; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : November : 19th (Tuesday) : 1cComputer ;
; ; ; ; Updated on 19 : 11 : 2024 : c : C : 1cComputer ;
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | ||
calculator; 9, computer ( calculator), SQRT2 a.k.a. Sqrt_2 prompts 1.414213562373095048801688724209 WHERE SELECT .....3....3..3...................., tablet, c Computer, ... ; e.g. Surface; 9, computer ( calculator), SQRT3 a.k.a. S q r t 3 (i.e. システム 3) prompts 1.732050807568877293527446341505 WHERE SELECT ..3...............3......3......, ... , ... , ... ; システム (system) 3; calculator;
call | ; | ||||||||
telephone | call | ; | |||||||
call | ; |
or call;
your (password) is
your phone number ... ;
card | , | card | , | card | , | ||||
card | : | ||||||||
card | |||||||||
card | e | . | g | . | |||||
Memory | Stick | ; | Memory | Stick | Pro | Duo | ; | ||
micro | S | D | ; | ||||||
M | M | C | , | multi | media | card | ; | ||
S | D | , | secure | card | ; | ||||
S | D | H | C | ; | |||||
x | D | ; |
card ... ; 1st to understand time lines with aggregate function e.g. 4 to 1, 8 to 1, ... ; 2nd to understand non-volatile storage space; 3rd to develop ro 1, ro 2, ro 3, ro 4, ro 5, WHERE action of window frames may be diff ... ; Notice that this DOMAIN is 10 dimension only for basic understanding of 2 * 5 momentum of our universe, if you like to develop 6 and 7, you can develop (2*6), (2*7), ... yourself with 12 dimension, 14 dimension;
card e.g. Credit Card, Debit Card, Smart Card, ... ; Also see: ID; verify;
case | ( | e | . | g | . | condition | |||
, | event | , | legal | action | , | letter | style | , | receptacle |
) | ; | ||||||||
C | A | S | E | , | Computer | - | |||
Aid | ed | Soft | ware | Engineering | case | ; |
case case case;
cash | |||||||||
cash | ; |
cash, currency, money, also see: Currency;
network to categorize ; Also see: Biz;
cause and effect, actions and events; Also see: 2; pros and cons;
true or false; Neither 1 nor 0 is 2. and then, develop 3 by yourself ... ;
GPS; Satellite; this DOMAIN;
Cayman Islands, , , , 1;
Gene Therapy System (Creatinine & Calculated G l o m e r u l a r (Kidney) Filtration Rate ( C C G F R)) e.g.
standard Creatinine: range is less than or equal to 1.34 mg/d L (<=1.34 mg/d L);
standard G l o m e r u l a r Filtration Rate: range is more than or equal to 60 m L / min (>=60 m L / min);
regarding standard, IFF either hyper or hypo (Creatinine & Calculated G l o m e r u l a r (Kidney) Filtration Rate ( C C G F R)), also see: MD;
GPS; Satellite; this DOMAIN;
Central America, , , , ♯;
SONY time zone (GMT-6:00) Central America ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;
angle (central angle (segment) radian) ... ;
Central Time, , , , ♯;
SONY time zone (GMT-5:00) Central Time ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;
certificate certificate authority certificate authority; authority;
c f u/ml, a unit to (measure) quality drinking water, AI analyzes (the quality drinking water) and then indicate abnormal (location, condition);
CGI, computer generated imagery; CGI, common gateway interface;
GPS; Satellite; this DOMAIN;
Chad, , , , 235;
chain | e | d | list | ||||||
chained | list | ||||||||
linked | list | ; |
change management;
character | |||||||||
character | ; | ||||||||
any | character | ; |
character entity ; character set;
any type (b o o l e a n s: false, true; characters; integers: e.g. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... ; natural numbers: e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, ... ; rational s: i.e. x/y WHERE x is integer, y is integer, and y is not zero; r e a l s; set of ... , e.g. addition, infinite, multiplication; ) any type;
language code (1684) Chinese language; Also see: Keyword to Port Number;
chip | |||||||||
chip | |||||||||
chip | |||||||||
chip | |||||||||
chip ; chip-on-board, e.g. USB Flash Drive;
C | I | C | S | , | complex | instruction | computer | ||
C | I | C | S | , | complex | instruction | set | computer |
circle _to _find _cycloid _sticks, also see: Schematic Symbol;
gene therapy systems do 76647555 (Good Gene) cure cirrhosis (i.e. liver disease) ... ;
C | I | S | C | , | Composite | Instruction | Computer | ||
C | I | S | C | , | Composite | Instruction | Set | Computer |
Capacitors_, Circuit Protection_, Electromechanical_, Inductors AND Filters_, Resistors_, R F Modules_, Semiconductors_, ... ; iro ... ;
