; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : March : 6th (Wednesday) : Inductance ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 6 : 3 : 2024 : Inductance ;

well trained kids!! replied: doshite Why do you create "surface inductance" and "normal Yellowish Variation" sir? Remark: those info are not in the textbooks sir;

I wrote: immediately after 2011/03/11 unwanted "311" regional disaster event, this DOMAIN developer has started Manmade Global Weather WHICH can avoid unwanted (bad weather condition, drought, earthquake, flood, tsunami, ... ), and still cannot prove fully functional Manmade Global Weather system yet (as of 2024); think of year 2000s designed modeled C Sequence Number as a tree, And Then, a "Tarzan" Rakhine is wondering doshite Why those trees prompt BF2 in winter time period without leaves (by the way, in native land Myanmar's southern, trees without leaves only in summer time period), on the other hand, those trees prompt with leaves in summer time period; quiz would be: how much do we realize & understand (Heat vs. Light) ? and this DOMAIN developer (mentioned, said) several times already, i.e. heat and light are at the same (area, location) in our earth, but heat and light are not at the same (area, location) on human beings livable moons in our universes; another unwanted "20240101" regional disaster event happened on 2024/01/01 the New Year Day ; therefore, I need to (develop, integrate, modify) 20+ years of using Maroon Color GIF characters, to Japanese . Syllabary . HTML with Aqua Color and Navy Blue Color, And Then, explain how "surface inductance" should be by this webpage, because without understanding "surface inductance" there is no way to realize and understand "Reflection" ;

I wrote: Yes. BLI auto adjustment medical formulary, M1A1H17Titanium22 Military Tanks' Specification, Nanobot Programming, surface inductance, yellowish variation, ... are not in the textbooks; so called a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's imaginary hyperspace book, also see: Referenced Books;

Gravity Pressure Share Radical ... , also see: Radicals;

I wrote: if you truly realize & understand surface Inductance, And Then, you'll be able to do gravity pressure for sure, And Then, you'll be able to design & model directional gravity spots for sure, And Then, don't tell anyone, keep IT for yourself (e.g. M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks for defeating & demolishing military dictators worldwide, Nanobot Programming for defeating & demolishing (oncological atypical cells, viral gene codes)), because our earth is not simple like what I think;

well trained kids!! replied: Yes. s o d e s u n a l. We'll keep surface Inductance as our own trade secrets, because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER .  .  .  .  . ; Hmm!! Umm!! trillions of US Dollar worth;

surface inductance; e.g.

  e                                       s  

the above table (Table Properties) is 230pt in specify width; special design model for "normal Yellowish Variation," and if you're hardware processor architects, hardware processor designers, hardware processor engineers, And Then, simply adding GIF 500 ms anime at the edges, And Then, easy, error-free, simply, And Then, you're on your own, e.g. Japanese National Anti-Earthquake System, Taiwanese National Anti-Earthquake System, ... ; you should know "surface inductance" if you're designing && modeling hardware Processor; World (our earth) 's the most difficult design model would be Anti-Earthquake, Nanobot Programming, ... , in 2024;

world (our earth) 's 1st normal Yellowish Variation Processor design model, i.e. the above table, regarding "national anti-earthquake system" of yours, designed && modelled by "a Tarzan" Rakhine American; (15x15) dimensional of 6 Katakana characters, so you may have 13 lines WHICH obey 1&&1 design model (Top + Bottom) since 1980s to the present, and after decades of R&D, I've never seen level4+ (e.g. 5,6,7 lines) e.g. SQRT3 design model with SQRT2 ones, because I mentioned several times already i.e. our earth is not simple like WHAT I think; if square design model, 1/4 i.e. (Bottom + Right) has been intentionally for USB .  .  . ; Remark: if you still don't understand, you're on your own e.g. Buddha did not teach dharma (a.k.a. dhamma) to whom don't understand;

I wrote: let me refresh your memory, i.e. WHAT is the meaning of "a Tarzan" ?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! a person without own lab is called "a Tarzan" sir;

I wrote: Yes. I don't have my own lab, so Tarzans are Tarzan ... ; by the way, the above table's center has been Blue Color (Background) intentionally (3x3) dimensional, and WHAT do you think of IT ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! (center, a.k.a. core), in this case: Blue Core sir; can we change its color code to Green Core sir?

