; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : September : 16th (Monday) : m Computer ;

; ; ; ; 16 : 9 : 2023 : m : M ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  


this DOMAIN ' s Satellite systems shoot down ICBM ;
SYSTEMS demolish illegal ICBM ,
using pun Minute +  
  niji Rainbow ( Procedure , Method , Technique
) ; Also see : Calendar . Earth . Space . War        

M2M, machine-26-machine communications, machine-to-machine communications;

Mac, also see: V M ... ;

compatible with PC & Mac, also see: Number, e.g. ( 20, 86) common ... ;

Anonymous Internet Requests; Client Name; Interface; Internet NAT Redirection; IP Address; MAC Address; Multicast; Status;

      machine ;        
          V M ;  

x, y, z, i.e. ; ; Macintosh a.k.a. Apple; ;

magic, also see: transform;

magnetic resonance, also see: electromagnetic induction; non-contact; vibration;

_ IFF Smart grid ( solar tree) ... ;

magnetometers (compasses) data ... ;

(brain development, digestion, heart function, maintenance of bones, muscle function), e.g. Thyroxine ( T4), also see: 3tComputer; t G T S U;

make way

man, ♯ + 0000, also see: nippon Unit

manage d ;        
manage d ;      

Manmade a.k.a. Handicraft; e.g. Manmade Global Weather is Idea Processor based AI system to do good weather conditions globally;

miniature     miniature a.k.a. small;

manual     manual;

mapping     mapping     mapping     mapping;

mapping all nuclear plants as dots on screen surface in the Internet; Also see: Nuclear1, Nuclear2;

mapping all nuclear plants on screen as a surface in the Internet (i.e. in our earth) by Satellite DNS System;

using biometric authentication, verify Shakya King, AND his majesty computer; marked;

IFF war, or power demonstration is essential (more than necessary), and then verify Shakya (a.k.a. Swastika) King's permit before focus, pinpoint, launch; transfer control (e.g. decision, flag, language code, leveled device, logic, virtual machine IO) to Shakya King's majesty computer; all nuclear power of civilizations must be ended in 21st century, unconditionally;

mapping all nuclear powered automotives as dots on screen surface in the Internet;

e.g. map nuclear powered submarines, and then mark;
e.g. map nuclear powered aircraft carrier (ships), and then mark;

map; mapping; also see: property;

maritime     maritime;

already ;              
by this time ;          
now ;              
            Markov ;  
            model ;  
            285 future ;
            future ;  

mart     mart     mart; Also see: Biz;

Marukan font

access ; address bit ; custom sub net ;  
mask ROM ;      
M ROM , mask read - only - memory ;
  net ; shadow ; sub net ;    

Masking     Masking     Masking;

mass; Mass; MASS; e.g.

( mass, Mass, MASS, mass) ; mass     mass;

Using Gene Therapy System index, to cure abnormal biological ( mass, Mass, MASS, mass) ; Also see: m Character; m Computer; m G T S U;

Mastered OR L F S; also see: FS+; FS-; USB; ... ;

(math) imaginary number

math value ;


matrix decoder, surround audio, stereo, ... ;

Mbps, Mega bit per second; ;

MD, one of the keywords in Cloud Computing ... ;     MD;

      I ( or me )
          IFF you ...  
+ IFF 3 d , 1 ( atta )
12 34 ... ;          
- IFF a.k.a. ( 36626445 )
Look@Me ;        

IFF start, (I) (want) (more) artificial intelligence ... ;

media      media ;

optical frequencies, doko WHERE (instances, magnetic properties, mediums) ... ; Also see: Optics;

s e n         OR
        m a n   ;
up ;        
      on ;      
10 ^ 6 mega-      
          mega-   OR
2 ^ 20 mega-      
          mega-     ;
M ( e.g. 10 M , 100 M ,
1000 M , ... ) ;        

10^6    ;    quantitative number; to be qualitative, time must be with energy map; basically, schematic must be understood 1st, and then ... ;

メイリオ, 1 font;

member , i.e. element; member ; member set;

member property, also see: dimension;

membrane (e.g. lipid membrane); also see: bacteria;

memory 8    
memory 7        
memory 6              
  memory 5            
    memory 4          
      memory 3        
        memory 2      
          memory 1    

memristor, 2 terminals' variable resistance with memory effect, i.e. memristor ... ; memristor-type memory e.g. ferroelectric polymer memory;

M E M S, Micro Electro Mechanical System;

(Copy, Define, Menu, Search) More actions ... ;

menu     menu     menu     menu;

          message ;    

Also see: spam email messages;

ɟ() method (ɟ) ... ; means, method; logic, method, reason, system, thread; new law,  new method; method, order, regularity, system; form, formula, method, system; course, means, method, resource, way; manner of doing, means, method, way;

micro     micro     micro     micro     micro     micro;

micro- ; (10^-6) ... ;    24mm natural time can define 1 second, digitally since 1970s; after analyzing amount of energy left inside capacitance a.k.a. time slices, and then those time slices can be engineered to prompt micro- ; in theory, it seems very easy, but in engineering, very difficult to do ... ; because 1st to understand clock a.k.a. IN CK vs. FN CK, instruction set in clock cycle a.k.a. pipelining, burst and its mutual exclusives, ... ;   also see: multiplier;

SQRT3 design Model (military science, NOT available yet to public);
SQRT2 design Model (Engineering Notation) e.g.
 ... , universal (100000), micro SD (10000), global (1000), remote (100), local (10);
local (10), remote (100), global (1000), micro SD (10000), universal (100000), ... ;
Multi Time Lines Port, for billions of devices;
Model (Engineering Notation);

mid tier;

Military; e.g.

