218 Device name V340U AT&T SKU: S505C
- I C C I D:
I M E I: 355175111384815;
S K U:6918C;
U P C: 850007201333;
Model: V340U; AT&T Fusion® Z, 16GB, Matrix Blue;
OS V E R: Android 10; SW V E R: V340U_A1_210715; Made in
Remark: Mobile Phone
(NOT line phone); Vietnam Honor High Tech Company Limited, Switching
Adapter, P/N: N04F01007, Model: ADS-10LA-0605010EPCU; Input:
100-240V~50/60HzMax.0.3A; Output:5V...2.0A;
Prod Date: 21 03 04; Made in Vietnam;
Cable, approx. 96 cm; Color (e.g.
iroColourWaveForm, also see:
Character Extension 1)
approx. light Aqua Color;
URL: https://www.att.com) is the world's
largest telecommunication company, the largest provider of mobile telephone
in the United States of America;
World's 1st
Idea Processor based
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence (
HTML) program (webpage (avoiding
Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan)) ... if next earthquake happens naturally, I've to read this
webpage (avoiding
Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan) 's contents again, And Then, (develop, modify) IT a little bit, until
proven record of 10+ years without earthquake, And Then, your own Algorithm ...
; if we're able to avoid earthquake for more than 10+ years, your own Algorithm
(hole, string)
artificially (NOT naturally) ... ;
U U ID, Universal Unique Identifier identifies COM Object's type; U U I D; e.g.
uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882, also see: ID; this DOMAIN; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Remark: world's 1st "a Tarzan" Rakhine American's (u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) can be using for NOT ONLY Manmade Global Weather (Global Locations : our earth only : any moving location of point, Automotive, GPS, ground stations, kadosei Mobility, radio stations, Satellite, Wireless Antenna), BUT ALSO 10000+ MPH Speed global military ... ;
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We're Japanese, Taiwanese, and US American sir, and we
don't want "a Tarzan" owns & controls & operates (u
a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) sir; Can you
adjust your data definition sir?
I wrote: Yes. (
I) will (change, redefine, modify) U U ID, Universal Unique Identifier
identifies COM Object's type As (uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C?????)
for you, so computer's wildcard character ("?????") can be your own 5
alphanumeric numbers;
purchased Acer
( URL: www.acer.com) Aspire Vero, from
URL: http://store.acer.com);
Keyboard | : | United | States | - | International | ; | |||
second | keyboard | lay | out | : | Skip | ; | |||
Connect | : | connect | you | to | a | network | ( | Next | ) |
data | plan | , | e.g. | limited | , | metered | , | unlimited | ; |
( | Next | ) | Checking | for | update | , | up- | to- | date |
, | ... | ; | to | keep | your | PC | On | ; | Just |
a | moment | ... | ( | Logo | , | OEM | ) | ... | ; |
OS | License | Agree | me | n | t | ( | Accept | ) | |
... | ; | PIN | : | Home | Phone | Number | ; | ||
: | Ace | 4465 | Jaw | @ | com | cast | . | net |
Acer : Aspire Vero : AV15-51 : LAPTOP-EIQ3VO17; Intel CORE;
POST CONSUMER RECYCLED; wireless LAN; Ethernet (RJ-45) port;
Battery: 48Wh Li-ion battery;
Graphics: Intel Iris X e Graphics;
LCD: 15.6" F HD IPS Slim Bezel PCR;
Manufacture Year: 2021 Made in
China, SYSTEM BIOS: V1.01;
Memory: 8 GB DDR4 Memory;
Optical Drive: NA;
OS: Windows 11 Home;
Processor: Intel Core i5-1155G7;
R MN: N20C5;
NXAYCAA001 140069013400;
Software: 1 month trail for new Microsoft 365 customers . Credit card
Storage: 256GB PC I e NV Me S SD;
U P C: 1 95133 13155 1;
W LAN / Bluetooth:
this DOMAIN 's contents, i.e. 16661 items, C165, copy-and-paste into the Acer Aspire Vero; functional, working with, ... e.g. (\\IT\25650\Certificate\this DOMAIN . Security Certificate), e.g. (this DOMAIN 's root \ Publisher . Registration Entries), e.g. (// IT / Executable Application / Fantastic / Analog Clock .HTML), ... are functional, working with, ... e.g. Microsoft's Meet Window 11 OS < > ... ; Remark: Thank to Acer and Microsoft, because both (Hardware, Software) are functional, working with, ... ;
2565; 2566; 2022;
developer purchased
5gCellPhone from American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T) i.e.