I wrote: Yes. You can. WHAT kind of Algorithm would you like to use for (3x3) dimensional?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! Lo Shu (e.g.       ), And Then, We'll add Sudoku to its surrounding area sir;

I wrote: Yes. of course; My mother (who taught 33+ years philosophy in universities) taught me WHEN I young in middle school, of course at home how numerological are .  .  . so I created 9x9 numerological at H l a i n g campus' canteen in 1980s, and nowadays global peoples know the same Algorithm As Sudoku (in this case: surrounding area to its core), believe IT or NOT, we Rakhine peoples, ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar have civilization gap problem;

I wrote: HOW much "surface inductance" worth in 2020s?

well trained kids!! replied: trillions of US Dollar worth sir;

I wrote: can you (change, edit, modify) the above table's color code from Blue Color to Green Color?

well trained kids!! replied: Yes. We can.

I wrote: can you add Number (s) at the core area?

well trained kids!! replied: Yes. We can.

I wrote: can you add "Scrabble" game in English (EN) alike, Kanji words at the core area?

well trained kids!! replied: Yes. We can.

I wrote: you've just learnt a New Design Model, i.e. (2+2) design model for imaginary hyperspace Referenced Books; do good Kharma (a.k.a. Khamma) Action, good results will, and I believe in Zen Buddhism: mountains are mountain, rivers are river, .  .  . ; Have your own (2+2) Computers' Architecture .  .  . ; Remark: in space, there is no joint venture, so R&D as much as you can, believe IT or NOT, all human beings livable moons are owned by the Shakya King;

I wrote: OH!! OH!! because of 22+ years old (2+2) designed modeled, the Shakya King && ((( I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I)))  become universal . global military commanders .  .  . Hmm!! Umm!! because the system numbers and keywords are NOT for military generals to know .  .  . , also NOT for Prime Minister to know .  .  . ;

well trained kids!! replied: We hate military dictators sir, Hmm!! Umm!!

I wrote: kilesa, a.k.a. mental defilements e.g. "hate" is based on ("a t t a" (ego selfishness) + "lobha" (desire)), and those mental defilements should be reduced e.g. don't hate anyone for any reason, ... like mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... ; you've just learnt a New Design Model, i.e. (2+2) design model .  .  . ; regarding juten (Filling), WHERE would you like to fill ? also see: Physics Law 156, And Then, you'll be imaginary hyperspace systems' (Architect, Chief Engineer) for sure; if the Shakya King likes you, you will be healthy, living longer, and happy like him e.g. 98+ years old Shakya King looks alike 22+ years old ones;

since 2024, regarding ("surface inductance"), Japanese . Syllabary . HTML has been designed, modeled, programmed,  .  .  . for normal Yellowish Variation ;

since 1999, world (our earth) 1st "Video Camera Phone," invented by NIPPON, a.k.a. Japanese, in Japan; so inside of PHYSICS, this DOMAIN developer wrote "regarding physics, NIPPON are the smartest ones in our universes" ;

( Surface, Surface, Surface) .  .  . ;
( Surface, Surface, Surface) .  .  . ;

((core, edge), (core, edge)), also see: Physics Law 234;

nowadays in 2020s, smart phones are designed & modeled with 1+ camera, 2+ camera, 3+ camera, and WHAT would you like to (choose, pick, select) among 2 is very very unique in many ways (in this case: whether self-Inductance, or mutual-Inductance) ? by the way, my Apple i Phone 14 (Red) had 2+ cameras in 2023;

( , ) We ethnic tribes have civilization gap problem in our earth, also see: (Inductance, Reforming Myanmar), e.g. we don't know HOW to design model from CRT to Flat Panel in 1990s, e.g. we also don't know HOW to design model from Flat Panel to ZCS in 2020s, and this DOMAIN developer's suggestion would be:

don't be at the focal point of WORMHOLE Way LASER, i.e. either PCS based, or ZCS based, WHICH has been one of the top military secrets (military grade);

don't be at the focal point of Yellowish Variation, i.e. either Walls based, or ZCS based, WHICH has been one of the top military secrets (military grade);

(mapping the location && condition) .  .  . ;
(mapping the location && condition) .  .  . ;
(mapping the location && condition) .  .  . ;

the (defined, marked, pinpointed) enemy's area;
the (defined, marked, pinpointed) foe's area;
Remember: in our earth, don't mess with your bosses (Germany, Japan, USA), concerning COVID-19, and if you like to challenge, start with DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (Anti-Earthquake) surface inductance .  .  . ;

another suggestion would be: if you're ethnic tribes, be "unknown ones" because you don't want to be like me WHO went through many (bad-rumoring, captive tactic (e.g. military generals' children must be as deposited captives), dictatorship, falsifying, killings, swapping, terrorist attacks, vandalizing, violating of rights) ;

