; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : 2 : 5 : Invisibilities;    

Using USB based integrated laser to shoot down (enemy, enemies, foe, foes);

(visible, visibility), as opposed to (invisible, invisibilities, invisibility), doko WHERE human beings' naturally (visible, visibility) wavelength range is approx. from 400 nm to 700 nm; Also see: Invisibilities; Invisibility; Optics; v Character;

I wrote: regarding approx variable DEE Patterns, if I like to have (Navy Color lines, Silver Color lines) As Walls, WHAT kind of color should I have at its (roof, top) ZCS of ( 100 Percent Transparency DEE Box) ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! Purple Color ZCS at its (roof, top) sir;

I wrote: you must be in ACT3 level now!!! Yes. Correct.

I wrote: 1 more quiz would be: regarding 2+ (Level6) M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks (approx. 2+ weeks to demolish any nation's military), for demolishing incoming unwanted ones (e.g. illegal bullet, illegal drone, illegal missile, illegal rocket, illegal UAV, illegal UFO),  WHICH way of LASER should you use?

well trained kids!! replied: concerning Calendar . Earth . Space . War (M1A1H17Titanium22), Motor Way (LASER) As Walls sir, by the way, it behaves like unbeatable & unbreakable sir;

invisibilities, invisibility, invisible; e.g.

../../../ Time . Space / Walls / invisibilities1; Also see: IFF our earth, time period between daily sunset time and Constellations rising time;

../../../ Time . Space / Walls / invisibilities ; e.g. day time of our earth, objects in outer space, in our universe, i.e. invisibility ... ;

invisibility engineering; in common, we can't see our back; beyond ZCS based camera, also beyond ZCS based camera sensor; structural but planets' momentum is shifted; without yellowish variations;

i j o Abnormalities (also see: x y Abnormalities) are one of the invisibilities e.g. 

living environment (artificially, naturally) can cause bad weather risks,
living environment (artificially, naturally) can cause unhealthy risks,
living environment (structural (invisibilities, invisibility, invisible)) can cause unwanted ones, ... ;

Laser Shield can be using NOT ONLY for shielding unknown lasers BUT ALSO for using to be invisible to radar (Automotive, flying object), to do so, 1st to understand ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface), 2nd to understanding HOW green ZCS is fetched to charge battery, 3rd to understanding (fetching ZCS, sliding ZCS), And Then, Laser Shield can be using ... ; Also see: Laser;

Remark: invisibility engineering, one of the highest technologies in 21st century & beyond; invisible; invisible; System variables (HTTP-EQUIV) : Name (i Oriental) = Value (invisible); System variables (HTTP-EQUIV) : Name (Time . Space) = Value (Invisibility);

Also see: Invisibility;