click; double click; mouse over; page load; ... ; also see: event ... ;
CLIENT | ; | ||||||||
client | |||||||||
client | ; | ||||||||
server | ; | ||||||||
model | ; |
Client ID; ・ (i.e. client - server) ... ;
Anonymous Internet Requests; Client Name; Interface; Internet NAT Redirection; IP Address; MAC Address; Multicast; Status;
weather measurement station (meteorological condition of) ... ;
clock | |||||||||
clock | ; |
clock _analog, clock 1 active, clock 1 D basic, also see: Schematic Symbol;
1 Time Machine In Loop, i.e. multi time lines, artificial intelligence (3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 24mm) for each clock ... ; IFF this DOMAIN 's multi time lines, also see: ♯( 1999 ) ... ; Remark: multi time lines is designed for billions of devices ... ;
clockwise vibration; EMC; sphere;
CLOUD S L A; cloud strategy; Also see: Cloud;
cloud | ; | ||||||||
cloud | ; | ||||||||
CLOUD | S | L | A | ||||||
1 | : | building | 285 | service | - | level | port | f | o |
l | i | o | , | metric | s | focus | 65 | bus | i |
n | e | s | s | out | come | s | , | 11 | 12 |
285 | - | end | period | , | 66 | fix | problem | s | |
; | 2 | : | con | s | t | r | u | c | t |
95 | d | i | v | i | dual | service | - | level | metric |
s | , | THIS | phase | , | server | 65 | 285 | LAN | , |
data | - | collect | i | on | process | , | 66 | 285 | per |
form | 15 | c | e | ; | 3 | : | set | real | 11 |
tic | form | 15 | 35 | target | s | , | S | L | A |
669 | cloud | service | s | , | performance | ; | 4 | : | define |
remedies | 669 | failure | , | avoid | limit | 12 | i | on | 1, |
exclude | remedy | 669 | per | form | 15 | 35 | ; | 5 | : |
optimize | 669 | per | form | an | c | e | up | date | ; |
33634 | s | 91 | a | web | service | 1 | ; | ||
Cloud | 1 | is | 1 | web | service | s | ; |
Also see: nature; Clouds is a web services ... ; group of pixels behave eccentric circles alike, IFF display prompts clusters ... ;
Cloud is enabled, e.g. multi protocol ( radio);
cluster | |||||||||
cluster | |||||||||
cluster | ; | ||||||||
adapter | ; | lost | ; | number | ; | ||||
size | ; |
c m d l e t, also see: Windows Power Shell Modules;
code element, code value, coded representation;
coil, also see: Schematic Symbol;
colour | |||||||||
colour |
color; colour; Radical172;
colour a.k.a. color (custom (model (H S L (Hue (0 ~ 255), Sat (0 ~ 255), L u m (0 ~ 255)) (current, new)), R G B (Red (0 ~ 255), Green (0 ~ 255), Blue (0 ~ 255)) (current, new)), standard) ... ; colour a.k.a. color; question mark (?);
comment field ( 1 b log); Comments; ;
comment | s | ||||||||
e | . | g | . | / | * | * | / | , | |
e | . | g | . | // | |||||
e | . | g | . | 2 | - | 2 | ; | ||
comment | s | ; | |||||||
IFF 〩 (Common Control s) Button; Check Box; Check ed List Box; Combo Box; Date Time Picker; Label; Link Label; List Box; List View; Mask ed Text Box; Month Calendar; Notify Icon; Numeric Up Down; Picture Box; Pointer; Progress Bar; Radio Button; Rich Text Box; Text Box; Tool Tip; Tree View; Web Browser;
common model;
communication | |||||||||
communication | |||||||||
communication | |||||||||
; | A | P | P | C | , | Advance | d | Program | - |
26 | - | Program | ; | C | S | , | Communication | Satellite | |
; | C | C | P | , | Control | Processor | ; | C | |
M | C | , | Computer | Mediate | d | ; | P | C | |
S | , | personal | service | ; | V | I | C | S | |
, | Vehicle | Information | AND | system | s | ; | |||
bearer | channel | ( | 95 | I | S | D | N | ) | |
channel | ; | bi | directional | ; | binary | synchronous | ; | ||
carrier | ; | - | independent | ; | code | - | |||
trans | parent | data | ; | channel | ; | s | partner | ||
, | entity | 12 | 285 | end | 66 | 1 | communication | ; | computer |
; | control | unit | ; | description | entry | ; | end | to | |
end | path | ; | fee | s | , | charge | s | ; | |
frame | synchronous | ; | full | duplex | trans | mission | , | full | |
duplex | ; | high | speed | ; | high | speed | data | ||
; | inter | personal | ; | Inter | Process | ; | |||
isochronous | ; | line | ; | load | ; | low | speed | ||
; | multi | media | ; | one | - | way | ; | ||
one | 26 | one | communication | ; | 65 | line | ; | over | |
all | communication | cost | s | ; | packet | transfer | communication | ; | personal |