Fusion of Lights for charging structural Battery . Negative; Also see: Inductance; structural Battery;

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! mutual-Inductance sir, because for each OEM, they've their own fixed (Volt (V) e.g. 3.3V) sir;

I wrote: can you do 1.1V * 3 mutual-Inductance for 3+ Camera? Remark: at 500/2 ms, at 500/2 mA; beyond this webpage ("surface inductance"), I cannot explain you well trained kids anymore, because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! another trillions US Dollar worth sir;

I wrote: do good kharma Action, good results will ... and I believe in Zen Buddhism: mountains are mountain, rivers are river, and don't be captive ones (because killings continue), e.g. unknown ones' M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks, e.g. unknown ones' imaginary hyperspace crafts ( Elevating, Landing) among human beings livable moons in our universes;

since 2024,  this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw, an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar, a Rakhine American has (assigned, deployed, dispatched, ordered, programmed, sent) functional 2 humanoids + 2 M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks to Indian Ocean (Regional Security), i.e. to make sure Rakhine ethnic tribes survive, AND for demolishing (enemy military dictators, foe military dictators) in Indian Ocean .  .  . ; Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Inductance; Rakhine; Remark: killings continue, don't be captive ones;

S I   UNIT of Inductance ( Symbol H ) Henry ,   doko WHERE Walls : : :        
      ( H is equal to   = OHM . second ) ;          
      ( H is equal to   = WEBER / Ampere ) ;          
      ( H is equal to   = kilo gram . meter^2 /            
            Coulomb^2 ) ;          
      ( H is equal to  


= meter^2 . T tesla /            
          Ampere   ) ;          
      ( H is equal to   = JOULE / Ampere^2 ) ;          
      ( H is equal to   = second^2 / Farad ) ;          
      ( H


equal to   = ( meter^2 . kilogram ) /          
      ( ^2 . ^2 ) ) ;          
      ( H is equal to   = ( JOULE . second^2 ) / ^2 ;        
      ( H is equal to   = ( / . ) / / second ;    
      ( H is equal to   = ( V . second )   / Ampere ;    
            ( Symbol H ) Henry                        

the (circuit; circumference; lap; Radical510) itself is self-Inductance and if nearby circuit is using the same Volt (V), And Then, mutual-Inductance may begin .  .  . ; Also see: c Character Extension 1;

1st. try steady current (e.g. 500 mA) that generates steady magnetic field;
2nd. throw Time based (e.g. 500 ms) that generates variable magnetic field WHICH (induces, has been influenced, is persuading) voltage (V) nearby conductor;
3rd. catch e.g. you've your own sensor;

Remark: 2020s in our earth, blue LED is most advanced ones; if you R&D on human beings livable moons, And Then, do better, more, ... like ACT2 and ACT3 level ones ... ; if you R&D on human beings livable moons in our universes, simply change the above table's 11th Column (Blue Background with White Font Color) to Yellowish Yellow Color;

I wrote: if you've designed && modeled "TIME . SPACE . ACTION" As 500 ms AND 3.3V AND 500 mA, And Then, WHAT would be variable parameter at your embedded devices?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! ( (Coulomb), (JOULE), (kilogram), (meter), (OHM), (tesla), (WEBER) ) As Inductance sir;

I wrote: Yes. You may start your own ACT1 level (sensor) .  .  . ;

I wrote: Yes. If you like to challenge, ACT2 level, and ACT3 level, Anti-Earthquake (normal Yellowish Variation) for defined region (our earth), and good luck to your R&D ; Anti-Earthquake design model may be worth trillions of US Dollar;

I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, so quiz would be: kuru kuru WHILE ionizing, from negatively charged to its higher heat, or from positively charges to its higher heat?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! from negatively charged to its higher heat sir, kuru kuru WHILE ion .  .  . ;

I wrote: OK. OH!! OH!! in Nanobot Programming, be good Nanobot Programmers; be (readiness, ready) for "H" bound, instead of "N" bound, concerning TRUE unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide (2019-2020-2021); another trillions US Dollar worth of (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... ;

