; ; ; Updated in 2564 : on 2020 : 9 : 8 : Physics Law 90 ;

(law 90) : 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index ... ;

regarding Lo Shu,
6 surfaced DEE Box, with 6 diff colors;
23 = 108 - 85;
85x85, e.g. LoShu Magic Square;
85x85, e.g. Magic Square;
108 = ((3,3,3,3), (10,7,10)), also see: 108 configuration;
108 = (36, 36, 36);
each ZCS with its own color code;
each ZCS (108x108) then with 3 * (36x36 dimensional) ;

LoShu Magic Square, and Magic Square are (85 x 85 px) dimensional if you open and count those pixels on X axis and Y axis; Also see: Network Topology;

regarding Sudoku,
9x9 Sudoku e.g.
9x9 dimensional;
12 = 108 / 9;
12 = 108 - (9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9); Remark: local (10) - 1;
27 = 108 - 81;
81 = (3,3,3,3); Remark: multiplexing 3, (4 times);
each ZCS with its own color code;
each ZCS (108x108) then with 9 * (12x12 dimensional) ;
Sudoku 's (center point, core) prompts (4 to its down);
Sudoku 's (center point, core) prompts (4 to its left);
Sudoku 's (center point, core) prompts (4 to its right);
Sudoku 's (center point, core) prompts (4 to its up);
either 9x9 dimensional, or 12x12 dimensional, so 2 is very very unique in many ways;

this time, I'll NOT write a program, because getting 55+ years old;
this time, you'll write a program HOW ... ; Remark: don't be crazy;
this time, you'll write a program HOW ... ; Remark: be relax and healthy;

I wrote: I've a quiz i.e. in numerological 9, WHICH algorithm would you like to be using?

Well trained kids! replied: Sudoku sir;

I wrote: I've a quiz i.e. in numerological 6, WHICH algorithm would you like to be using?

Well trained kids! replied: Lo Shu sir;

Well trained kids! replied: may we know WHAT is your law sir?

I wrote: you should write your own laws e.g. regarding ZCS,

in 6 surfaced DEE Box, 6 surfaces exist, And Then,
each ZCS can be with its own (entities, items, parts), And Then,
Lo Shu, and Sudoku can be classified into e.g.
each ZCS can be with 3 * 3, total of 9 (entities, items, parts) i.e. Lo Shu;
each ZCS can be with 9 * 9, total of 81 (entities, items, parts) i.e. Sudoku;
since 6 surfaces are at 1 (location, place, space), also see: Idea Processor,
ware ware We've a new law i.e. 2 is very very unique in many ways,
e.g. either Lo Shu way, or Sudoku way can define 6 surfaced DEE Box;

using (9 x 9px) IFF Sudoku way;

using (36 x 36px) IFF Lo Shu way;

Well trained kids! replied: ware ware We've learnt ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) sir,
i.e. base on very very unique 2, And Then, (5,6,7) as variations, and we'll be using
(2*6) for our 6 surfaced DEE Box's dimensional and directional;

I wrote: mochiron, well trained kids! are very very smart ones already ... ; goody good;
do good (kharma a.k.a. khamma) Action, good results will ... ;

I wrote: I'm wondering how many years do you like to have for programming this law ?

Well trained kids! replied: approx. 5+ years sir,

because we've to study (dice, cube), And Then,
we've to study 9x9, doko WHERE each one (9 x, 9 y), And Then,
"array" of those (9 x, 9 y), i.e. for X axis, And Then, for Y axis, we need to use "case" of
9 layers, And Then, we need to assign either number or color to each, and very very
complicated already ... , regarding Sudoku ... ;

because we've to study (dice, cube), And Then,
we've to study 36x36, doko WHERE each one (36 x, 36 y), And Then,
"array" of those (36 x, 36 y), i.e. for X axis, And Then, for Y axis, we need to use "case" of
3 layers, And Then, we need to assign either number or color to each, and very very
complicated already ... , regarding Lo Shu ... ;

I wrote: create your own algorithm, after realizing & understanding above explanation; don't forget THAT 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g. (circle ones, square ones) ... ;

I've a gift i.e. as usual easy to understand and simple picture ... ;


- 6 ZCS (Zero Curvature Surfaces) are at their peaceful & tranquil 90 degree, And Then, forming HOW (induction logic), also see: Idea Processor ... ;

- if 1 ZCS is (Aqua, Cyan) And Then, kuru kuru WHILE ({E3,12,21}, Maroon, Red) to be applying on to the defined (Aqua, Cyan) ZCS, to (achieve, get, have, prompt) 1 "L" shape (Aqua, Cyan), And Then, you'll have 1 ({E3,12,21}, Maroon, Red) gravity spot on a wall (90 degree, other surface of the DEE Box);

- to have 2 aqua gravity spots on the same line, you've to have silver arc, at the same environment, aqua as line also;

- to have 2 green gravity spots on your left-and-right, you've to have red eating by white, at the same environment, 2 aqua are parallel each other;

- to have energetic batteries, you've to fetch green ZCS toward the battery's cells;

crazy, weird enough ?

Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, And Then, realize & understand NOT crazy at all, NOT weird at all, and truly naturally ... ; Remember: all human beings livable moons in our universes are owned by Shakya King (Remark: Shakya a.k.a. Swastika);

Also see: a Computer, Manmade Global Weather, HOW applied logics, ... ; because of 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index can control NOT ONLY Manmade Global Weather BUT ALSO Gene Therapy System in therapeutic ways, ... ; so, you must be fluent in ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) if you like to design, develop, engineer, and model your own systems ... ; And Then, the highest level of knowledge e.g. nowadays' yellowish variations and its reversed yellowish variations, for each human beings livable moon to be realized & understood ... ;

        Blue Gravity ;      
        Gray Gravity ;      
        Green Gravity ;      
        Indigo Gravity ;      
        Maroon Gravity ;      
        Orange Gravity ;      
        Purple Gravity ;      
        Red Gravity ;      
        Yellow Gravity ;      

DEE Box vs. DEE Donut, also see: Physics Law 181 ... ;

jinko chino DEE Box;, also see: Physics Law 86 ... ;