www.apple.com 's iPhone14
(Apple ID),
0888 8100
3420 2662 ;
I: 35205
16861 86245
16861 86245
I2: 25205
16855 73203
MPV73LL/A iPhone14, Red, 128 GB;
Idea Processor
level R&D
(this DOMAIN ) ... ;
NFC Usage: ("NFC") is
Near Field Communication ;
NFC IoT Usage: ("NFC
IoT") is NFC defined
Internet of Things
... ;
Services: by
American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T)
Usage: ("+1 Nation Code") is United States of America (USA)
unknown (Hidden
Network) ... ;
Serial Number:
i OS 16.0.3,
or up-to-date ones ... ;
W i F i
for R&D of this DOMAIN 's feedback calls, files sharing among (OS, Operating Systems), hyper graphic links, hyper text links, (OLE), and so on ... ; Remark: using email ace4465jaw@comcast.net;
this DOMAIN contents, file transferred (Computer, Share, Store), via ((OEM: h p), 32GB, USB 2.0 Flash Drive, v150w, Assembled in Taiwan) And Then ((OEM: Verbatim), DVD + R, DVD - R, Made in Taiwan), purchased from Office DEPOT Office Max, www.officedepot.com;
OEM (hp, HP), also see: www.hp.com;
OEM (P N Y), also see: www.pny.com;
OEM (Verbatim), also see: www.verbatim.com;
this DOMAIN developer's Root (Basic PC, Laptop Computer)
: System Information; e.g. Anti Virus
202205040947_this DOMAIN _developer 's _Root _System Information;
Remark: attrib
+a +r +s; because, some systems need to
bypass (hub, router, switch) ... ;
because, some
systems need to be rescued;
because, some
systems require
feedback information;
because, some
systems require (verification,
... ;
Remark: HTML programs
for humanoids nama, written in
Pali language
(transcript English language),
because "our earth is not simple like WHAT I think"
... ; Also see: Nama For
Humanoid; New Year Day of the year
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar,
2022 April
17 (Sunday) ; TOSHIBA 2TB Portable
Storage, Can v i o, Advance; Formatted
NTFS ; Mac
OS v10.15 / v10.14 /
v10/13 ; Made in Philippines; M/N: DT CA 20; P/N: HD T C A 20XG3AA; S/N:
128 CT 1 GET L Z H;
Software Installation
https://www.canvio.jp/en/support/download/hdd/ot_ehdd/en.htm ; Support:
https://storage.toshiba.com/consumer-hdd/support ; Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH, H a n s a a l l e e
181, 40549 D u s s e l d o r f, Germany; Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH - UK branch, 1 Princes
Road, KT139TU Way bridge Surrey, UK;
USB 3.2 Gen 1; Windows 10; Windows 8.1;
www.bis.gov.in ;
purchased from Office Depot Office Max (
URL: www.officedepot.com );
this DOMAIN 's contents, tested (e.g. browsing speed, compatible,
executable, function, graphics, ... ), and functional working with TOSHIBA ... ;
New Year Day of the year
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar,
2022 April
17 (Sunday) ; ASUS DVD - R W; USB powered; ASUS COMPUTER GmbH, H A R K O R T S T R. 21-23,
40880 R A T I N G E N, GERMANY;
ASUS External Slim DVD-R W SD R W - 08D2S - U; Optical Drive; Software
(Cyber Link Power 2 Go 8); USB Y Cable;
ASUS T e K Computer Inc., 1F., NO.15, L I D E RD.,