I wrote: 1 more quiz, i.e. Computers are designed & modeled with (3.3V, 5V) Standard, WHICH one would you like (choose, pick, select) for your "negatively charged ones" ?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very easy busy 3.3V sir;

if you R&D Yellowish Variation As Military grade weapon, And Then, you're on your own ... ;

(A^2 - B^2) A Square minus B Square, doko WHERE ((a^2) - (b^2)) = ((a - b) (a + b)), And Then,
(A^2 + B^2) A Square plus B Square, doko WHERE ((a + b) ^2) - (2ab)), And Then,
(((a^2) + (b^2)) / ((a b) + 1))) White Screen, a.k.a. Perfect Square, And Then, "Next" will be "Sign In" ... ;

I wrote: in 108x108 design model, how many square ones do I need to prompt 640x480?

well trained kids!! replied: ((307200 / 11664) = 26.33?44?55? ... ), Hmm!! Umm!! don't you see beautiful numbers are 00, 11, 66, 33, 44, 55, 22, ... ;

I wrote: H-20 loading, a.k.a. HS-20 loading, how many pound (lb) can you load for each axis?

well trained kids!! replied: SI Unit of Inductance (Symbol H) Henry, a.k.a. 1/8, doko WHERE (H = Ω . s) e.g.


I wrote: OH!! My goodness. Lo Shu 20H (White Screen) ... ; We'll create a table ... so Inductance will be fully defined and understood; don't forget i.e. in 1990s, prior to "Flat Panel" R&D, CRT Standard resolution 640x480 means VGA (as word) ... ; nowadays in 2020s, I'm very happy with airborne Display, a.k.a. "Head-Up" Display, ... ; Reminder: whenever dealing with Usage ("square"), it means manmade e.g. squares are manmade ..., and I've never seen ("square") naturally in our universes ... ;

Origin of Jaw; Also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D; Nanobot . Programming . Mapper;

I wrote: regarding ( NCS Inductance, PCS Inductance, ZCS Inductance), if I defined this , WHAT would THAT be related to? Hint: using "very affordable manual analog compass" to realize and understand;

well trained kids! replied: at the green area, 360° (three hundred and sixty degree) can be defined sir;

I wrote: Yes. excellent well trained kids! very very good;

well trained kids! replied: because of (1/4 off, 1-to-3 dimensional, a quarter is defined by three quarters), we've done 360° (three hundred and sixty degree) camera (vision) already for decades sir;

I wrote: wow!! well trained kids! are already in ACT2 and ACT3 level of imaginary hyperspace (designing, developing, programming) already, wow!! wow!! very very good; 2 Mutual N inducting with 2 ZCS holes; I though that you well trained kids! don't know and realize ( NCS Inductance, PCS Inductance, ZCS Inductance) yet;

well trained kids! replied: we've already developed DEE Radio and digital green line on the defined ( NCS Inductance, PCS Inductance, ZCS Inductance) sir, and we're the ones ... ;

I wrote: I'm going write a poem now e.g.

2T and Henry, how that U to be,
marking the DNA _Origami, transforming to be mRNA in laboratories,
p Vector in structural, surfaced inductances interrupt Protein dimensional,
1 way DEE As Comes-and-Goes, its environmental should be closed,
WHILE naturally Nanobots As membranes in ACTION, we're able to be defining the (Closed, Opened) architectural,
using 30 polygons for defining variants, we can do Anti Virus medicines drip/dropping, so called Teleportation ... ;


I wrote: beyond Blah! Blah! Blah!, I've gifts i.e. ( surfaced Inductance2, surfaced Inductance1) to you, because (designing, knowing, using) "Inductance" is very useful in       (sense, sensed, senses, sensing, sensor, sensors)      , a.k.a. musen Radio, nami Wave, ... ; Remark: after realizing & understanding (surfaced Inductance2, surfaced Inductance1) then try to understand 2 eyes with cover, And Then, you'll be able to do Virtual Reality, ... ; without understanding (surfaced Inductance2, surfaced Inductance1), there is no way to do Augmented Vision, Drone with eyes sensing, Remote Nama Reading, Virtual Reality, ... WHICH leads to humanoid (animaloid, insectoid) ... ; because of "military power," (Augmented Vision, Drone, Remote Nama Reading, Virtual Reality) become restricted info therefore I cannot explain any more info beyond this point, by the way, I like to be the military dictator (working for the Shakya King's global operations, e.g. human beings livable moons in our universes) WHEN I become 56+ years old ones because I brought-up under military dictatorship (appointed ones, selected ones, within "Bama" group) system ; like usual, I made IT (30 polygons capture method, with 2 yellowish variations) easy to remember, easy to understand (e.g. very affordable manual analog compass should be on the "Gray Color" area, And Then, kuru kuru 360 degree, And Then, defining lines i.e. edges of the 30 polygons, Umm!! Umm!! you'll be able to do directional gravity 1 step closer ... ), ... , because I want (the next generation well trained kids) to be smarter than Me.    

