; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : 5 : 17 : r : R ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  


R&D; e.g.

    R & D
  ; r and d
research and development ;            

radar; e.g.

( radar, radar, radar, radar) ... ; Also see: Wireless;

Security . (360 degree (above sea level, underwater), radar, sonar) with drones and Satellite ... , also see: Automotive;

well trained kids! replied: HOW can ware ware We (design, engineer, model) 360 degree sir?

I wrote: I've gifts i.e. ( surfaced Inductance2, surfaced Inductance1) to you ... , also see: Inductance; Gray Color area is for 360 degree; very simple and easy to understand, but prior to 360 degree (design, engineer, model), you must know digital Green Line means indicating north bound i.e. very basic surface ( ZCS, NCS, PCS) based computing ... ; Remark: after developing "surfaced Inductances," then augmented vision, remote nama reading, virtual reality, ... can be developed; 1990s modeled e.g. Flat Screen means 90 degree to CRT, then Walls Method can be ... ; approx. 33+ years to (design, engineer, model) HOW 360 degree (1990s - 2020s);  after 2565 in Buddha sasana calendar, Gregorian calendar's 2020s, ware ware We're reaching into invisibility engineering Products, e.g. sliding light sheets to its surface, and very very very (ACT3 level) advanced ones become Military Top Secrets e.g. can't explain anymore in public, therefore, we don't need to declare war, regarding 21st century & beyond (our earth) ... ; so I've defined "power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil" as much as I can to do (good actions, good kharma, good wills) with metta (loving kindness) ... ;

radar;     radar RADAR, radio detection and ranging ... ; Also see: sonar;


Was wavelength by vacuum tubes, and then (wavelength and modulation method) by transistor, thereafter, wireless ... ;

IFF measure ( radar), (red is strong) ~ (aqua is weak);

      DEE_ Radio , also see : Schematic Symbols ;
R A D I O    
radio 91496 285 wave    
149 149  a.k.a. Burn Avi . avi 285 Burn Avi .avi
wave ( 65 water )  
65 285 C D device _        
wave ( electromagnetic , sound ,
etc . ) WAV e form 5W1H      
285 wave WAV e form 5W1H
wireless radio a.k.a. radio wireless
sound ( audio ) interface 149 . 149
radio wireless a.k.a. wireless radio    
audio 149.149      
IFF dubbing , Anti Virus 65 285
tweeter ( audio equipment ) IFF _    
defining interface radio tweeter here by adding your . me
; AM , Amplitude Modulation radio ;      
FM , Frequency Modulation radio ;      
MTLM , Multi Time Line s Modulation radio ;
  XM , Modulation radio ;      
      antenna ;        

broadcast schedule ... ; radio, also see: WiFi;

radius      radius      Also see: spherical coordinate;

IFF * , also see: Eccentric_ circles; hyper sphere;

range: extent; range; scope; span; ;

Physics _Rainbow _Method, also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 183;

raise     elevate; e.g. using artificial intelligence to raise automotives ... ;

rate        ratio
3 r d rate
A B R , available bit rate ;    
B R I , basic rate inter face ;  
C B R , constant bit rate ;    
G C R A , generic cell rate algorithm ;
H D S L , high-bit -rate digital subscriber line
P C R , peak cell rate ;    
P R I , primary rate inter f as e
S C R , sustain able cell rate ;  
U B R , un specified bit rate ;  
V B R , variable bit rate ;    
V D S L , very - high - bit
- rate digital sub scriber line ;      
B E R , bit error rate ;    
activity ratio ; allow able information ; average ; baud
; bit ; cell loss ; cell rate algorithm ;
click ; clock frequency ; clock ; clock speed ;
( code ) error rate ;        
connection information ; constant bit ; data signaling ; data
- transfer ; discount ed service ; effective data transfer
; effective transfer ;            
error rate ;              
excess information rate ;            
failure ; fault - rate threshold        
frame ; group rate system ; hit ; line ;
line utilization ; low bit ; mean bit - ;
mean rate accuracy ; modulation ; nominal transfer ; peak
cell ; peak ; peak speed ;      
rate adapt at ion ; base d ;    
    base d congest ion control ; structure ;
- base d flow control ; reduce d rate service
; refresh ; sampling ; standard ; standard access ;
sustain able cell ; to ken is sue ; transfer
; transfer speed ; trans mission ; trans mission speed
; un specified bit ; utilization ; variable bit ;
IFF per cent age a.k.a. % ;      
IFF + OR - ( ^ ) ...

IFF global, rate table (speed) interconnect ... ;

IFF detail keyword (documents) Rating, Read status, Recording time, region, Reminder time, Required attendee addresses, Required attendees, Rerun, Resources, ... ;

percentage; proportion; rate; ratio; Radical322;

any type (booleans: false, true; characters; integers: e.g. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... ; natural numbers: e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, ... ; rationals: i.e. x/y WHERE x is integer, y is integer, and y is not zero; reals; set of ... , e.g. addition, infinite, multiplication; ) any type;

(10) RCA; Also see: Daewoo; Hannspree; Hitachi; LG/Goldstar; Magnavox; Mitsubishi/MGA; NEC; Panasonic; Philips; Pioneer; Samsung; Sanyo; Sharp; Sony; Toshiba; OEM TV Code number;

RDBMS; e.g.

