; ; ; ; New Year Day of the year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2022 : April : 17 (Sunday) : Updated : Artificial Intelligence Numerical Expression & Usage ( A I N E U) ... ;

(1st, 2nd, 3rd) i.e. prize; ranking;

e.g. 1st prize, a.k.a. gold prize;
e.g. 2nd prize, a.k.a. silver prize;
e.g. 3rd prize, a.k.a. bronze prize;

2 ^ number, i.e. based 2; also see: Multiplier; calculator based; floating points;

2 is very very unique in many ways ... ; Also see: Keyword, And Then, realize & understand ... ;

2nd sign; the second mentioned; Radical5, also see: Radicals; fundamental; principle;

((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) dimensional, and this DOMAIN reserves (2*6), and (2*7) for you;

2; 3;

((3,3,3,3) multiplexer group, with (10,7,10) adder group) a.k.a. 108 configuration's 2 groups;

4, also see: 4_Planets_Prediction; ancient prediction;

(2*5) 10 dimensional system e.g. 10 columned tables, 10 directories with 10 icons, ((left 5) + (right 5)), ... , all rights & copy rights reserved by this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw;

(10, 20, 30) a.k.a. (up Jun, mid Jun, down Jun); 4 phase lunar calendar;

(45, 60, 72) i.e. wormhole parameters; (motor way (a.k.a. static way), wormhole way);

((89, 52), 28) Idea Processor, Buddha's Abhidhamma (a.k.a. Abhidharma) based;

(±98) i.e. SQRT2 design model's engineering notations e.g. 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ;

103 moral codes, also see: Rakhine, ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar; a tradition;

108, also see: 108 configuration; ancient documentation;

(5, 6, 7) i.e. 2 is very very unique in many ways (based on 2, variations);

(6, and 9) e.g.

IFF numerological dimension ( 6) also see: Lo Shu; any direction; 3 layers; China's invention;
IFF numerological dimension ( 9) also see: 9x9 a.k.a. Sudoku game; directions; 2D (i.e. X, Y); Nippon's invention;
IFF Brunching Factor (e.g. BF2) in 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space, also see: C Sequence Number ( DEE) ; a ("Tarzan") 's invention;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. if you design & model (6, and 9) dimensional mapping (numerological), WHAT would be the another wording?

well trained kids!! replied: (Core, Edge) sir, also see: Physics Law 234;

(1234 x 567) Default Custom, i.e. this DOMAIN 's content development ZCS screen resolution set;

( (ACT1), (ACT2), (ACT3) ); a.k.a. imaginary hyper space design model levels;

ACT1, our earth based design model ... ;
ACT2, 2,3 dimensional design model ... ; human beings livable moons based design model;
ACT3, 3,4 dimensional design model ... ; BLI, DEE Wall, origin of sound, water, ... ;

Also see: PHYSICS;

numbers in Dharma, also see: Numbers in Dhamma; religious numbers;

ordinals, e.g. 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th, ... ; anniversary; establishment in years;

0, 00, 000, 0000, 00000, ... , also see: Numerological0;