Inductance (our earth only), doko WHERE Inductance ("L") :  Remark: approx. 1/2; don't modify its location;

at the (Aqua Color) 's area prompts directional (UP, Up, upward) E ... ;
at the Silver Color Background (Blue-gray Color) 's area prompts N ... ;
conductor is vertically in the midst;
kuru kuru WHILE the current is flowing clockwise (e.g. Analog Clock) ... ;
(Plus (+), Minus (-)), prompts diff potential (V) ... ;

Using several inductances may prompt multiple N, N1, N2, N3, ... ; regarding the usage "Mutual N" a.k.a. "mutual inductance" ... , in common, Mutual Inductance e.g. 2 (Silver Color Background (Blue-gray Color)) areas are next to each other, and common keywords are: L (is assigned by ("=")) Inductance in henries (H),  micro µ (is assigned by ("=")) permeability (W b / A . m), N (is assigned by ("=")) Number of turns in coil, A is area of the defined coil in square millimeter, length l is average length of the defined coil in millimeter, ... ;

schematic symbols e.g. (, , , ), also see: Schematic Symbols;

SQRT3 with SQRT2 (±98) : Internet of Things (a.k.a. IoT) can be controlled remotely by defining SQRT2 's Local (10), Remote (100), Global (1000), Universal (10000), ... ; therefore, in GPS design model (e.g. aviation Black Box), also see: this DOMAIN 's Security (Global Security, Regional Security, National Security) : NOT allow 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS Destinations ... ;

Walls Method is for ACT3 and ACT2 level DEE architects & engineers (e.g. directional gravity pressure, e.g. directional gravity spots), developers, electrical engineers, electronic engineers, genetic engineers, imaginary hyperspace craft engineers, medical physicists, nanobot architects, O LED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) designers and engineers, optics R&D, physicists (Also see: PHYSICS), remote heterodyning mechanical engineers, sound engineers, ... ; Remark: Walls Method is classified info, one of the military top secrets, therefore, I'm NOT going to explain HOW Explicit can be ... ; Synthesizer should be realized & understood before realizing & understanding Walls Method, because Step-By-Step is the only way to learn (R&D) e.g. without understanding Synthesizer, there is no way to understand Floating Points' mantissa points As Latches ... ;

well trained kids! replied: WHY did you create Inductance \ Inductance . HTML sir?

I wrote: we're developing Gene Therapy System (for prolonging life expectancy to 300+ years to live healthily), Gravity Dimension Computer (for "flying" Automotives), Manmade Global Weather (e.g. avoid earthquake in Japan), ... ; I've explained a little bit of HOW "Inductance" are in Motor Way though, and Wormhole Way is My Secrets e.g. 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, e.g. variable DEE patterns, e.g. yellowish variations, ... are also my secrets; you should know Mutual N (Inductance) before defining (project, projected, projecting) ... ; Remark: I intentionally void bad words in this DOMAIN 's Mini Dictionary, because power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil, and contents should do good Actions ... ;

I wrote: I've a quiz i.e. if you're developing Sound Beam in your lab, WHAT would be a keyword?

well trained kids! replied: very very easy quiz sir, answer would be: length;

I wrote: mochiron of course;

well trained kids! replied: is there any way can we define its directional sir?