( RDBMS, RDBMS, RDBMS); Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 59, (SQRT3, SQRT2) linkage, linker, ... ;

RDBMS, Relational Database Management System, using key (e.g. composite key, foreign key, primary key, ...) to do indexing ... ; RDBMS;

Read status;

any type (boolean s: false, true; characters; integers: e.g. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... ; natural numbers: e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, ... ; rationals: i.e. x/y WHERE x is integer, y is integer, and y is not zero; real s; set of ... , e.g. addition, infinite, multiplication; ) any type;

realm: branch; division; field; realm; ;


cause; circumstances; consequently; especially; happenstance; intentionally; reason; the late, therefore;

radio reception; receiver; Radical417;

find; search; recent memory e.g. addresses, file systems, network locations, recorded cookies, pages, ... ;

artificial intelligence record e.g. v. id, v (id); also see: variable; array; any type, IFF ( * )/()^;

record separator (block separator), RS ... ; Recording time;

recover; recovered; recoveries; recovery; e.g.

Recovery     Recovery     Recovery;     Also see: Recovery;

Rechargeable Battery ... ;

identifier (e.g. ♯-♯-♯-♯-♯); recovery key (e.g. ♯-♯-♯-♯-♯-♯-♯-♯); Also see: bit locker;

("shell : Recycle Bin Folder"), also see: sCharacterExtension1;

red     red;

red gravity , also see: iroColourWaveForm;

red hat OS;

R H E L a.k.a. Red Hat OS  
\ r h e l \        

rediscover places, also see: timeline;

IFF artificial intelligence ( Reduce) also see: reusable Reduce;

            reference ;  

reference capacity ; reference capacity set; reference delimiter ; reference delimiter set; reference model; reference quantity ; reference quantity set; reflectance model;

((285 speed 66 light) / (285 slower speed 66 light)) medium, index of refraction ... ; also see: Invisibility;

IFF 285 (index 66 refraction) 1.0005, air ... ;
IFF 285 (index 66 refraction) 1.00, 1 vacuum ... ;
IFF 285 (index 66 refraction) 1.50, glass ... ;
IFF 285 (index 66 refraction) 2.40000,
diamond ... ;

          領域 ;    
region ;    
critical area ; region of interest ; title - region


regular polygon;

relational database and SQL ... ;

reload button ( 1 browser);

          remember ;    
        26 recall ;      
        to remember ;      
  keep 45 sign ed in ;      
  remember me on this computer ;      

Reminder time;

SQRT3 design Model (military science, NOT available yet to public);
SQRT2 design Model (Engineering Notation) e.g.
 ... , universal (100000), micro SD (10000), global (1000), remote (100), local (10);
local (10), remote (100), global (1000), micro SD (10000), universal (100000), ... ;
Multi Time Lines Port, for billions of devices;
Model (Engineering Notation);

    remote measure me n t    
remote ;      

ର; motion capture sensor; pattern recognition; remote heat sensing;

removable     removable;

render script compute, parallel-capable programming language ... ; Also see: CUDA; Direct X compute; Open CL; Open GL Shading Language;

rendering colour model;

replica ; replica set;

replication ;

IFF 〩 (Reporting) Pointer; Report Viewer; ... ;

repository; e.g.


Republic 66 nation name, video, audio, data, ;

request mode ;
command ;        
A N S E R , Automatic Answer Network System
669 Electrical Request ;            
A R Q , Automatic Repeat r e Quest ;
A R Q , Automatic Request for Repetition ;  
C O R B A , Common Object Request Broker
Architecture ; IFF ( 5 ) five ... ;
I R Q , Interrupt Request ;      
P D   P R , request 669 forwarding address
R T S , Request - To - Send ;
access request signal ; connection ; decomposition ; dialogue establishment
request out standing ; dialogue termination request out standing ;
handshake request out standing ; non - receipt notification request
indication ; partial - attribute - request ; receipt notification
request indication ; release request ; reply request indication ;
roll back - initiating ; user request ;    

Required attendee addresses; Required attendees;


reset toolbar, also see: positioning;

resident control program

Capacitors_, Circuit Protection_, Electromechanical_, Inductors AND Filters_, Resistors_, RF Modules_, Semiconductors_, ... ; iro ... ;

resolution     resolution;

resonance a.k.a. specific vibration; also see: solar tree;

analog resonance; digital resonance;

resource; resourceful; resources; e.g.

resource Bandwidth Demand;

resource     resource     resource     resource     resource;


Capacitors_, Circuit Protection_, Electromechanical_, Inductors AND Filters_, Resistors_, RF Modules_, Semiconductors_, ... ; iro ... ;

responsibility; e.g.

charge; duty; obligation; responsibility; Radical432;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (retin a.k.a. retina)), also see: CphT Root Words, ... ;