humanoid Global Military General; Also see: Nama For Humanoid;

milli bar      
          milli bar      
G D C , Gravity Dimension Computer ( unit ) ...
artificial intelligence ( ° C ) is Celsius ;  
artificial intelligence ( ° F ) is Fahrenheit ;  

IFF (nuclear) heat, artificial intelligence ... ;

millipedes; also see: e n d o p h y t e s; naturally ... ; BF>4;

minus ;      
diminish e d radix complement ;        
radix - minus - one complement ;      
counter balancing , off set t
in g each other , plus and minus equal zero

IFF SQRT2 (a.k.a. square root 2), for any sequence ( 98), if now is plus (i.e. + 98), next is minus (i.e. - 98); 1st to understand squaring both side of sign (=), 2nd to understand value vs. reference, 3rd to understand any term (e.g. 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ) obeys number ( 98) ... ;

10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... , notice THAT engineering notation ((10^1), (10^2), (10^3), (10^4), (10^5), ... ) e.g. sequence value (11235) WHICH can be transformed to engineering notation (11.235x10^3); Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 180, Engineering Notation;

minute; Minute; e.g.

minute; part; portion; share;
minute; part; portion; share;

( pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel) for airborne ZCS Display (1 minute area), also see: Water Clock;

mirror  mirror;

M I S C; N C F L; D C I M; ...

m Manmade Global Weather;

mnemonic OR address;

Mobile; Mobility; e.g.

kadosei Mobility; ( Mobility, Mobility, Mobility, Mobility) ... ;

Mobile Form, also see: Normal Form, because mobile switch, and normal switch are diff;

mode; mode; mode;     mode     mode     mode ;

edition; make; model; number; issue; Radical299;

    model ;          
MODEL ;          
      model ;        
domain model ;    

DOM, Document Object Model ... ;

idea ♯ 201; 2.01, システム System Model; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1;

module ;      
module ;      
module data ; pre compile d module ; load  
root ; module sub program ; tone generator    
( math ) module ; patch ; source ;  
memory ; object ; standard ; procedure ; interface  
program unit ; line interface module ; power    
power module     ; executable module ; compilation unit

module contains many procedures, or sub procedures, or sub routines ... ; 2 kinds of modules, standard module, and class module; 䀰;


IFF pipeline : 66 ( extract; load; log; monitor; transform) ... ;

Display: [Default Monitor] on;

    mono - hierarchy          
      mono OR stereo    

MOS, Metal Oxide Semiconductor; also see: C M O S;

( motion, motion, motion, motion, motion, motion, motion) ... ; motion     motion     motion;

motor     motor;

26 mount    
M t . i . e . Mount ;
mount ( i n g ) process ; point ;
rack - mount server ; remote ;      
  Surface Mount Device ; Surface Mount Technology ; 46352

( mountain, mountain, mountain, mountain) ... ;
( peak, peak, peak, peak) ... ;
( point, point, point, point) ... ;

mouse a.k.a. GUI pointing device; serial mouse is old design, a.k.a. PS/2 mouse OR Microsoft mouse; USB mouse is new design; also see: insertion pointer; mouse's cell path ... ; click; double click; mouse over; page load; ... ; also see: event;

- -

 IFF mouse is made of character ... ;

mouse ... ; Also see: cursor;

move, e.g. mnemonic (m o v), also see: move; correct error automatically;

movie; e.g.

movie     movie;

(( : reflect) + ( : picture)) = film, motion picture, movie, ... ;

MP 3
M P 3 player

M P L S traffic class, i.e. system (open flow) ... ; Also see: HYBRID ... ;

MS, one of the brunch-able keywords in Cloud Computing;     MS a.k.a. Masters of Science;

  M   S   D   N  
M S D N ... ... ... ... Number

MSDN, Microsoft Developers Network; e.g. since 2000s, noCOOKIE Internet Browser has been compiled by VB4 originally;

M S I L, Microsoft intermediate language;

( 11 s e m b lie s )
manifest ; meta data M S I L ; file AND resource
    669 285 program 26 run ...    

( MSN, Microsoft Network) ... ; MSN, Microsoft Network; also see: on MSN;

multi word multi word ;      
    much ;     many ;
multi -            
multi - color              
  multi - function a l        
    multi p l e        
      multi p l e x    
          multiplication operator ( * )

M T L M, Multi Time Lines Modulation ( i.e. ラジオ radio ) ... ; this DOMAIN 's imaginary radio; for billions of devices; also for teleportation method, WHERE Info can be faster than light; Also read: Professor M i c h i o K a k u 's book, PHYSICS OF THE FUTURE;

Anonymous Internet Requests; Client Name; Interface; Internet NAT Redirection; IP Address; MAC Address; Multicast; Status;

multiple     multiple     multiple;

multiplex     multiplex;

multiplication; more e.g. (3D, brightness, color, contrast, shadow); more; minus; minimize; metal; matte; mail e.g. (e-mail, mailed, mailing); mail;

(brain development, digestion, heart function, maintenance of bones, muscle function), e.g. Thyroxine ( T4), also see: 3tComputer; t G T S U;

music; library (document ; music; picture; video ) ...  ;

investigate; meter; musical key; prepare; tone; tune; writing style; Radical611;

M U X            
    MUX a.k.a. multiplexer a.k.a. m u x a.k.a. multi p l e x o r ;


    Video s
My Document s            
My Documents
          My Location  
          My Network Place s
        My Recent Document s  
      My Web Site s    

Myanmar, , , , 95;

Myanmar (i.e. Burma);

(Sanyo World Clock) BURMA: Rangoon ... ; (world time); Remark: BURMA, a.k.a. Myanmar; Rangoon, a.k.a. Yangon;

SONY time zone (GMT+6:30) Yangon  ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