computer | ; | physical | control | sub | layer | ; | port | ||
; | quality | ; | section | ; | server | ; | share | d | ( |
communication | ) | medium | ; | software | ; | system | ; | theory | ; |
transmission | method | , | system | ; | transmission | protocol | , | ||
protocol | ; | two | - | way | alternative | ; | two | - | |
way | alter | native | data | communication | ; | two | - | way | simultaneous |
communication | ; | two | - | way | simultaneous | data | communication | ; | word |
processor | communication | ; | |||||||
mode | ( | infrastructure | / | ad | - | hoc | ) | ; | |
adapter | . | . | . | ; |
compact HTML;
Company main phone;
comparison (or relational) operators;
compass, also see: digital sensor;
Complete; complete generator ;
IFF 〩 (Component s) Back ground Worker; Directory Entry; Directory Searcher; Error Provider; Event Log; File System Watcher; Help Provider; Image List; Message Queue; Performance Counter; Pointer; Process; Serial Port; Service Controller; Timer;
component video out (e.g. Y, P B, P R) ... ;
computer | |||||||||
COMPUTER | |||||||||
コ | ン | ピ | ュ | ー | タ | ー | computer | ; | |
common | gate | way | inter | face | , | C | G | I | ; |
26 | read | out | ( | e.g. | data | 6964 | 1 | ||
computer | or | process | ) | to | retrieve | ; | video | game | |
system | e.g. | N | in | ten | do | trade | name | ; | ( |
auto | no | m | o | us | computer | program | i.e. | on | 1 |
network | ) | b | o | t | ; | personal | computer | communication | s |
service | ; | mouse | with | 1 | wheel | ; | general | instruction | unit |
; | alpha | geek | ( | var. | of | computer | nerd | ) | ; |
CGI | , | Computer | Graphic | s | Interface | ; | regular | expression | ; |
call | by | reference | ; | part | s | ( | as | in | computer |
part | s | ) | ; | com | put | o | p | i | a |
( | computer | utopia | ) | ; | middle | - | tower | - | style |
; | ( | computer | ) | pass | word | ; | ( | computer | ) |
push | button | ; | PC | shop | ; | neuro | - | ; | switch |
; | object | - | ; | main | frame | ; | brief | ||
case | ; | quantum | ; | Cloud | Computing | ; |
computer program, e.g. hardware system has (control flow) and (data flow); those flows in instructions are configurable and programmable; in common, hardware's GUI can be configurable and programmable by software's structure code functionally, so called computer program;
C o m p u trace, theft protection agent in BIOS, by Panasonic Tough Book, also see: Security;
concave | ; | concave | ; | ||||||
convex | ; | convex | ; | ||||||
polygon | ; | ||||||||
concurrency is 2.2., and then, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, ... ; concurrency; Also see: numbers in computing;
Because of 2, so many logic (2) exists in MS-DOS and PC-DOS scripts, in 1990s, however, 3.3., 4.4., 5.5., ... are rarely seen in common computing scripts, because numerological dimensions might have been military top secret since context switch computing and multitasking; Retrospectively embedded systems from calculator to dictionary to translator;
conduct oneself conduct oneself
cone | |||||||||
cone | ; | ||||||||
of | influence | ; | corn | ; |
angle (cone-generating angle) ... ;
conference | |||||||||
conference | ; | ||||||||
electronic | ; | ||||||||
video | ; |
Also see: listing of conferences;
Contact names;
IFF 〩 (Container s) Flow Lay out Panel; Group Box; Panel; Pointer; Split Container; Tab Control; Table Lay out Panel;
content | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
content | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
content | ; | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
content | model | ; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
be content, Radical128;
Internet Content Connection Status;
Content created; Content type;
AI automatic fix e.g. Content decoding failed; i.e. Error Code (330);
context | |||||||||
context | |||||||||
context | ; | ||||||||
A | D | F | , | Application | Development | Frame | work | ; | application |
; | editor | ; | default | ; | define | d | context | set | ; |
delimiter | ; | deterministic | context | - | free | grammar | ; | - | free |
grammar | ; | ID | ; | - | in | - | context | ; | inter |
- | activity | define | d | context | set | ; | naming | ; | prefix |
; | presentation | context | identification | ; | presentation | context | identifier | ; | root |