Made in China;
URL: http://asus.com.cn ;
O/S Compatibility: Mac OS x 10.6 and above;
O/S Compatibility: Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP;
Windows11 Ready; (Mac, Windows10)
Compatible ;
URL: https://www.asus.com/support
Weight: 280 g;
purchased from Office Depot Office Max (
URL: www.officedepot.com );
this DOMAIN 's contents, tested (e.g. browsing speed, compatible,
executable, function, graphics, ... ), and functional working with ASUS ... ;
READER ( USB 3.2 Gen 1,
USB-C, SD, SD / MICRO SD 3.0); Made in Vietnam; MEMORY CARD READER; Model: PT-CRSAC1; 22A10M; PLATINUM, trademark of Best Buy (
www.bestbuy.com ) and its affiliated
companies; SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (Android 6+, Chrome OS7, Chrome OS8, i
Pad OS 13.3.x, Mac OS 10.4, Windows 10 (64 bit), Windows 10 (32 bit));
USB-C) connector;
USB-C, trademark of USB Implementers Forum; Working with card formats e.g. (Micro SD CARD, Micro SD HC
04/04/2022; San Disk Extreme
PLUS, 128 GB,
micro SD card with extreme capture, transfer and app speeds (SPEEDS UP TO
(170 MB / s)
WRITE); 15 13 Y FE D V1 D A; BP MADE IN MALAYSIA; 2021-12-02, ADAPTER (micro SD, micro SD HC, micro SD X C),
MADE IN CHINA; 4K U H D VIDEO (3840 x 2160 p) 320 minutes; A2^2 FOR FASTER APP LOADING AND PERFORMANCE; CAPACITY (128 GB); PHOTOS (12 Mega pixel JPEG / Average: 4.5 MB File Size) 800
photos; SONGS (3.5 MB File Size) 1040 songs; Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates;
www.sandisk.com/wug ;
also see:
this _DOMAIN _'s _position _Info _with _Timestamp; (
minute of Time,
one percent (1%),
one's lot,
, (
know)) ...
, also see:
... ;
2564; 2565; 2021;
this DOMAIN 's
Idea Processor
has been setup as
http://box5187.temp.domains/~ideapro2/ ; Also see:
_DOMAIN _'s _position _Info _with _Timestamp;
Remark: Domain Name:
Idea Processor .Net has been registered by Google, however
this DOMAIN developer has decided that NOT to have (DNS
FTP Server,
IIS Server,
Web Server), so
("Idea Processor .Net") can not be browsed,
because a "Tarzan" should be not that advance, a "Tarzan" should be in Basic
Standard ... ; is beyond remote nama reading RDBMS,
and it should not be belong to common human beings
(Idea Processor should belong to the
monks) ... ;
purchased L G
( URL: www.lg.com)
www.costco.com); L G Electronics'
GRAM Notebook
15Z95N-G.AAC6U1, CPU Intel (
www.intel.com) Core i5 - 1135G7
processor (2.40 GHz), LCD 15.6 inch (39.6
cm) F HD (1920 *
I P S LCD, Graphic Intel Iris X e
Graphics, Memory 16
GB LPDDR4x, Storage 512 GB S SD (N
V Me), ODD None, Wired
LAN 10/100 Megabit
Ethernet, Wireless
LAN Intel
W i - F i
6 AX201,
Bluetooth Yes (BT v5.1), Finger Print
Yes, Thunderbolt Yes,
Software Included (
Windows 10 Home (64 bit),
S/N 104NZHH020025, d t
s H D M I, Made in
TESTED e.g. installed this DOMAIN 's contents, and functional, working, ...
Show Position;
Show Position;
Position; (geo-location, showing a position Info of the current
location, the Browser's Location Awareness) e.g.
