Specialties PD, Pediatrics; Last updated on 2018/2562 4 29, a full moon day;

Absence Seizure;


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity;


Cardiorespiratory Arrest;




Disorder; Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym;


Gastro-oesophageal Reflux;

Infantile Colic;

Migraine Headache;

MMR vaccine, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine [Clinical Evidence Concise; BMJ; 2005];

Neonatal Jaundice;

Nocturnal Enuresis;


Otitis Media [Acute];

Pediatric drug: 10% Ca2 chloride; adenosine; amiodarone; atropine sulfate; dobutamine; dopamine; epinephrine; glucose; lidocaine; magnesium sulfate; naloxone; prostaglandin E1, sodium bicarbonate, ... ;

Pediatric Glasgow coma test: Child OR Infant;

            For Child, if eye opening response, and then (no response OR pain only OR speech OR spontaneous); For Child, if robotic response, and then (commands obey OR  pain extensive/flexion/localized/withdrawn/... OR no response);   For Child, if verbal response, and then (appropriate oriented OR confuse OR inappropriate words OR no meaning but noise/sounds OR  no response);     For Infant, if eye opening response, and then (no response OR pain only OR speech OR spontaneous);  

            For Infant, if robotic response, and then (no response OR pain abnormal extensive posture/abnormal flexion posture/withdrawn/... OR purposefully movement OR spontaneously movement OR touch but no response);   For Infant, if verbal response, and then (coos/babble OR cry because of moan OR cry because of pain OR cry irritable OR no response);

Pediatric resuscitation device;

Pediatric system analysis: Cardiovascular AND Excretory AND General AND Integumentary AND Neurology AND Respiratory;

            If cardiovascular, and then acidosis (mild OR moderate OR severe);   If cardiovascular, and then sBP (mm Hg <50, <70, >70);   If cardiovascular, and then pulse (absent peripheral OR strong central OR thready central OR thready peripheral OR weak);   If cardiovascular, and then tachycardia (mild OR moderate OR severe);

            If excretory, and then Anuria;   If excretory, and then oliguria (marked UP blood urea nitrogen OR mild UP gravity);

            If general system, and then blood volume loss (<30%, <45%, >45%);   If general, and then hemorrhage (mild OR moderate OR severe);   If general, and then hypovolemia (marked OR profound OR simple);   If general, and then shock (compensated OR decompensated OR cardiopulmonary);

            If integumentary, and then capillary refilling per second (delayed OR poor OR prolong);   If integumentary, and then extremities (cool mottling OR cool pallor OR cool cyanosis);

            If neurology, and then condition (agitated OR comatose OR confuse OR irritable OR lethargic OR obtunded);

            If respiratory, and then tachypnea (mild OR moderate OR severe);

Pediatric trauma: Airway (normal OR maintained OR unmaintained);   Central nervous system (awake OR coma/decerebrate OR obtunded);   Open wound (major/penetrating OR minor OR none);   Skeletal trauma (closed fracture OR none OR (open AND multiple fractures));   Weight (kg <10, kg <20, kg >20);   Systolic BP (mm Hg <50, <90, >90);

Perinatal Asphyxia;

regarding 2 weeks old infant's pacifier vs. breastfeeding info, also see: 2061 2018 CME (Q&A) no. 217;

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome;

Tetanus; FP; ID;

Urinary Tract Infection;

*Vaccine: aP, DT, HBV, Hib, Influenza, MMR, Pneumococcus, Poliomyelitis, Td, ... [Pg. 785; Harrison's 15th Edition; 2001];

Wheezing disorder;

Gene Therapy System;