I wrote: (our earth only) place a very affordable manual analog compass at the (center, midst) of an external USB burner, And Then, realize and understand degree diff ... ; your own lab does not need to be an expensive ones; And Then, if you like to develop your own Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) box in z-index, all you've to do is 6 Walls with the same (Method, Procedure, Technique) so you can R&D WORMHOLE Way ... ; My apologies, sorry, I cannot teach you step-by-step HOW wormhole ways are ... ; Remark: Motor Way (Inductance) started approx. since 1980s, and still very useful ... ; my apologies, sorry, I cannot teach you step-by-step HOW because, our earth is not simple like WHAT I think ... ;

( Our Earth's Good Protein Wrapper, Our Moon's Good Protein Wrapper), also see: Physics Law 789; Plus One; Remark: after developing Walls (Method, Procedure, Technique) of Inductance, you'll be reaching "wrapper" ... ; after wrapper developments, you'll be reaching Laser Shield (military grade, residential commercial) ... ; after developing walls, wrappers, laser shields, then you'll be able to do Manmade Global Weather (e.g. avoid earthquake in the defined region, NOT to have landslide in the defined region), ... ; after developing Manmade Global Weather, you'll be able to do Remote Nama Reading (Idea Processor), Teleportation (drip/drop medicines via defined gene patterns), ... ; Reminder: don't be military dictator, don't do military dictatorship, because I like to be dictator also WHEN I become 56+ years old ones because I brought-up (1965-1988) under military dictatorship system; in 21st century & beyond, we don't need to declare war (regarding our earth) ... ;

I wrote: regarding ecg Interpretation, I've a quiz i.e. WHICH degree in Number would you like to use?

well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, approx. 30° (thirty degree); we've learnt and know by-heart already i.e. Hexaxial Reference System;

I wrote: directional (Walls), with approx. thirty degree blocks become very interesting, mochiron of course ... ; Now, we're going to define, e.g. (+15, -15, ±15), (+30, -30, ±30), and I've a quiz i.e. WHY do I need to create ((+15, -15, ±15), (+30, -30, ±30)), and WHAT kind of device would be?

well trained kids! replied: we don't know sir;

I wrote: since 1990s, CD (approx. 80 minutes) has been 150x times IDE Bus; since 2020s' PC I Bus, in addition to DVD (approx. 4 hours), BD (approx. 17 hours) ... ; ((+15, -15, ±15), (+30, -30, ±30)), for (reading, writing) optical Optics ... ; since we're in 10 dimensional, I'm going to create a table to define ((+15, -15, ±15), (+30, -30, ±30)) ... ;

  Plus || Minus, a.k.a. Plus Or Minus;

      +15           ;
        -15         ;
          ±15       ;
            +30     ;
              -30   ;
                ±30 ;

舰㠂आ蘪虈෷܁ꀂʂ〩ʂȥā1ରआ蘪虈෷܁ꀁʂ 」ʂ〉 Ƃꁶȃ ȁဂꛑё栻꼍Ꝍ軐퓱ꅹरԆหȃԝㄘ〖ؔ唃ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひᜠ」〹ㄲ㄰㐷〱娲༘ㄲ㤰㄰㜱㜱ㄴ㈰ずㄘ〖ؔ唃̄ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひ龁ര आ蘪虈෷āԁ̀趁要脂沥ꀟ☟贊囇囬乿넵髇쯶㨃麙蛸蔜솙踠㰳㾡⊦潎쯮O밍ギ怆啸푍黟䔂揀䋉織녙ꦂ䨘氶��띍謄ᅍ埭ꅭ擺혛��臨缸᠏��偏熂ഥ䂮♯紏ࡷ袝ᔢⓄ姠攜֣̂ꌁずじؕ唃┝คర ਆ ث Ё舁਷Ѓ㐰ᵕБꀫة⬊Ć Ą㞂Ȕꀃఛ䄙浤湩獩牴瑡牯啀䅓奍乁䅍R र ̆ᵕГ; ̎ᴂ 脃ꊉ煌듼ﺎ⟲捦胎ᶧ쀘䵯䪠ꮱ㵸㑠钨㖃須춹ꄆꥉ諓㽑䀰˅ꜭ貕賄㔲㿄旐츧䠔ɟ큻์癸뽣娜릫惧뼤宬桦㷒ʐ㮉섮祑ȝ㬢椖娘ᖅϩ왱㉷Ȣ⹴1 

well trained kids! replied: we can manipulate (15, 30) to calculate 30, 45, 60, 90, 180, ... ; And Then, ware ware We'll be having our own lab, with our own directional walls sir; we (ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar) need to catch-up 31+ years of civilization gap problems (knowledge gap) sir, we like to be developing ethnic tribes WHO are not lack in knowledge sir ... ; we like to be nanobot programmers (Also see: DNA _Origami) sir; we know Carbon Nanotube means incoming interruptions like Inductance sir;

I wrote: Yes. it's like induction logic, also see: philosophy; Remark: if aesthetic, also see: Toshiba has been designed multi systems since 1980s (e.g. multi system TV) ... ; Yes. regarding Gene Therapy System, we must defeat the unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide; should I write another physics law e.g. DNA _Origami must obey Carbon Nanotube As Incoming Interruption, and those incoming interrupts must obey this DOMAIN 's Inductance;

well trained kids! replied: your physics laws are imaginary (NOT REAL) sir; we asked our classmates, and no one accepts "human beings livable moons in our universes" sir; no one believe THAT Gene Therapy System (for prolonging life expectancy to 300+ years to live healthily) ... ;

well trained kids! replied: HOW about 72° (seventy two degree) Star sir?