WHERE (Latitude
Longitude Number) will
be prompting at the "Page Top" if clicking on the button
well trained kids! replied: Umm!! Umm!! by clicking on the button
"Show Position" and it doesn't work sir;
I wrote: Ah!! Ah!! Internet Servers (e.g. B DC, DNS, I IS, P DC, ...
) don't serve
(a.k.a. services to) Local's
position Info, therefore to be from the
Local to Remote,
Save As (e.g.
this webpage) into your computer, then try it again by
clicking on the button "Show Position" ..., and realize & understand THAT
ware ware We cannot define "All"
therefore, "Show Position" might not work with different (browsers, Mobile roaming, OEM s) and old version
browsers, ... ;
Suggestion: regarding the button "Show Position," Global should be "master" to the "slave" Remote, And Then, Local should be a "slave" to the "master" Remote, ... ;
well trained kids! replied:
ware ware We've already learnt THAT beyond Universal would be "Yellowish
Variation" sir, e.g.
Yellowish Variation should be "master" to the "slave"
I wrote:
of course; I'll be your student
HOW SQRT3 with SQRT2 ?
since 2008 to the present (2020s), this DOMAIN 's contents are designed, developed, engineered, modeled, programmed, ... in Modesto, California, United States of America (USA) ... ;
this DOMAIN 's Photo Album (s) :
e.g. Created Date: March 06, 2021; ..\..\ Buddha\ Presentation \ ; Graphics Image Slideshow;
e.g. Created Date: March 05, 2021; (File Name:
Slideshow Horizontal (File Format: .mp4; File Size: 146 MB; Approx.
Running Time Period: 16 Minute; Audio Bit Rate: 117kbps; Channel: 2 Stereo;
Custom: HD 1080p; Frame Height: 1080; Frame Rate: Constant 18.10fps (TV NTSC);
Frame Rate: 18.10 Frames / Second; Frame Width: 1920; Open with: Movies & TV;
Total Photo: 64 Item; Type of File: MP4 File));
e.g. Created Date: March 05, 2021; (File Name:
Slideshow Vertical
(File Format: .mp4; File Size: 616 MB; Channel: 2 Stereo; Custom: HD 1080p;
Frame Height: 1080; Frame Rate: Constant 29.97fps (TV NTSC); Frame Rate: 29.97
Frames / Second; Frame Width: 1920; Open with: Movies & TV; Total Photo: 64
Item; Type of File: MP4 File));
Using ( URL:
www.nchsoftware.com) 's software then compiled MP4 Files;
[Earth-crust-composition: Al 8.2%, Ca 4.2%, Fe 5.6%, O 46.4%, Others 7.4%, S I 28.2%, ... ]; Is there any technical term for 1/2 water? Also see: Heavenly Wheel Topology; Q ;
this domain . idea processor .net, sub domain name,
purchased from
Google (
https://domains.google.com )
And Then, forwarding via
logger to
a b
s d m m c . b o d h i s u k h a . net
。 e.g.
http://thisdomain.ideaprocessor.net ;
this DOMAIN 's Certificate (s) regarding IT (Information Technology) are : (Type . Base-64 encoded X.509, e.g. this DOMAIN . c e r, Option . Current User ), (Type . P K C S #7 Certificates, e.g. this DOMAIN.p7b, Option . Current Machine ) ; Also see: info;
Idea Processor,
Idea Processor,
Idea Processor), developed by (
) :
1mm Hole By 24mm Natural Time ACT1 ACT2 ACT3, i.e.
