; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : May : 7 (Sunday) : Physics Law 1024 ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 7 : 5 : 2023 : Physics Law 1024 ;

  (law 1024) : Samsara Machine (Military Restricted) ;

PHYSICS; All 2nd life, 3rd life, ... should obey Buddhism Way e.g. beings in samsara;

(go into, penetrate) e.g.

biophysics Tool; Also see: Schematic Lipid;

inside of ribcage life-after-life kaya Body; e.g.

inside of ribcage life-after-life kaya _Body; Also see: b G T S U; k Pali; Physics Law 1024; Schematic Dimensional; Schematic Symbols;

micro calorimeter . Heat; micro calorimeter . ondo Temperature; e.g.

micro calorimeter; (( micro calorimeter) . Heat) ... ; micro calorimeter; (( micro calorimeter) . ondo Temperature) ... ; Also see: Energy & Geometry; h Character; m Character; Meter; Physics Law 1024; t Character;

ten-twenty-four; e.g.

( 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024), also see: Number;

I wrote: samsara in Pali language means life-after-life; doshite Why do we need to design & model Samsara Machine?

well trained kids! replied: we'll need to live for hundreds of years, and being healthy also;

I wrote: approx. WHEN was Samsara Machine originally designed & modeled?

well trained kids! replied: in 1990s sir;

I wrote: (te, za, tsu, ne, ma, bu, san, na, vi, wai) in Buddhism Way, WHAT does IT means?

well trained kids! replied: 10 lives of beings in samsara (life-after-life) e.g. ( te) 1st life, ( za) 2nd life, ( tsu) 3rd life, ( ne) 4th life, ( ma) 5th life, ( bu) 6th life, ( san) 7th life, ( na) 8th life, ( vi (pronounce "we" in Pali)) 9th life, ( wai (pronounce "way" in Pali)) 10th life, ... ; Also see: Numbers _in _Dhamma;

I wrote: I'm going to create a Directory (Folder), sub-directory of chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage, under the Gene Therapy System also, WHY?


e.g. Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage \  Samsara Machine ... ;

well trained kids! replied: 2 is very very unique in many ways sir;

I wrote: (( te), ( za), ( tsu), ( ne), ( ma), ( bu), ( san), ( na), ( vi), ( wai)), highlighted with ({E3,E3,E3}) Color for physics, And Then, WHAT Color should I use inside of the Gene Therapy System?

well trained kids! replied: very very easy sir, highlighting (( te), ( za), ( tsu), ( ne), ( ma), ( bu), ( san), ( na), ( vi), ( wai)) in the Gene Therapy System \ chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage \  Samsara Machine ... ;

I wrote: mochiron of course; doshite Why ?

well trained kids! replied: Umm!!! Umm!!! we've read the Physics Law 198 already, if "Silver" is in the middle, "Green" and "Red" can be flip-flop alike, among 3 layers sir; don't forget THAT we're the Manmade Global System programmers, the Nanobot Programmers, this DOMAIN PROGRAMMERS, ... sir;

I wrote: good, very good, very very good, goody good!!! you should also be Imaginary Hyperspace Craft programmers also, so I don't need to worry about elevating (floor, X), landing (floor, X), load balancing (Walls, Y), ... ; you've already learnt (Green and Yellow) for Walls and, 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index becomes very very huge Imaginary Hyperspace Craft (e.g. capacity: 8787 persons, ... ) ... ;

I wrote: can you guess "1024" (Implicit: indirectly, literally) expression?

well trained kids! replied: 10 is for up Jun, and 24 is for kuru kuru WHILE in hundreds of years;

I wrote: can you guess "1024"(Explicit: directly, exactly) expression?

well trained kids! replied: 1K, 2^10, a.k.a. 10^3, Kilo; Also see: Multiplier;

I wrote: if (1024 vs. 1000) is adjusted e.g. (either base 2 or base 10) is OK, WHICH (Def, term, Usage) would you use?

well trained kids! replied: "bias" sir;

I wrote: "zombie" is not really a good word; so, we've to (chose, select) good word e.g. "samsara" ; from now on, within this DOMAIN, we'll be start using Samsara Machine ... ; so, WHAT should I name this new physics law?

well trained kids! replied: "Samsara Machine" sir, because we like to live hundreds of years, and healthy ones also;

I wrote: can you draw 4 pictures (108x108) for me, representing (Nama + Kaya) a.k.a. (Mind + Body) together?

well trained kids! replied: we've lots of homework to do sir, forget about your imaginary;

(law ninety two) : kaya & nama;

Also see: n Pali, for "nama" ; k Pali, for "kaya" ;

I wrote: I'm very busy nowadays, but I'll draw some pictures for you!!!

Also see: this _DOMAIN _'s _structural Sample e.g.   structural (C, G) ;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! We still cannot figure out exactly HOW C Sequence Number (BF2) form naturally; We don't believe WHAT you mentioned before several times THAT 98+ years old Shakya King becomes look like 22+ years old ones either;

I wrote: 2 is very very unique in many way, can you factor for 3,4 dimensional biophysics (core, edge) ?

Remark: 1st to realize & understand avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

Remark: 2nd to realize & understand BF2 e.g. ( BF2 Blue gray, BF2 Gold, BF2 Lavender, BF2 Silver, BF2 White) ... ;

Remark: 3rd to realize & understand " radio" e.g. after realizing & understanding 1st & 2nd, And Then, ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) based radio ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! arigatoh g o z a i m a s u, thank you sir; We'll try to figure out exactly HOW C Sequence Number (BF2) ... ;

I wrote: mochiron of course;

well trained kids!! replied: those BF2* in UDNGS, NGS, ... , seems like this D C S D D, Digital Calculator Style DEE Dot sir; Also see: DEE;

I wrote: very very good; good enough for ACT2 level imaginary hyperspace already ... ; however, I cannot teach you a-to-z spoon feed style, because Samsara Machine (Military Restricted); if ACT3 level system (architects, developers, elites, engineers, professors, scientists), please remember all human beings livable moons in our universes are owned by the Shakya King;

homework for ACT3 level system (architects, developers, elites, engineers, professors, scientists) : Balancing the Mobility (imaginary hyperspace craft); BLI (Body Length Index) auto adjustment (for each human beings livable moon); functional Gene Therapy System; functional Manmade Global Weather (for avoiding bad weather conditions) system; structural Battery (functional directional gravity spots); believe IT or not, the Shakya King will (award, prize, reward) you if you do R&D ... ;