I wrote: Yes. for each corner of the star (72°), you should have DEE _Mouth, so 5 edges of your defined star may have 5 DEE _Mouth (s), And Then, Using Distance for each axis, And Then, you'll able to do 4 (leaf, leaves) of C Sequence Number ... ; Remark: think that C Sequence Number's stems are like strings, And Then, its (leaf, leaves) are like holes (Comet Method) doko WHERE at the end points (energy Distribution) alike ... ; Yes. IT is good to have (72°) idea, imaginary, knowledge, ... ; Umm!! Umm!! I learn from well trained kids! ... ; Remark: we should stop discussions about ACT1 level, because this DOMAIN is intended for ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace, therefore, I've quiz now: Have you done my homework assignment? regarding BLI (Body Length Index) auto adjustment, for each human beings livable moon, doko WHERE we've BLI (Body Length Index) problems to be solving ... ;

          +72       ;
            -72     ;
                ±72 ;

舰㠂आ蘪虈෷܁ꀂʂ〩ʂȥā1ରआ蘪虈෷܁ꀁʂ 」ʂ〉 Ƃꁶȃ ȁဂꛑё栻꼍Ꝍ軐퓱ꅹरԆหȃԝㄘ〖ؔ唃ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひᜠ」〹ㄲ㄰㐷〱娲༘ㄲ㤰㄰㜱㜱ㄴ㈰ずㄘ〖ؔ唃̄ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひ龁ര आ蘪虈෷āԁ̀趁要脂沥ꀟ☟贊囇囬乿넵髇쯶㨃麙蛸蔜솙踠㰳㾡⊦潎쯮O밍ギ怆啸푍黟䔂揀䋉織녙ꦂ䨘氶��띍謄ᅍ埭ꅭ擺혛��臨缸᠏��偏熂ഥ䂮♯紏ࡷ袝ᔢⓄ姠攜֣̂ꌁずじؕ唃┝คర ਆ ث Ё舁਷Ѓ㐰ᵕБꀫة⬊Ć Ą㞂Ȕꀃఛ䄙浤湩獩牴瑡牯啀䅓奍乁䅍R र ̆ᵕГ; ̎ᴂ 脃ꊉ煌듼ﺎ⟲捦胎ᶧ쀘䵯䪠ꮱ㵸㑠钨㖃須춹ꄆꥉ諓㽑䀰˅ꜭ貕賄㔲㿄旐츧䠔ɟ큻์癸뽣娜릫惧뼤宬桦㷒ʐ㮉섮祑ȝ㬢椖娘ᖅϩ왱㉷Ȣ⹴1 

I wrote: if (72/3) is 24, also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; (in Buddhism, after understanding "24," kuru kuru of life-after-life may begin ... a.k.a. beings in samsara in Pali language); Remark: holy language in Buddhism (Pali language) transcript words are used in humanoid nama programming (Restricted Info: only monks are allowed with Shakya King's special permit) ... ; this document, written in 2565 Buddha Sanana Calendar year (2021 in Gregorian Calendar); ("zombie") machine design specification is military top secret, restricted info, therefore, beyond this info, you're on your own ... ; regarding (idea, imaginary, knowledge) HOW we should use Number, so question is THAT WHAT kind of number should be Type diff?