this DOMAIN 's one of the imaginary hyper space symbols, to adjust momentums
among human beings livable moons in our universes, regarding
TOSHIBA (Dynabook) 's design, logo, model, symbol,
... ;
; Remark:
regarding (COMPUTING system, computing SYSTEM), our earth's the 1st multi
systems (retrospective to 1980s) architect inventor TOSHIBA has changed its name
to Dynabook with very very meaningful "1 Box with 2 different momentums" Logo
(21st century & beyond, 2020s) ... , i.e. ware ware We need to know, realize,
and understand very basic, therefore, approx. 40+ years of R&D time period from
IC to (N C S, P C S, Z C S) ... ; Reminder: because of Z C S, ware ware We've D
E E (world's the most powerful medical machine I F F MD, world's the most
powerful weapon I F F Military General), Directional Gravity Pressure, gravity
spots, micro satellites, invisibility engineering, remote n a m a reading (A R),
... for 21st century & beyond ... ;
Dynabook Inc. (Manufacturer),
dynabook TEC RA A50-F (2020 modeled ones), with Windows edition (Windows 10 Pro
Education), 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor, Computer name
(LAPTOP-3D1EB9L3), Window activation (Product ID: 00379-20000-00001-AAOEM),
; Also see: https://us.dynabook.com
; (1.8GHz Intel Celeron 4205U, 4GB DDR4, 15.6", 128GB S S D, Bluetooth 5.0,
Webcam, WiFi6), purchased from www.amazon.com,
Order#111-9138421-6723462 ; Logitech Desktop USB Mouse & Keyboard
Combo, also purchased from Amazon .com,
Order#111-0444475-4198644 ;
L G, also see: www.lg.com; L G Electronics Inc., Slim Portable DVD Writer, MODEL GP65NW60, SVC CODE NW70, ROM VERSION PF00, designed by Hitachi- L G Data Storage, Inc. ; the DVD Writer comes with Cyber Link DVD Media Suite, also see: www.cyberlink.com;
Microsoft Office Home & Student 2019; Quantity 1; Life Time Product key: GYMYP-4MXV4-XPHWY-337KG-XTMTZ, limited time offer (USD99$, Life Time), purchased by creating a new e-mail account Ace4465Jaw@outlook.com, Type (Disk drives) e.g. C-228T128G2-P3D2B2S11, Drive Letter (DVD Drive (E:) 16.0.13127.20616 U D F), and Order Number 5282866107 ; Remark: because Microsoft Office 2007 WHICH was purchased by this DOMAIN developer is no longer able to activate neither online nor by phone, as of 2020;
purchased a Domain Name (IDEA
PROCESSOR .NET), from Google (
www .Google .com ), with a new
e-mail Ace4465Jaw@gmail.com,
Remark: 12 United States Dollar / year, And Then, purchased a
Web Hosting Service, from www.bluehost.com,
with User Name (ideapro2), and received a new IP Address (, from
the ISP,
Remark: approx. 95 United States Dollar / 3 years, and Blue
Host's customer support phone number is USA +1 855 984 4546;
www.icann.org 's Google LLC (United States),
http://domains.google.com, and Telephone
Number +1 877 237 6466; Email:
registrar@google.com ;
Storage, using Lexar 64G, Product of China, LJDV100-64G 01GYU 1419Y, USB Flash Drive;
Storage, using TOSHIBA 16GB, MADE IN JAPAN, 1921QE7293MRQ1RJ2V U203, USB Flash Drive;
Storage, using TOSHIBA 16GB, USB 3.0, MADE IN PHILIPPINES, 1701171A186XASAA1S U301, USB Flash Drive;
Storage, using TOSHIBA CAN V IO ADVANCE; 1TB; USB 3.0 Hard Drive; compatibility, formatted N T F S for (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7); Also see: Toshiba Consumer Storage ;
