; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2023 : January : 23 (Monday) : Updated : Computer Science : File ;

; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2023 : 1 : 23 : Updated : File ;

0 KB files exist in this DOMAIN  are File .txt and a.k.a. 0323~1;

cookie; cookies; e.g.

HTTP Cookie; HTTP cookies (this DOMAIN . triangulation . system) websites ... ;
HTTP Cookie; HTTP cookies (on the user's computer) ... ;

Directory listing of this DOMAIN , also see: Directories;

file (close);

file (open);

file as item, item as number, and numbers are gathered/managed by one the AI global characters; also see: THIS Code Page's property ... ; also see: OS .txt;

File attached;

File extension;

File filtering with no COOKIE IE browser:

_ IFF browser (no COOKIE IE), the browser can be, browsing Internet Web address;
browser (no COOKIE IE), the browser can be, exploring file system;
_ IFF browser (
no COOKIE IE), the browser can be filtering files,
to do so, typing in the address box, in the
no COOKIE IE, e.g. f:\;   f:\desktop;   f:\directory-name;    notice that filtering options prompt under the address box ... ;

File format;

File management;

File menu;

File name a.k.a. file-name;

File sharing;

File size;

File System e.g. FS+, FS-, ... ;

File version number;

Files listing of this DOMAIN , also see: Files;

FTP, also see: Keyword To Port Number;


_ IFF ♯ items (MB), can be u p g r a d i n g, i.e. items (♯ GB) and then very fast disc burn can be in "light rate based" computing ... ; also see: Ready Boost with functional time limit; Ready Boost without functional time limit;

_ IFF 149.149(audio), also see: 5 Audio;

_ IFF "light rate based", files burning into a disc, also see: N items (N MB) i.e. Calculating time remaining... ; WHERE numbers become space in time as time . space a.k.a. "light rate"; so, step by step understanding of file, file as item, and item as number, and then numbers within time, and the most important time becomes in distance in engineering ACT2 and ACT3 ... ;

_ IFF to solve "fault" among servers, also see: Ready Made Directory;

01/14/2021 Revised; Buddha\Article\Buddha on Mindfulness _files \ file list .xml; Buddha \ Article \ Ma ha sa ti pa t t ha n a Su t t a _files \ file list .xml; Buddha \ Article \ The Instruction to the Ka l am as _files \ file list .xml; Copy _File _by _Beam _Document; Desktop \ serial \ unlock \ device \ Computer Server Web _files \ file list .xml; File; File Ext; File Name; File Server; Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ Basic Understanding For Idea Processing _files \ file list .xml; Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol _files \ file list .xml; Domain \ Idea Processor \ Idea Processor _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Executable Application \ Exe _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ Diagram Binary Search Tree Insertion _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ ID _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ ISDN _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ Network  Design Principles _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ Processor _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ Schematic Symbols _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ SQL \ 012006 _Oracle _J S F _data _file _S E I _codes _Catalog _Data Table _Web _Service _Data _Result .doc; IT \ Note \ SQL \ SNMP _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ Swap _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ Testing _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ Thread v s Multithreaded CPU _files \ file list .xml; IT \ Note \ WINS  Resolutions _files \ file list .xml; Open _File; MD \ Bio-IT \ Data Flow Parallel AND Spiral _files \ file list .xml; MD \ Bio-IT \ RNA _files \ file list .xml ; Save Location (for a file); Also see: Directories; File; File Extension; Files; Ready Made Directory; ... ;

micro SD;

Remark: don't change the following codes, unless you're (classified documentation, restricted, special) "doctrine person" by the Shakya King;

this DOMAIN developer's root directory (Coordinate-GUI \ Speed table for (KB per s, MB per s)) ... e.g.