; | security | ; | - | sensitive | grammar | ; | switch | i | n |
g | ; | system | ; | transaction | ; |
Conversation ID;
converter, also see: Schematic Symbol;
cookie (browser-related file sent from a WWW server);
Copy _File _by _Beam _Document, also see: Schematic Symbol;
copy, also see: command;
copy vs. link: copy makes original file alone; link, auto update alike, if you update over here, it will auto update over there also; HOW, copy, and then paste special, choose link;
copy book | |||||||||
copy book | ; |
HOW to define gravity spots' locations ? for each structural designed frame, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 227, Angle, cos Θ is equal to adjacent side 2-point_distance / hypotenuse 2-point_distance;
accurate; correct; legal; proper; right; righteous; Radical567;
Gene Therapy System (correct genetic disorders, correcting genetic disorders) ... ;
is equal to cosine -1 , also see: Schematic Symbols (Y = cos-1 X);
( | count | , | |||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | , | ||||||||
count | ) | , | |||||||
determine | d | by | the | total | Number | in | a | collection | |
of | ( | Characters | , | COUNTERS | , | Icons | , | ||
Images | , | Items | , | Objects | , | Parts | , | Patterns | |
, | Photos | , | Pictures | , | Signs | , | Symbols | , | |
Tags | , | Things | , | ... | ) | ; |
count e.g. i = i + 1; in common, prior to this instruction "i integer is assigned to i plus one", conditional statement defines maximum math value to be counted, for example: for (min _i; constraint _i; max _i); i = i + 1; a.k.a. i++; a.k.a. for each loop, integer i will be added one; 1st to understand count function' internal code above; 2nd to understand count as aggregate, for example: for (min _i; constraint _i; max _i); i = i + 1; = i; return ; at this present, count behaves aggregate; 3rd to develop your own algorithm ... ; to understand diff between value and reference, also see: variable;
IFF artificial intelligence ( Count down Latch) also see: reusable Count down Latch;
counterclockwise vibration; EMC; sphere;
CRC, also see: 3D_CRC;
credential e.g. Credential . c r d; (user name + password); 32123-123-5510855-10710 is its password, and recommended to open with Credential Wizard (e.g. c r ed wiz .exe); password can be reset;
285 critical number 669 super string 91 (( eight + two) OR ten) ... ; 10 dimension; 285 string vibrates 95 ten dimension; R a m a n u j a n functions 95 order 26 ... ; i.e. 24, 8, ... ; WHEN;
IFF 24 + 2 = 26, space time dimension ... ; Modular Functions;
Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio YEAR, Microsoft component;
CS HTML, CS S, also see: Schematic Symbol;
C T A ♯; C T L ♯; R T L ♯; ... ;
oracle (C T W R, Change Tracking Writer) Database Area, Fast Recovery Area;
C U D A, parallel-capable programming language ... ; Also see: C U D A; Direct X compute; Open CL; Open GL Shading Language; Render script compute;
cue | |||||||||
cue | ; | ||||||||
depth | cue | mode | ; | depth | cue | table | ; |
culture, a.k.a. civilization;
culture | |||||||||
culture | , | a.k.a. | civilization | ; |
cash, currency, money, also see: Currency;
current 1, also see: Schematic Symbol;
custom | |||||||||
custom | ; | ||||||||
custom | IC | ||||||||
; | A | S | I | C | , | custom | chip | , | custom |
I | C | ; | L | S | I | ; | |||
custom | i | z | e | tool | bar | ( | add | OR | |
remove | ) | ||||||||
available | button | s | ; | ||||||
adapter | ; | control | ; | dialog | box | ; | panel | pane | ; |
palette | ; | plug | - | in | ; | profile | ; | property | ; |
proper | t | i | e | s | dial | o | g | box | ; |
sub | net | mask | ; | soft | ware | ; | |||
custom | panel | pane | ; |
cyber cyber cyber;
cyber | |||||||||
Internet | |||||||||
cyber | ; | ||||||||
shot | ; | ||||||||
Cyber | - | shot | , | i.e. | Camera | ; |
( Cyber Knife, Cyber Knife, Cyber Knife, Cyber Knife); Cyber Knife, i.e. medical equipment; Also see: c G T S U; k G T S U;
IFF Cyber-shot, also see: Photo Album;
cycloid, cycloid _sticks, cycloid _sticks _pair, also see: Schematic Symbol;
Cyrillic, also see: AI FONT;
, , Plug type (C; SE) also see: E P P s ... ; global smart grid;
cord unplugged, environment, power failure, security issue, stop error, system failures, system unresponsive, unplanned, other: AI (fix) ... ;