using Ace4465Jaw@outlook.com, started on 1/8/2021, Microsoft Azure; time zone: ((UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)); https://portal.azure.com/#home; Function App; idea processor .azure websites .net ((Runtime Stack: Custom Handler), (Version: Custom e.g. C138), (Region: West US)); Resource Group: idea processor .info; Subscription: 07cab0e5-9ef4-48fa-b615-fa0a2aa7aea8; Hosting SKU: Free (i.e. "free of charge"); Hosting: A C U: Shared Infrastructure; Microsoft . Web - Function App - Portal - fe5eab75 - b363 ; Hosting Plan Name: ASP - idea processor info - a567 ; Created a static HTML web app in Azure; Also see: https://docs .microsoft .com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-custom-domain; Web App B o t; Register Application Group: No;
as of 1/8/2021; Microsoft . Azure . Home . idea processor; Remark: https://idea processor .azure websites .net prompts "Function host is not running" ; IP Address:; Custom Domain Verification ID: ADA8D 26040 D919F FAD2E F65B3 1C3B7 4E6D6 4A237 313D7 2586B 05E37 D56A6 D05D; Remark: https://portal.azure.com;
as of 1/14/2021;
https://d e v .azure .com / idea processor ,
https://d e v .azure .com / Ace 4465 Jaw /
) ;
outlook . on micro soft . com ; Run pipeline (Azure Pipeline),
(windows-2019), #20210114.1 on ideapro2 - CI; repository (this DOMAIN) Build (2
queue time variables used), (Job preparation parameter), ... ;
lines of code; Default Directory ((Ace4465Jawoutlook.onmicrosoft.com),
(794469bd-5a7a-4d37-bb2f-a7fa6b9093da)) ;
version="1.5" encoding="utf-8"?>
<startup><supported Runtime version="v?.?" SKU = .NET Frame work,
<app Settings>
<add key="i?? :Client ID" value="idea processor"/>
<add key="i?? :Redirect
URL" value="idea processor .info"/>
<add key="i?? :Is Multi tenant App" value="false"/>
<add key="i?? :Tenant G U ID" value="G U ID"/>
<add key="app :Name" value="HTML"/>
<add key="app :Version" value="2"/>
</app Settings>
2564; 2020;
Ace4465Jaw@comcast.net, an
e Mail
been using since 2000;
Remark: Comcast (
www .com cast .net ) ; X f i n i t y (
www .x f i n i t y .com ) ;
in common telecommunication (e.g. (if
blue is Tx, then
green should be Rx
for feedback and verification),
vice versa, (if
green is Tx, then
blue should be Rx
for feedback and
verification)); regarding (local
remote (100),
global (1000),
universal (10000),
yellowish variation (100000),
reversed yellowish variation (1000000))
SQRT2 design model;
developed by
this DOMAIN;
this DOMAIN 's Color Codes;
Remark: this DOMAIN 's contents are one of the intellectual
properties of the United States of America;
Domain Name: USA Myanmar .net had been hacked and hijacked, and no longer hosting this DOMAIN 's contents;
Using ("Ä
Γ ò ª┬í Γ ò ú m J N├ à Γ ö┤┬╢I╬▒Γ ò í k╞Æ Γ ò ÿ p z┬╜n t f s Γ ÿ║Γ ÿ║Γ ÿ╗Γ ÿ║├¼
Γ ò ¢") for
pattern matching,
share %,
this DOMAIN,
Line Interpreter),
cell properties >> modify style >> borders and shading >> custom >> double ;
Parameter's double vertical
lines (1st Pane), And Then, Plus Screen with "ro"
Parameter), And Then, exponent
of the double vertical lines As 2nd Pane (3rd
Parameter), And Then, n t file
system (4th
Parameter) 's 3 right panes are
Parameter), (6th
Parameter), (7th
Parameter), ... ; (this DOMAIN
developer a.k.a. (a "Tarzan")) 's wild guess would be 5+ panes, and worth
more than trillions of US Dollar, and synthesizer based computer programs
... , therefore, 8th layers computing
... ; if three quarters are reserved
for ZCS, And Then, the rest ("1/4") should be for NCS ... ;
("p") for Processor is wisely defined just after (vertical ÿ)
so Z-index "NTFS" can be realized & understood, i.e. WHAT (a "Tarzan") realizes
& understands ... ; I don't know WHO wrote this program originally e.g.
OEM 's ("E") has been swapped with ("ú") ... ; among global (our earth only)
news, as of 2023, (((((((
7))))))) layers
(manufacturing, production) has been the highest (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... ;
Also see: Domain;
Also see: USA Myanmar, if year < 2020 ... ;
![]() |