89aà 0 ÷ 3 f ™ Ì ÿ + +3 +f +™ +Ì +ÿ U U3 U f U™ U Ì U ÿ € €3 €f €™ €Ì €ÿ ª ª3 ªf ª™ ªÌ ªÿ Õ Õ3 Õ f Õ™ Õ Ì Õ ÿ ÿ ÿ3 ÿ f ÿ™ ÿ Ì ÿÿ3 3 33 f3 ™3 Ì3 ÿ3+ 3+33+f3+™3+Ì3+ÿ3U 3U33Uf3U™3UÌ3Uÿ3€ 3€33€f3€™3€Ì3€ÿ3ª 3ª33ªf3ª™3ªÌ3ªÿ3Õ 3Õ33Õf3Õ™3ÕÌ3Õÿ3ÿ 3ÿ33ÿf3ÿ™3ÿÌ3ÿÿf f 3f ff ™f Ì f ÿ f+ f+3f+ff+™f + Ì f +ÿ f U fU3fUffU™ f U Ì f U ÿ f€ f€3f€ff€™f€ Ì f€ÿ fª fª3fªffª™fª Ì f ªÿ f Õ fÕ3fÕffÕ™f Õ Ì f Õ ÿ f ÿ fÿ3fÿffÿ™f ÿ Ì f ÿ ÿ™ ™ 3™ f™ ™™ Ì™ ÿ™+ ™+3™+f™+™™+Ì™+ÿ™U ™U3™U f™U™™U Ì™U ÿ™€ ™€3™€f™€™™€Ì™€ÿ™ª ™ª3™ªf™ª™™ªÌ™ªÿ™Õ ™Õ3™Õ f™Õ™™Õ Ì™Õ ÿ™ÿ ™ÿ3™ÿ f™ÿ™™ÿ Ì™ÿ ÿ Ì Ì 3Ì f Ì ™Ì Ì Ì ÿ Ì+ Ì+3Ì+fÌ+™Ì +Ì Ì+ ÿ Ì U ÌU3ÌUfÌU™Ì U Ì Ì U ÿ Ì€ Ì€3Ì€f Ì€™Ì€Ì Ì€ÿ ̪ ̪3̪f̪™Ì ªÌ ̪ ÿ Ì Õ ÌÕ3ÌÕfÌÕ™Ì Õ Ì Ì Õ ÿ Ì ÿ Ìÿ3ÌÿfÌÿ™Ì ÿ Ì Ì ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ 3ÿ f ÿ ™ÿ Ì ÿ ÿ ÿ+ ÿ+3ÿ+fÿ+™ÿ +Ì ÿ +ÿ ÿ U ÿU3ÿUfÿU™ÿ U Ì ÿ U ÿ ÿ€ ÿ€3ÿ€f ÿ€™ÿ€Ì ÿ€ÿ ÿª ÿª3ÿªfÿª™ÿ ªÌ ÿ ª ÿ ÿ Õ ÿÕ3ÿÕfÿÕ™ÿ Õ Ì ÿ Õ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ3ÿÿfÿÿ™ÿ ÿ Ì ÿ ÿ ÿ !ù ü , à 0 ÿ ¡ H° Á ƒ *\È°¡Ã‡ #J œ H±¢Å‹ 3jÜȱ£G ƒ B Š m Ÿ É “(Sª\É Ò¤²–0c¶|)³¦Lš6s®Ä©³§KŸ@÷ñ j s (Ñ š F Â Lª”% Ó¦*Ÿ B E ©l¤U © S f‰5kש_¡†m:ViY³[—¦¹ÖiەЬŽ,ù6%ݺ(ïâݧ o ß ºß n; ˜ð Þ“…Ó& Þº Ø«\‘g‰F–|X ë á É@1ûÔÜ“sçÊBA{Î9ÚfÜÇ OU½ 4릯•Æ>:›hmÛ®sW¾ 5€Ò HA‡® ü ¦è ã Ä… çŠü²kß¼}F—®ûðt×sf7-|{Mï2ÁÇÿ ¿Ô÷rµÍ÷žg›¼½óôx×»u¿÷ôcò-ñç¯^Ÿ ¿_ÿ ÿ í  `Ï¡&ß N Ê Á W ׁQ) ø ƒ Ò Ÿ ƒ„A7  f h Ý…k é Ç’‡*h ‡ i U e …mA H Š%²¸•Š +J¸ ‹YÙ'—ˆy u G "c ;Ö Ø£ ö d |æ Ñ è•‘b!I–’KÊø “´A 2SR©Œ•X V© å•[f É%•S v )æ—^–¹e˜a’9¦™j¶™æ š p¶É æ› r Æ É¦—t Þ i g œ y î Y ç Ÿ} þ©' ` j (Ÿ V ú y¨›‰
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Remark: this DOMAIN developer's root directory (Coordinate-GUI \ Speed table for (KB per s, MB per s)), and IT may be worth more than trillions of US Dollar;

Also see: f Character, e.g. file; Time, e.g. timeline; Remark: this DOMAIN developer never (break-in, hack) any system and this DOMAIN developer R&D "unbreakable" system (the most (durable, healthy, reliable) system) in our earth, because this DOMAIN developer believe in Zen Buddhism, e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers and river, ... and IT may be worth more than trillions of US Dollar;

regarding copyrights, intellectual properties, OEM trademarks, policies of civilizations, security of IT, ... I've never shared one of my root directories (i.e. Coordinate-GUI) because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think ... ; Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence ( , , ) to prove Anti-Earthquake Algorithm e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... i.e. HOW dimensional, directional, numerological, logical, structural, ... ; Remark: this webpage is compiled by 0:01@1,000Kpbs, Display Resolution 1234 x 567, Custom;