well trained kids! replied: very very easy sir, if 30, we'll use IT for (ECG, EKG) ... sir; very very easy sir, if (15, 30), we'll use IT for BD, DVD, CD, (storage devices) ... sir; very very easy sir, if 60, we'll use IT for remote heat sensing ... sir; very very easy sir, if 72, we'll use IT for star topology ... sir; we'll try all kinds of degree to our pharmaceutical companies' currently going on R&D e.g. HOW incoming Carbon Nanotube (s) in (closed space environment, open space environment), regarding for each DNA _Origami, i.e. to defeat COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, on the other hand, for developing Oral Route Anti Virus Medicine ... ; we'll use addition method for (45, 60), regarding (45, 60, 72) wormhole ways sir;

well trained kids! replied: after carefully reading your contents above, regarding ( surfaced Inductance2, surfaced Inductance1) in a quarter (a.k.a. 90 degree portion), if equally (distribute, distributed, distributing, Distribution), And Then, (90/4) should be, another wording would be Pi/2 portion of equally (distribute, distributed, distributing, Distribution) would be (45/2) WHICH is Explicit 22.5 sir; you mentioned THAT 360 degree on the "Gray Color" area, question is WHAT would that be for?

I wrote: inside of the Shakya King's 1000 years documented books: dohyo, a.k.a. ring; very easy, and very simple ones; Remark: if you don't like 5 edges polygon, you can modify IT to Eccentric _circles design model, but analog compass must be in the midst of "Gray Color" area for sure ... ; Remark: I'm NOT going to change it, "as it" with 5 edges polygon for each surface (NCS, PCS, ZCS) ... ;

I wrote: 2 is very very unique in many ways, we've learnt so far, e.g. common type inductance, and surfaced type inductance; well trained kids! have just defined 360 degree on the "Gray Color" area already; since 2 is very very unique in many ways, I've 1 more quiz i.e. WHY did I draw 2 pictures with lines are inside?

well trained kids! replied: Umm!! Umm!! for each (common type inductance), and for each (surfaced type inductance), we've learnt Walls already, Umm!! Umm!! WHAT else he is asking about? WHY lines are drawn inside? giving-up, don't know, so we're giving-up sir, we don't know WHAT you're questioning about;

I wrote:

regarding Directions, ware ware We must define ( 2) ... ;

regarding lines, ware ware We must define ( 5) ... ;

because,      ( electrode, electrode, electrode)      can be defined (along with, on the) lines ... ; so, we've learnt NOT ONLY 360 degree, BUT ALSO how electrodes are ... ; Remark: Confession: I refresh my 31+ years of memory at the age of 56+ years old, and my memory is still very good, Umm!! Umm!! My Gene Therapy System (surfaced inductances, maintaining bio-brain's color NOT to be Amber Color) work ... , now is my California "Sake" mixed with Gallo Wine time, with Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almond would be excel, Umm!! Umm!!, Umm!! Umm!! ... ;

Remark: in 2020s, Smart watches are (ECG, EKG) embedded with cardiological alert, heart rate monitor, step counter, ... , so we need to learn a little bit of HOW ..., thank to the Shakya King's 1000 years documented books; Also see: ecg Interpretation;

I wrote: I've a question i.e. after realizing & understanding surfaced Inductances, WHAT will you do (Method, Procedure, Technique)? Remember: do good kharma (a.k.a. khamma) actions, good results will ... ;

well trained kids! replied: because of ("Directions" , "lines"), we'll develop directional plasma cluster for each DNA _Origami, we'll also develop Manmade Global Weather (directional plasma cluster), we'll also develop directional gravity spots, we'll also develop directional gravity pressure, using your structural Battery, ... thank you sir; don't forget we're the ones ... ;

I wrote: make sure (100%, a.k.a. Absolutely) avoiding earthquake in Japan 1st, because ( I, I, I, I ) like them, And Then ... do good kharma (a.k.a. khamma) actions, good results will ... ; Remark: if more than 10+ years without earthquake means this DOMAIN 's Algorithm is functional and working ... , so should be kept "As It" ... ;

I wrote: mochiron of course; ima Now, you well trained kids! are ready to develop Directional Gravity Pressure, Directional Gravity Spots, ... ; do good kharma (a.k.a. khamma) actions, good results will ... ; you need to do R&D life long ... HOW e.g. (elevating, landing) without combustions, using Battery ... ; Remember, believe it or not, don't forget that this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts have been sent only on no moon days of our earth, without any nation's permit ... ; good luck!! to you, regarding your own lab, good luck!! to your R&D works ... ; Designed & developed by Rakhine, one of the ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar (Burma)

( bunpu Distribution, Distribution, Distribution, Distribution, Distribution) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 789, Gene Therapy System;

300 degree, also see: Physics Law 300, chiryoyaku Therapeutic 300 Degree (Inner, Outer) ZCS, ... ;

Also see: PHYSICS;

Also see: variable;