RFC, Request For Comment, because Numbers in Computing is very complex, sometimes numbers are chipset's hardware defined value, sometimes numbers are in numerological dimension, sometimes numbers are hex (base 16) number, sometimes numbers are regular base 10 number, sometimes numbers are binary (base 2), ... , therefore, regarding WHAT kind of number to deal with (e.g. protocol), RFC, Request For Comment is used;

e.g. prior to commit transaction in the Internet, POS machines (Request Mode) request (appr♯, auth♯) i.e. to verify ID (e.g. card: Credit Card, Debit Card, Smart Card, ... ); IFF approve, sale event; IFF decline, no sale event; therefore regarding WHICH card, Comments are e.g. approve, decline, ... ; therefore regarding WHICH board, Comments are ... ;

R F I D tag (RFID) Radio-frequency identification;

11 285 using 26 15 object;
using radio wave AND tag a.k.a. label; Also see: UPC vs RFID;

world time, using World Time Mode (City Code Table) RGN (time zone) ... ;

IFF east, BKK;

IFF west, DAC;

R H O , e.g.      
Ρ , ρ ;            

alpha; beta; gamma; delta; epsilon; zeta; eta; theta; iota; kappa; lamda; mu; nu; xi; omicron; pi; rho; sigma; tau; upsilon; phi; chi; psi; omega; iota with dialytika; upsilon with dialytika; alpha with tonos; epsilon with tonos; eta with tonos; iota with tonos; upsilon with dialytika and tonos;

(multi time lines) artificial intelligence patterns (e.g. , , , ♯) (code pages) using translator ... ;

rich media ;

    right ;          
right ; right ; positioning ;    
IFF , cell path right ;      

right, one of the directions;

left and right are coexistence alike (left is not opposed to right);

bottom (five); left ( five); right ( 5); top (five);


world time, using World Time Mode (City Code Table) RIO (time zone) ... ;

IFF east, -02;

IFF west, CCS;

RIP, raster image processor;

  RISC , reduced instruction      
    RISC ( Reduced Instruction Set )  
R I S C reduce instruction set computer s  
Reduced Instruction Computer ( OR Computing , RISC

RJ11; RJ45;

R J 1 1
R J 4 5

(R J eleven and R J forty five) physical wires; RJ11 is for phone and fax, and then, RJ45 is for Ethernet; also see: USB;

r Manmade Global Weather;

(window frame)     (window frame)     (window frame)     (window frame)     (window frame) ... ; Also see: no COOKIE;

roaming     roaming     roaming     roaming     roaming     roaming;

(ground, rock, soil) is nothing to do with vibrating string; earthquakes happen naturally, because (ground, rock, soil) is exposed to water's string vibration, also see: WORMHOLE;  Remark: this DOMAIN 's wormhole parameters are ( 45, 60, 72) ... ; Also see: PHYSICS;

      roll ;        
        in ; paper ;  


context  ; directory ; document lay out ; module ;
square root function ; window ;        

round e.g. (rounded, rounded rectangle, rounded rectangle callout, rounding); round; rotate e.g. (rotate left, rotate left 90 degree, rotate right, rotate right 90 degree); rotate; right e.g. (nudge right, nudge shadow right, right arrow, right brace, right parenthesis); right; review e.g. (review..., reviewed, reviewing); review; reply e.g. (with changes, with changes..., without changes); reply; repeat; remove; region e.g. (domain name, Geographical domain, regional, time zone); region; refresh; redo; rectangle; recipient e.g. (Personal WHO received, Personal WHO receives, Personal WHO's receiving, Personal WHO will receive); recipient e.g. (dialog box with text, e-mail, FTP file, mapped image, MSG, streaming blocks); recipient;

route * also see: command;

add; address; change; delete; destination; gateway; interface; mask; metric; print;

route ; route set;

router     router     router;

line of text; row; verse; Radical176, also see: Radicals;

        RPM ;      
R P M , Revolution Per Minute ;    
rpm , revolution s per minute , r/min ;  

 cryptography  e.g. AES, DES, Hashing, RSA, ... ; security;

rsh * also see: command;

RT operating system, in Microsoft Surface Tablet Computer, in 2012/2556;

CTA♯; CTL♯; RTL♯; USB; PXE; ... ;

IFF 2 RTL inverters, also see: flip-flop ... ;

Rubidium atoms, beam ... ; IFF in distance location, the same i.e. Rubidium atoms, beam ... , also see: teleportation without entanglement;

            ruler ;  
configure page option s ;     reset origin ;
        show grid ;      
        ruler ;        
        set origin 6964 selection ;  
    snap 26 grid ;        

( DEE, DEE) Drafting (Rulers) e.g.

Ruler1     Ruler1     Ruler1;

Ruler2     Ruler2     Ruler2;

Ruler3     Ruler3     Ruler3;

Ruler4     Ruler4     Ruler4;

Ruler5     Ruler5     Ruler5;

Ruler6     Ruler6     Ruler6;

Ruler7     Ruler7     Ruler7;

Ruler8     Ruler8     Ruler8;

Ruler9     Ruler9     Ruler9;

Ruler10     Ruler10     Ruler10;

Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

(ruler AND grid) units e.g. centimeters, inches, pixels, points, ... ;

run     run;

runtime; runtime host; ... ;

SQRT3     SQRT3     SQRT3;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
